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Ludicrous Sunday opening hours


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This morning I decided to go to M & S and Boots. I checked the opening times - 10.30 to 4.30 for both. My local Tesco opens at 10.00 on Sundays and gives free parking if you spend 5 pounds or more. So to avoid the town centre car park - all tight corners and narrow ramps - I went to Tesco for the Sunday papers and then walked to M & S. chose my much-needed slippers and went to the pay desk at 10.40 am only to be informed that I couldn't actually pay for them until 11 am.


The kind assistant offered to keep the slippers aside for me while I went to Boots. Luckily no weird opening/paying times in operation there. Returned to M & S at 10.55 to find a sizeable queue at the checkout. When it was my turn the slippers had vanished. Some tidy-minded soul had put them in the returns bin.


I did actually manage to buy the slippers but have made a mental note to avoid Sunday shopping in future.

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I seem to recall that when the Sunday Shopping law was introduced there was a clear ban on 'buying' before 11am - a nod in the direction of those who had opposed the change on traditional Sunday Observance grounds.  'Browsing' for a period beforehand was OK and, to my knowledge, is still in force in many places.  Perhaps your local Boots is unclear re what's what?


And, shod as I am in M&S slippers right now, I trust that yours are equally comfy!

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I thought the Sunday trading laws were for 6 hours (rather than not before 11).


Our local supermarkets are 10-4 and I think you can go in to browse at 930 but not pay before 10.


When I worked in Bath Waitrose opened at 11 and there was always a queue to get in!

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Unbelievably it comes down to floor space, that's why the Tesco Locals, Little Waitrose's etc. don't abide by the Sunday rules.  I'm lucky that my nearest supermarket is smallish and escapes the Sunday rules. 

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I thought the Sunday trading laws were for 6 hours (rather than not before 11).

They are. The "half-hour browsing" is the shops' way of getting around them by opening for 6 1/2 hours - provided they aren't selling - and I thought most of them only had them at Christmas and other busy periods, but I never shop on Sundays so I can't be sure. And when the Sunday trading laws came in special dispensation was given to smaller stores of below a certain size in order to protect local traders. Now the big stores are wanting to get rid of that, which would probably mean the death knell for even more small local traders.

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near us we have 10-4 in some shops, 10:30- 4:30 in others and 11-5 in others. no chance of keeping track of who does what and a surprising number don't have their opening hours up on the window either so I always aim for between 11 and 4.

It used to be the same around us but they all seem to have settled on 10-4 now.

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It's still the mixed opening hours here in Brighton area.


Brighton Centre shopping itself is 11-5 on Sundays

But some slightly out of town supermarkets or shops in for example Lewes may variously be either 10- 4pm or 10.30 to 4.30 pm


Even on the big Holmbush Centre just outside Shoreham the Tesco is 10-4 and right next to it the Marks is 10.30 to 4.30!

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