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The Royal Ballet's Don Quixote, 2013

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Some interesting thoughts on DQ here.... nice to hear

I still haven't recovered from the fantastic onslaught that is 'Vasipova' in the Mikhailoksky's earlier this year, so I'm not going to the RB production this time.


A friend of mine went last night, and overall, she was positive. One thing that did disappoint her was the lack of the traditional red/black tutu for Act 3 PDD. She said she felt cheated! I must say, after seeing the photos here, I agree...maybe the costume designer was dodging tradition and going more 'wedding' than 'flamenco', but its such a showy PDD: I think it screams for the strong colour/contrasts.


Strange how you come to associate certain roles with certain costumes...I once said to a teacher when we were learning the Esmeralda variation, 'Oh thats the one where she wears the green tutu?', to which he responded, 'No she can wear whatever colour she likes!' :)

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Actually, I'm struggling to remember what colour the tutu was in the Nureyev production, but the one for the Baryshnikov production was white - and long-sleeved, so there is quite a precedent.  I have a feeling that the red/black one tends to be used for gala performances of the "Don Q pdd" rather than the "wedding pas de deux" in Don Q, if you see the difference.  Anyway, I always feel disconcerted in the latter due to the interpolations by the various bridesmaids.


They are only doing the mixed programme on the Tuesday and Wednesday - the rest of the week is Sleeping Beauty.


Yes, but the cinema showing is only the one night.

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We booked BRB ages ago. Dd has just taken GCSE Dance two years early and one of the study pieces was Penguin Cafe hence she asked to see the triple at Sadlers.

Sadly we booked the Weds before we knew about the Don Q relay. :-(

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There's a nice photo of Acosta and Nuñez gracing the front of today's The Times.


I got a pleasant shock when the paper dropped through my door this morning, quite a good 3 star review too, says it just needs smoothing out, I was surprised the critics were at the Gala.

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... quite a good 3 star review too, says it just needs smoothing out, I was surprised the critics were at the Gala.


It was definitely a big night, with lots of fuss - there was quite a bit going on throughout the theatre - it was all 'flowered-up' in red, with an exclusive party for celebs (I think) in the glasshouse part of the Crush Bar, and a drinks party for another group on the Amphi veranda - and of course the slap-up meal post show (a little beyond my thinly filled wallet!)


As for the show itself - I'll admit to being a fan, 100%. Don Q not one of my faves as a rule, but Carlos had imbued heart, wit, and 'Royal-style' dancing on the piece, really making it their own. They aren't trying to do a Russian DQ - they are doing a Royal Ballet one, and I personally think it works a treat! The production was stupendous I thought - loved the opening of act 2 in particular, as the leads danced a beautiful pdd to the huge setting sun. The costumes were very pretty and elegant for the women, and very stylish for the men (except the vagabond scamps of course). I'm sure if you tried hard enough, you could find the bits 'borrowed' or inspired by other works or choreographic styles (someone with better memory and knowledge than me for sure). There were many other sections I really liked too; from the opening prologue, the street scenes in act 1, the gypsy camp and 'dream' in act 2, the tavern in act 3. There was dancing on carts, on tables, on the bar - the windmill 'stalked' the Don before knocking him out. There was wonderful dancing, some good jokes, and a overall warmth and joy to the whole evening. Even the raggedy old horse was a hoot! I'm sure any minor hiccups will be smoothed out during the run, and I can't wait to see it again

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I haven't got a ticket for this as spent nearly all my money on an R and J ticket and I did love the Osipova/Vasiliev Don Q last March...... but this review has made me want to go!!


I may try for a standing or Amphi return ticket then towards the end of the month!!

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I saw the Mariinsky perform Don Q in St Petersburg in 1986 (when they were still the Kirov in Leningrad and yes, I glow in the dark!) - Asylmuratova and Ruzimatov - and the gpdd was white.


I like the red/black combo but am not hung up on it.

 yes, In many productions the final GPDD is a white tutu instead of black and read. I like both , so the white is fine.

I saw Sylvie Guillem at Palais Garnier in 1999 and it was a white tutu, all white, with white lace sleeves. very pretty.

I could not go on opening day, so I rely on the pictures I've seen, and the costumes are really beautiful. the queen of dryads tutu is beautiful.

the most beautiful I've ever seen.


Marianela is beautiful in all the photos, all dresses and tutus are great. She must have captured all eyes that night, really beautiful.



Melissa Hamilton is divine in the photo I've seen, exquisite¡¡¡



We must congratulate the team that has designed these dresses as they  are fabulous, they have managed to be brilliant. bravo¡¡¡.


by the way, I'm new to this forum, so maybe it has been said before, but I have not read.

Would someone kindly tell me why Lauren Cuthbertson is not distributed in this series of Don Quixote?

She's  my favorite dancer of the Royal Ballet with Sarah Lamb ( both are my fav :-) ), and I would love to see her  in Kitri.

Is she injured? or what reason why she can not dance? thank you very much

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Hello Alison and Alieen,


Yes, Alison, actually I'm Spanish, I'm in Spain but I go to London from time to time , I have friends and also....the Royal Ballet, my two main excuses to take a plane and go to London :-)

So, yes,You got it :-) I'm in Spain , I wish I lived in London, I'd go to alllllll performances of the Royal Ballet, but  well, a couple of performances from time to time is ok .

I remember in one of my trips I was so lucky that I managed to see in just 4 days: Alina, Marianela, Tamara and Roberta in Aurora¡¡¡ :-)

I was so lucky¡¡ by the way I think it was the debut of Marianela in Aurora, I'm not sure. Anyway, she was sublime as always¡¡¡

Thank you very much Aileen for your quick response. I did not know Lauren Cuthbertson was injured. I had no idea¡¡¡ What a year for my Favourite dancers.....last month Maria Alexandrova, and now I read about Lauren :-(  I hope she recovers quickly and well, as for sure, I plan to see her in Aurora next march.

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I really am impressed with your posts in English Swan66


I have been learning Spanish....we start again tonight....the beginning of the third year but I wish I could post on a Spanish site as well as you do here!!


I was doing a ballet summer school in August and Lauren came up to say hello to one of the teachers on the course who was at the Royal school with her and she was saying that she was on the mend.....I'm sure I heard her mention Nutcracker but haven't checked whether she's scheduled to perform then. I think she has had one or more operations on her foot.

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Thank you very much for your message and information about Lauren, you are lucky having been able to say hello in person to her,lucky you¡¡

It would be great to see her in the Nutcracker and of course in Aurora, her great role, in my opinion, it seems made specially for her.

Regarding my English, thank you very much.:-) you're very kind

I study English for years ,I have also been lucky enough to travel for work even live in different cities ( Hong Kong and Washington ) so I used it then, now not so much.

That's why I enjoy a lot reading in english and this forum, for example, is a great way for me to improve my vocabulary and in a natural way, because I can read expressions and comments in real english , and I like that.

So I think that now I've discovered this forum I will read it as often as possible to improve my English and to be updated about the ballet.
I wish you good luck with your spanish course, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask,  I will be happy to help . :-)

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Actually Lauren did not speak to me.....just the person she knew from her Royal Ballet School days. She had come up to congratulate this person on her being pregnant...which I thought was really nice of her. But it appeared from the conversation that she was back in training etc which was obviously good news!!


If I have any tricky Spanish questions in my homework in the future then I know who to send a PM to!!


Hope you get to see Lauren next year anyway :)

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this morning I received an email by OpusArte.

They answered me that Don Quixote of The Royal Ballet will be released on DVD in April 2014.

 Thanks¡¡¡ great news¡¡¡ :-) I can't wait to buy it. Marianela is ideal in that role, it seems made for her. it's great that we will be able to keep a wonderful memory of these performances. Great¡¡¡ Thanks for the information :-)

Edited by Swan66
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Sorry slightly off topic but referring back a post or two Cuthbertson is dancing two Nutcrackers on the 6th and 10th December! And the 6th is sold out which is good news for her!!


You could give yourself a Christmas treat Swan66!!

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Sorry slightly off topic but referring back a post or two Cuthbertson is dancing two Nutcrackers on the 6th and 10th December! And the 6th is sold out which is good news for her!!


You could give yourself a Christmas treat Swan66!!

Yes, I certainly would give me a Christhmas treat ¡¡¡ Thanks for the info. ;-)

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The ROH are really slow putting up the full cast list for Don Q - I want to know who I'm going to see on the 11th! Anyone got any inside info on the full cast list for the Nunez/Acosta performances? (Fingers crossed for Choe and Morera).

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The ROH are really slow putting up the full cast list for Don Q - I want to know who I'm going to see on the 11th! Anyone got any inside info on the full cast list for the Nunez/Acosta performances? (Fingers crossed for Choe and Morera).

How peculiar - the expanded casting was up a few days ago! Here's what was up for the opening gala night:


Kitri - Marianela Nunez

Basilio - Carlos Acosta

Don Quixote - Christopher Saunders

Sancho Panza - Philip Mosley

Espada - Ryoichi Hirano

Mercedes - Laura Morera

Gamache - Bennet Gartside

Lorenzo - Gary Avis


Other casting I recall from the performance:


Kitri's Friends - Yuhui Choe, Beatriz Stix-Brunell

Queen of the Dryads - Melissa Hamilton

Amour/Cupid - Elizabeth Harrod

Lead Gypsy couple/Spanish couple - Itziar Medizabel, Thomas Whitehead

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How peculiar - the expanded casting was up a few days ago! Here's what was up for the opening gala night:


Kitri - Marianela Nunez

Basilio - Carlos Acosta

Don Quixote - Christopher Saunders

Sancho Panza - Philip Mosley

Espada - Ryoichi Hirano

Mercedes - Laura Morera

Gamache - Bennet Gartside

Lorenzo - Gary Avis


Other casting I recall from the performance:


Kitri's Friends - Yuhui Choe, Beatriz Stix-Brunell

Queen of the Dryads - Melissa Hamilton

Amour/Cupid - Elizabeth Harrod

Lead Gypsy couple/Spanish couple - Itziar Medizabel, Thomas Whitehead

Thanks, I'll be more than happy if I get this cast! :)

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