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Simply Adult Ballet: the progress of one adult dancer who took up ballet later in life


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As I have said to you privately LinMM I am sorry that your foot is no better and I hope that that will change soon. In the meantime you and I have the Dutch Junior Company to look forward to and I am sure they will cheer us all up.


Another thing that has cheered me and no doubt Michelle_Richer is an email from our instructor abut the end of term show in which we are both participating. She has sent us up to date choreography notes which I am trying to commit to memory while at the same time driving everybody but myself mad by replaying the score. It is a lovely piece called the Return of Maxim  (Waltz for Flute, Clarinet and Piano 1937 Op 45) by Shostakovich and I have spent a lot of time on Google looking up the musicology. Apparently it was part of a soundtrack of a film by the same name and I think this is the original movie.


As I surmised in my previous post on the subject I don't think any decision has been taken on title, costumes, lighting or other matters. The instructor has thanked us for our suggestions and has asked us to keep them coming.


I just can't contain my excitement. When I met Janet McNulty at The Atkinson on Thursday I invited her to review our show as my guest blogger. She has not yet said no,

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Lin, that must be so frustrating, hope you're healed up and dancing again soon. I've not come across Gyrotonic before, it sounds interesting.


Terpsichore, that piece is fantastic! As a flute player, I think I might need to seek out the sheet music and grab a couple of friends to try playing it... No wonder you're looking forward to dancing to it :)

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Well it's a bit vague but some form of tendonitis brought on by overuse.


It appears that the main tendon/ligament involved is the one that attaches to the muscle that follows the bone down the leg on the inner ankle side it then goes around the inner ankle below the ankle bone and eventually attaches under the foot somewhere not far below the big toe.

For example when I stand up in the morning the most painful thing is just simply to lift my toes off the floor .......doing this really pulls just by the ankle bone.

Putting the foot forward and backwards is fine and painless but circling the foot is painful.

It is slightly less generally stiff first thing in the morning now but I limp more then as I avoid any weight going down towards that inner ankle. However once it's warmed up it does get easier and I make myself walk normally as soon as possible.

If I sit down for more than an hour it will stiffen up or rather be more painful around that ankle right on the bone really.

However if I overdo it as in a ballet class then it is more painful not so much while in the class ......well unless I attempt any jumping ......but the next day.


Sorry if this is too much information but it's annoying as sometimes at the end of the day I think it's getting better but the next morning reminds me it's still inflamed or whatever and it's back to square one as it were.

The physio thinks rest will help recovery just at the moment.

Ive been panicking a bit because it's now four months since the injury and I thought it would be better by now but the Physio said true recovery will have started from when I started to rest it!! So more four months from April!!

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So sorry to hear that. You are most definitely wise to rest this and allow it to heal frustrating as this can be. Have you thought about shoes that you wear on day to day basis as these might be important to ensure you are getting good support. If you are still needing taping there is a special tape which sticks to itself rather than your foot which can make it less painful than prolonged strapping and un strapping.


Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Thankyou Balleteacher


I do promise however not to keep droning on about it for now!!


I hope to next post about my foot when I am on the verge at least of jumping for joy again!!


Guess will just have to get down to the nitty gritty of those Pilates exercises for now. ;)

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Hi Lin

Best not jump too high then, you know what happened with all the little jumps in Cygnets.

We missed you on Saturday at Sadlers, that equalled Cygnets for being hard on the feet, I think everyone felt it was the most challenging rep workshop yet especially with the fast tempo of the music.


I wonder if you will be ready for the 19th July when City are Doing Swan Lake again, I think Rejane will move away from Act 2 as we must have done 5 or 6 sessions on Act 2. Unfortunately I won’t be able to go as it’s the last day of LABs first Summer Intensive. Tom is pulling our performance forward by half an hour so we can make Chelsea Ballet’s show at Lantern’s and give them a bit of support. 


I hope you continue with LAB even if it’s just helping out while your injuries recover, I’m sure there will be lots for you to do on show day, even if you’re not able to perform, after all you are still one of the company.


I do hope you have a speedy recovery and are dancing with us all again soon.

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What was supposed to have been a ballet free week due to term breaks wasn’t quite. ENB were still running, today has been quite a pleasant day as the only classes I had were my two ENB classes, however ENB were running a free BalletFit taster class at the Westfield Centre at Shepherds Bush. My first thoughts was that this would have been held at a dance studio or fitness centre, wrong, it was held in the centre of the main shopping complex for all to see, sadly there were only 3 plus one of my old ENB teachers who joined us as well, it was great fun, needless to say my instructor gave me lots of corrections in turnout and pointing my feet as we were doing developpe laid on our backs and arabesques doggie style on our exercise mats.


At ENB we worked hard again I notice those girls like myself that do both classes has sweat pouring off them, my leo was soaking wet after the class, it needs to go back in the wash even though it was clean on this morning. I thought at first it was partly down to a very warm evening but it was quite cold outside and raining. Certainly my feet felt considerably better this week without the 2 Leeds classes and my private Rep class as they do take their toll on my body.

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Sounds fun exercising in the shopping centre Michelle! Hopefully someone will have seen it and been inspired to give it a go :)


I enjoyed being able to stay for all three of our classes last night - sadly our last Tuesday ones with Fiona - I feel like we'd just settled in to her way of working and were starting to really benefit from it (I can certainly feel it in my legs this morning!) It will be quite strange changing to yet another teacher next week, but it's interesting seeing all the different approaches to teaching, and I'm sure it's really beneficial getting input from different people. Fiona has said we're welcome to come along to the Monday (intermediate) class that she's teaching at Hype too, so I may give that a go. Funnily enough, I had been looking around at other classes locally as once a week doesn't seem quite enough any more. Have discovered that it's possible to do an adult class of some sort every weekday locally at various places, although I think that would be overambitious for me at the moment with the amount of work/ other activities I've got going on. Investigating how many of them run over the summer though, as that's when everything else is quieter for me.


I've spotted a ballet workshop here next weekend - http://www.aimtodanceandcreate.co.uk/timetable/timetable_workshops.htm - have asked for more details about the level expected as I'm not sure if I might be a bit out of my depth.

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Why don't you just try it, its only two hours in duration, especially as Fiona is comfortable with you starting with intermediate level, in any case I usually find it take a week or two to get used to each teachers style. I regard it as a running in period, it also allows them to get used to me, especially when I query their technique (usually in a nice way) or use of terms. That's a legacy from one of my old ballet teachers, she was a stickler for detail.

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Back to some serious ballet this week after the half term break, only to find tonight that the refectory at the University of Lincoln where we hold our ballet classes was closed, apparently whilst their full time students are off (until September), they close at 5pm rather than 8pm which I am used too. That was going to be my main proper meal of the day. I did get something on the way home.

Back to Leeds tomorrow and then on to London as usual, only one month left to go now until Northern Ballets Annual Showcase.


Although last week wasn’t quite a ballet free week, I still had ENB, but I also went to one of my old classes at Sleaford, that was really to nice to catch up with the teacher and the girls.


July and August look like being particularly tough months with Performances and Intensives, but as they say a change is as good as rest, In September I should be starting a Ballet Performance course ending with two public performance at Sadler’s Wells on 6th December. I’m just hoping that date does not class with my Lincoln performance which has not been committed yet, but is likely to be around that date.

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First two quite interesting things happened today, My physio who I haven’t seen for several months called me to check on my heel injury progress, which I thought was really nice. Secondly this may sound silly but my postman called at the Village Hall that I use for ballet practice on my own to deliver a parcel, and ask me to sign for it. My first thoughts were I couldn’t, I’m in no way responsible or associated with the hall, then he said “No its for you, I see your car outside”, I thought that was really thoughtful of him going that extra mile to do this, and so I thank him.


Tuesday: Success as last, our Northern Ballet rehearsal was videoed by one of the girls who is unable to perform on the day. Copies have only been distributed to those participants that have requested it. Some discussion on costumes took place; it now looks like black leo/tops with coloured scarf’ forming large sash looking skirt. Met and partnered Terpsichore for part of our show routine again.


Rehearsal at Angles Theatre had a bit more tidying up this week, plus we have now started on the end of show finale. Some discussion this week on stage makeup, which was interesting as with our LAB GALA we have been given general guidelines by the means of the following video.




Her website is full of useful make-up and general ballet info, so follow the link:



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The trouble is these days I don't appear to have an eye lid any more!!

It's very difficult to use an eyeliner one eye shadow now!!


I haven't used ordinary make up for over twenty years now......apart from lipstick so this will all be a bit of a challenge!!! ;)

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I am dreading not being able to wear make up any more. I didn't wear it very often as my husband said I didn't need it. I took that to mean that he didn't like me wearing it. When I finally came out of crippling depression, I found I felt much better for wearing it and I'm an addict now. I'm thoroughly hooked. ;)

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Lin, when my youngest DD needed stage make up for the first time I was at a bit of a loss as her colouring and features are so different to mine and on recommendation we went to Boots to see their makeup lady (on their own brand range) and we explained the situation.  She made up DDs face in the store - showing 2 different looks and showed DD the best way to apply her makeup etc.  The demonstration was free - we just bought some foundation and bronzer but it boosted both her and my confidence.

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Yes that sounds good!


However as an oldie a bit embarrassing admitting one is out of practice with makeup !!


Perhaps it will all come back to me!! :(


But the other month I bought some eyelash stuff from the Body shop .....something again haven't worn for years and that's when I found out about the disappearing lids!!

Even trying to put this on was a bit of a nightmare as it kept getting up on my eyebrow so had to keep starting again so had to pull the eye around a bit in the end to put on.

Consequently I haven't worn since of course so,the thought of eyeliner doesn't exactly fill me with joy!!

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I don't think you need feel embarrassed Lin - I am sure if you say you will be appearing on the stage and don't normally wear much make up, you will find they are interested in what you are doing and happy to help. And as Janet says, many make up counters will do a partial make up on you as part of trying to sell you the product.

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Lin you will be fine, we are there to help each other. I don’t know about your group but ours are a pretty close knit group, most of us including Tom do socialise and go for a drink and a chat together after our weekly sessions.


I assume you got the same LAB guidelines which basically says “We will tone this look down a little as it's not a huge theatre, so fake lashes aren't required!, but foundation, bronzer to shade, 2 shades of brown eye shadow, mascara, red lipstick (fairly bright), blusher and fixing/translucent powder will be needed.”


I’m glad about the fake lashes as that’s one thing I can’t do these days with my eye site, even with glasses with the drop down lenses. Otherwise I need to sort out what makeup I need to buy and get practicing to create that look for the Gala Performance. I love the Kitri example on that site, especially as I’ve just taken delivery from Just Ballet of a Kitri Tutu, they should go together nicely for the first Summer Intensive, but I still don’t know what scenes we are doing on that one yet.

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Well Fiz if it was a choice between my partner seeing me dance or going to an Airshow .......especially if there was a chance of seeing the one remaining Vulcan bomber the Vulcan would win hands down every time!!!

My dad was stationed up at Leconsfield for quite a bit of the war which I think is still in Lincolnshire (rather than Yorkshire). One of the few things my partner and father had in common was a love of planes!!!

We usually go to the Eastbourne air show which is over the sea and free which is nice. He keeps hoping the Vulcan will turn up at Eastbourne but no such luck so far!


Regards the 5th Michelle.....it's not absolutely certain that I'll be taking part yet anyway!! I'm sure Tom would give me a part in the end just running across the stage and off again!! At the mo it may be just the finale of Sylphides. But to be frank it does look increasingly like I won't be doing it. There's no way I want to take part ....unless fully fit ....when people will be paying to see the show.

I see the local physio on Tuesday and will see what she thinks then ......hopefully back to the barre before the end of June!


So I could end up on makeup duty on the 5th.......or heaven forbid even hair duty......(maybe even I would rather see a Vulcan bomber after all!!) so at least I may end up an expert at putting on others makeup if not my own!


I had a good session with Franziska on Wednesday doing things standing on a sponge!! ......this makes the ankle wobble so has to work to keep correct position and therefore strengthens it. Also lots of exercises just for toes as my toes are not that lively apparently and if can wake up a bit of energy in them this all helps to come down and rise up through the foot properly when jumping.

The core exercises must have been successful because on Thursday I was definitely feeling my tummy a lot!!


Unfortunately I was also feeling my foot. It definitely decided I had worked it too hard on Wednesday and was reluctant to bend in the morning but feels okay again today. I can do the exercises a little less intensively at home anyway ......as I'm sure they were all good for it .....but just getting the balance right between pushing it just enough but not to stress it.....quite difficult at this point.

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Monday started off a bit rubbish as my Body Balance class had been cancelled, most girls had been contacted, however another girl turned up so at least we went to the cafeteria in the sports centre for a coffee together.


Lincoln class was good tonight in spite of there being only three of us this week, in barre sliding spits stretches I could still feel my old right leg injury but less intense, but what did surprise me tonight during our short pointe work session, I got no discomfort on my left knee and I wasn’t even wearing the tubular support which I usually do, that is a very encouraging good sign. The support remained off all evening.


After class I got a chance to talk to my teacher about our Christmas show as it’s likely to conflict with my performances at Sadlers with City Academy. However she did confirm that they will be doing both Friday and Saturday nights which gives me the opportunity to do at least the Friday night performance, with two at Sadlers on the Saturday. At least I know now where I’m going with my ENB classes for the autumn term (Sept – Dec) that will be move to Wednesdays; however I will still be doing levels 2 and 3 as at present. If Lincoln was not doable then it would have been ENB Mondays for Levels 3 and 4, but I will have to wait for January for that one.

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Always great to read all of your updates everyone! To reassure those worried about stage make up - you'll have more knowledge than me and I cope okay for performances :) There's always someone willing to help me out backstage before I poke my eye out... :P 


Am feeling a bit down myself, as Sunday was my last session with the youth ballet company I dance with and the last ballet class for at least a couple of months until I finish my thesis (and probably until I move out to the US). 


I've been so lucky to have had such amazing teachers and opportunities with the YBC (not least the chance to perform in two full-length ballets), so it was bittersweet taking class on Sunday, but it was great to finish on a real high with a great class. I've so many fantastic memories of times on and off-stage, and I'll not have a chance like this again in the future, so I'm just glad to have been part of it for the last two years! 


It's frustrating to know that I won't be taking class for a couple of months - it's always been my way of keeping sane when work is stressing me out. I guess releve balances in the office will have to suffice for now.... 

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Keep us updated when you start your new classes in the US, Dave. Am I right in thinking that you're going to San Francisco? You'll be able to see the fab SFB and Pacific North West Ballet as well, and I believe that there are some other companies in the Bay Area and in Southern California.

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Yes best of luck in your new venture in the States and with the thesis ......I'm sure you'll soon find a lovely new ballet class in San Francisco.......though knowing the West coast you might have to take your dog along to do ballet as well!!!

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I bet you will get some good classes in the US. I do hope that ballet can be an antidote to the stresses of thesis writing. Do set yourself an end date for thesis submission if you do not have one otherwise you are likely to inflict more pain than is truly needed. You will then require a detox period from writing and I believe ballet class can help with this process ????

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Thank you all for your kind and supportive messages! After a very long day in the office it has cheered me right up!


I definitely plan on still dancing and blogging once I make it across to San Francisco, as well as watching lots of SF Ballet, PNW Ballet, LA Ballet, San Jose Ballet... and more! :) 


BalletTeacher - Luckily I have a conference at the end of July (in Japan!) so I've a tentative submission deadline for before then, which should give me a bit of time to detox. I'll definitely try to take a couple of classes on my travels and once I'm back home and (hopefully) thesis-free... :) 

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Hi DavidW

Good luck with your move to the land of plenty.



What a week that was:

Tuesday was fraught with rushing around to meet schedules as this was my most time critical day. Northern added an extra 15minutes to the rehearsal which was manageable but we over ran by another 5 minutes and I only just made my train to London in time.
The train arrived at Kings Cross 7 minutes late, only leaving me 5 minutes lee way at Shoreditch Dance Studio for my private session. As it was there were some girls in the studio that also over ran and the proprietor had to hurry them up, again that had a knock on effect as we utilised all our time in the studio booking which in turn left me little time to get to ENB and get changed before class. All in all I made it to each class on time but I literally had to leg it between venues that was not a comfortable day of ballet.


Are you coming to see the LAB Summer Intensive performance at RBS on the 19th July. This is being pulled forward half an hour compared to the last one, as Louise Hudson has her Chelsea Ballet performance at Lanterns in Docklands. I will be going there after my LAB performance. Today I checked the journey time from Kings Cross to Lanterns before I went to LAB rehearsal at RAD HQ. On the day I will need to leave the bulk of my luggage at Kings Cross on the Saturday morning prior to going to RBS, which will leave me one and a half hours after the Chelsea Ballet show to get my luggage before left luggage closes for the night. The time today was three quarters of an hour. The only things I will be carrying to docklands will be the show tutu’s and a few other light weight bits. You are welcome to come along with me if you wish, but I won’t be hanging about.


LAB went really well tonight in spite of several absentees, I had people at the side and in front of me missing and at one point in snow flakes the lead person which leads my line off missing, gosh that concentrates the mind. But never the less we managed to cover all the show pieces, but of course we all got a few polishing corrections.


I’m back in London on Friday but that’s not for ballet this time.

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