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Preparing for College/Upper School Auditions


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Thanks for making it smaller Julie - sorry everyone it was so big!!!


But you can see why a Ballet Bun is 'interesting' & how changing her style is tricky!!


BTW her hair is 'up' in the photo


(spelling :()

Edited by Katymac
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She will get away with murder with that face!


Umm she does :rolleyes:


She is a poppet at the Halls on Saturday all the FT students were giving her 'tips' to help with auditions (mainly walk in like you own the place!) and they felt sure she would be with them 'at proper college' next year - the funniest thing was none of them had seen her dance, they said they were judging purely on the way she looked & stood!! :unsure:


Thanks everyone

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Thanks everyone - but it does make my concerns about tricky hair more understandable (I hope)


She did a complete run through in front of half her class & her dance teacher tonight......it did not go well!! :(


Forgotten words (both songs & monologues) stopping for a mistake, laughing mid song.......oh dear; apparently singing in front of people you don't know is easier!

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Minor emergency - 3 teachers (2 singing, 1 dance) have said her audition song is not good enough!!


Leading to lots of singing to find a better one :rolleyes::wacko::o


Fortunately one of her alternatives is much, much better & she prefers it.....just the other song is her current 'favourite', a year ago this would have been a major trauma but now it was just a discussion about 'how much better is this song' & 'which would you rather listen to' & 'it's obviously better and easier to sing'


My baby is growing up!!!

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Yes - it just isn't strong enough; we don't know if it's the key or the song itself but it just isn't working.


Back to an old favourite that she sings well (& much better than ever before) plus an Andrew Lloyd Webber (which isn't always a popular choice) but she does sing it nicely




Edited to add


Not sure it's not suitable - rather it's just not her best!

Edited by Katymac
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It's OK I've been saying it straight out.......but I'm only 'the mother'


I think it's too performancy & needs a full stage! (you know; people, music, sets, costumes, etc)



The other big problem we have is the level of movement - her last singing teacher was the hands down by her sides and stand there, this one wants more movement - DD wants to full on dance.........

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