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RBS Students given RB contracts - October 2013

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Good news indeed for these two youngsters, and many congratulations to both - and interesting that Kevin O'Hare feels the need to bolster his Corps so relatively early in this season.


And hearty congratulations also to Mr & Mrs Clarke up in Airdrie on the graduation from the RBS of their fourth and youngest son.  That must be some kind of record?

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I applaud Mr. O'Hare's commitment to building from the bottom up .... He showed his commitment to that in his first round of hirings ... and again here.  It should, I think, (indeed I hope) relieve some the anxiety/concern that certain members hereabouts hold vis a vis the bringing in of guests of international stature.   Once Carlos stops dancing I really do believe the RB should hold those funds (e.g., those set aside originally for Guillem in a 'Resident Guest Principal' in reserve for guests ONLY and not over-step that boundary .... allowing the main resources to build the then resident base as by right they should do.  

Edited by Meunier
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Here is the press release:




Reece Clarke and Gina Storm-Jensen, both pupils of The Royal Ballet School, will be joining The Royal Ballet as Artists on Monday 28 October.


Reece Clarke, from Airdrie in Scotland, is one of four brothers who have all studied dance at The Royal Ballet School. Last year, he competed against 82 other dancers to win the Young British Dancer of the Year in 2012.


Gina Storm-Jensen, from Norway, initially studied with the Norwegian National Ballet School in Oslo. She was a finalist in the Prix de Lausanne 2011, before going on to study with The Royal Ballet School.


Kevin O’Hare, Director of The Royal Ballet said:

‘I am delighted to welcome Reece and Gina to The Royal Ballet. Over the past year we have taken seven students from The Royal Ballet School into the Company and this is testament to the close relationship between the company and school. We look forward to watching them develop in their careers as professional dancers over the forthcoming seasons.’


Earlier this Season, Annette Buvoli and David Donnelly from The Royal Ballet School joined the company as Artists.

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While I am delighted that these youngsters have been given the chance, I always find it a little bit sad that so many of these "pupils of the Royal Ballet School" actually came into the Upper  school via the Prix or other competitions, rather than White Lodge. 

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Well, that is good news, if the majority of girls and boys joining the company are coming up through White Lodge.  That is exactly as it should be.  I only saw the bit about Gina Storm-Jensen, who joined RB in the Upper School, and wasn't Annette Buvoli an Upper School entrant as well, or have I got her muddled up with someone else?


Also, what is the percentage split between males and females, as far as rising up via White Lodge is concerned? 

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This is a very interesting topic when one starts looking at the figures.

Current Royal Ballet dancers who have trained all the way through White Lodge and the Upper School are still in a minority. 


Over the past 5-6 years, I can only think of James Hay, Claire Calvert, Ruth Bailey, Yasmine Naghdi, Francesca Hayward, Anna Rose O'Sullivan, and now Reece Clark. They are all former Junior Associates too. That's 7 in total (5 females and two males). Two of them are Soloists, two are First Artists and three are Artists. 


Count the dancers who joined the Company (over the same period) who only trained at RBS Upper School, add the ones who joined the RB having trained in USA, Japan,... well, they are in a majority.


This finally seems to change a bit since Mr O'Hare has become AD. It must be so encouraging for all those youngsters starting their training at WL.


& let's not forget the WL/Upper School trained dancers who joined the BRB! 

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Fair enough, but the RB and BRB couldn't possibly take on all of the School's graduates each year and I imagine that those graduates who would prefer to stay in the UK are very pleased to get contracts with these other companies. I'm going over old ground here, and it looks as if things may be changing, but the issue for me is how far these RBS graduates progress. I don't want to mention names here but some graduates (who are, presumably, the best students in the UK in their year) seem to disappear without trace whilst dancers are brought in at all levels from other companies.

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When did Solomon Golding join the RB? I noticed him on stage for the first time this season and he is on the website as an Artist but  I haven't seen him on any 'joiners' list.


Also, Matthew Ball was offered a contract in the Spring but it was said, I believe, that he wasn't able to take up his place initially because of injury and the need for an operation.. Does anyone know how he is and whether he will eventually join the RB? I do hope he is OK and that his contract will be confirmed.

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Many RBS graduates are snapped up by companies abroad, as indeed are many students from British vocational schools.


And as pointed out on other threads some choose to go abroad, especially if they ve been offered soloist work straight away. I wonder if people in say Stuttgart are upset that some of their top dancers are not German?


And after being abroad some ex White Lodgers do come back to RB such as Zuchettii and Golding, others continue to flourish in companies better suited to their talents. It is testament to British training in general that the best graduates are still in demand everywhere.


Anyway this is veering off topic, so once again congratulations to the young graduates who are the topic of this thread and indeed any others successful in finding work in this day and age!

Edited by hfbrew
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Oops got Zuchetti mixed up with someone else- sorry. Thought Id better own up to my mistake!


Last I heard of Matthew Ball was he had to have an operation.


I believe Solomon joined in the summer. He was once a JA too.


Just been recalling statistics from the original yr7 WLs that my ds was in. 22 had been JAs. 12 of these are now in professional Ballet companies. And these are just the ones

I know about!

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Many RBS graduates are snapped up by companies abroad, as indeed are many students from British vocational schools.


And as pointed out on other threads some choose to go abroad, especially if they ve been offered soloist work straight away. I wonder if people in say Stuttgart are upset that some of their top dancers are not German?


And after being abroad some ex White Lodgers do come back to RB such as Zuchettii and Golding, others continue to flourish in companies better suited to their talents. It is testament to British training in general that the best graduates are still in demand everywhere.


Anyway this is veering off topic, so once again congratulations to the young graduates who are the topic of this thread and indeed any others successful in finding work in this day and age!


Mr Valentino  Zuchetti did not train at White Lodge, he went to the La Scala Ballet School until the age of 16, and later joined the RBS Upper School .

Mr Matthew Golding trained at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School and joined RBS Upper School at the age of 16.

Edited by Nina G.
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I remember Solomon as the Orange Boy in Cinderella, as I'm sure you do HFB, with our boys as pages. The photos from those JA performances are interesting as most are now dancing professionally.

You are right Julie the associates from that time have done very well even if they didnt all go to or complete WL.

Just goes to show how successful the associate scheme is in spotting future dancers!

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I was invited to attend those performances by the parents of a JA boy (who was a Page) and I remember Solomon as the "Orange Boy".


Talking about the JA scheme spotting future professional dancers.

I vaguely seem to remember another successful JA: wasn't Yasmine Naghdi ( now First Artist with the RB) a "Spring Page" that same year? 

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When Solomon Golding graduated in 2012 he was listed as going to Hong Kong Ballet but has returned to join the RB at the start of the current 2013/14 season. He does not seem to have been listed as joining the company in any of the ROH news releases although he appears in the list of company artist.

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I was talking to Reece Clarke's dad Sunday at White Lodge.

He has been going their for years now he will find it strange not being on the PTA.

He also said when living in Scotland his first two sons started at Ballet West. Their fault all this ballet!

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Maybe it is a temporary /short term contract?


Indeed he has not been listed as joining the RB on ROH website.

If my memory is correct ROH updates their programme 4 times a year.

When there is a change, it will take sometime for us to see it.

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I noticed that Mica Bradbury's name appeared in the cast for Rite of Spring last Saturday. I know that she is/was a student at the RB Upper School and a finalist in last years YBDY competition. Does this mean that she has been given a company contract or is still a student?

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