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... rivalled only by Yodel for the title of least effective courier service.  My parcel has been "out for delivery" since 5.35 am on Thursday.  I presume the van is taking the scenic route to make the 9.5 miles from the depot in Hayes.  My cunning plan to get round this non-delivery was to reorder and opt for "click and collect" and then return whichever arrived last.  But the items I ordered are now out of stock and there is an ominous absence of any reference to email alerts for new stock.  Thanks, Hermes, for making me sit in the house for two whole days, with the prospect of another two or more to come.  And thanks John Lewis for changing delivery service to Hermes.  If I'd known Hermes were going to be the courier I wouldn't have opted for home delivery!

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Well, Janet, at least it was for you.  I had the indignity of answering the door late one evening to find a courier asking if I would take in a parcel for next door.  When I remonstrated, and pointed out that I had been waiting for a parcel myself he didn't understand me - very little English.  Just to make sure my neighbours knew I had a parcel for them (the man didn't understand when I asked if her was going to leave a card) I went round to leave them a note myself, only to be confronted by the man and his colleague driving back down the road with ... a parcel for me!  And it was Yodel.  Amazon Logistics just as bad - presumably that's now Yodel?

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Follow-up to Post No 1 above. Just got back from walking the dog to find my parcel on the doorstep. John Lewis rang me this morning to say they were going to chase up Hermes tomorrow and give me an update, so I've rung them to say it's not necessary and to say they've regained a few customer service brownie points to make up for the ones they lost on delivery service.

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Funny, I've never had any problems with Hermes (mind you, have never tried using them at this time of year), and I really appreciate the fact that the Parcel Shop for returns is less than 5 minutes' walk away.  Wonder if they've expanded too much, taking on various mail-order returns services and so on? 

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Wonder if this is yet another occurrence of companies quoting low to win a tender and then finding that they can't actually, well, deliver under those conditions (no pun intended)?  It happens so frequently these days, and you'd think the people putting out the tenders would have realised by now that you can't do things that cheaply without paying a price somewhere along the line.

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