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Tring Park audition dates 2013/14


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Definitely contact the school. If you are applying send forms with polite request to avoid certain weeks if possible.

Many applications may have been received now so I wouldn't be surprised if some auditions are already full and there is therefore no need to put them on website. But this is conjecture, always best to contact schools directly!


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Oh I do hope you are right taxi4ballet! DD has only been back at school a couple of weeks and she has been working on getting back to peak fitness etc. before we took photos and this is a very short time to organize flight s to the UK etc... I know they only started to take applications from September so it is a bit scary that this first date is only three weeks away and surely they will need more than one date for the year. I am definitely going to call them tomorrow!

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Guest balletmum16

Got a letter yesterday offering my dd an audition on October 15th for yr 7. Being new to this, I was surprised to see she needs a solo and I'm really hoping the pressure isn't too much for her. For her associate and nyb auditions it was only a class. And from my point of view; although I have been 'supportive' of her going away to school, the arrival of an audition date is making it seem very real and making me feel very sad!

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We were in that position this time last year and as Dd had never done festivals or anything she didn't have a solo dance to perform. She was in the thick of show rehearsals with her dance school so no time to be taught a dance. So we went with the lyrical amalgamation from her last modern exam, it was exactly the right length and she knew it really well and was comfortable dancing it. It worked for her, good luck 

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Got a letter yesterday offering my dd an audition on October 15th for yr 7. Being new to this, I was surprised to see she needs a solo and I'm really hoping the pressure isn't too much for her. For her associate and nyb auditions it was only a class. And from my point of view; although I have been 'supportive' of her going away to school, the arrival of an audition date is making it seem very real and making me feel very sad!

What is the length of the piece they have to do and can they chose between ballet or modern?

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In answer to a couple of questions:


From memory of last year, I think the audition piece is 1 minute, and can be any dance style; and I think you can opt to sing, do a drama piece or play an instrument. if you prefer, although that may be different for each year group, I'm not sure.


Miss Rist said to us in her talk at the end of CBA classes last term that she does like dances to be original, they don't have to be choreographed by the auditionee's teacher and can be the student's own ideas.


Dancing2003 - They do take a test on the day of the audition, and my dd said it was fine and nothing to worry about.

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Thanks Balletmum16 & taxi4ballet


We missed the CBA talk last term as we couldn't make it :( not sure what to do re dance solo as dd has her festival solo and for The Hammond audition they also ask for a solo (1 1/2 min long) thought it would be one thing less for dd to worry about, also what is a perception test ??



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Hi balletmum16,


Hope you don't mind me asking my dd forms have just been sent off today, apart from the dancing bits do they have to sit any English/Maths or non-verbal reasoning tests?



Hi Both my DDs got offered a place without having to do any academic tests, only the ballet class, the solo and one of them played a piece of music. So I don't think everybody does the academic part of the audition.

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Guest balletmum16

Thanks afab. The letter reads that all children will do all the timetabled plans for the day ( with the exception of the 'optional' section) rather than returning at a later date. I know my dd would happily give them a miss! Do you know how important academic ability is when gaining a place? And as for perception tests; I'm a teacher and I've never heard of them!

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My youngest DD reminded me that she did the academic tests before the "proper" audition. She also said she was very worried about it because we don't live in the UK and she didn't know the UK school system! And she did perception tests as well. Gosh! How could I have forgotten all of that?... Anyway, she was offered a year 8 place! The eldest didn't do any I'm sure of that... and was also offered a place.


I remember talking to Tring about the differences of school systems and they were not slightly worried! They even said they wouldn't turn down a gifted dancer because of academic inability...


Perception tests are visual-spatial psychology tests also know as logic tests. The quick tests you find in magazines for example... They give an idea on one area of logic nothing more...


Good luck to your DD!

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Guest balletmum16

Thanks afab. It's really useful to get an inside view. My dd has discovered that someone she goes to JA's with has hot the same audition date so she's feeling a bit happier x

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Guest balletmum16

Could anyone tell me how often the children have a free weekend at tring? When are parents allowed to visit? Also, are they allowed to have phones with them? I'll ask the same on the Elmhurst thread!

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I wish they would have a junior dance for next year!  We have no solo prepared - I wonder how important it is?p

PDC if auditioning for year 7 dance course then in my experience ( this time last year) the children were all expected to dance a solo. We were in the same position, no dance prepared and no time to fit in extra classes to learn one. I took the advise of dds very sensible dance teacher who said not to try and fit in learning a new dance but to use something that she already knows well and feels comfortable dancing. In the case of Dd, who has never done festivals or anything that required her to know a solo, that was the lyrical amalgamation from her last exam. It was exactly the right length and she was comfortable dancing it with no concerns about maybe forgetting a new routine. I believe they just want to see them moving, I know there will be others who have reservations about this but all I can say is it must have been ok as it was a successful audition. Good luck

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I wish they would have a junior dance for next year!  We have no solo prepared - I wonder how important it is?

Hi, I spoke to Tring about Audition dates, because I'm taking DD to the Open Day this Friday (4th October) and didn't want to have to go 2 days running with the first audition date for tomorrow.  I was told that there will be more dates going up so don't worry about trying to rush into one of the two October dates.  My DD couldn't do the 15th either as she's on a school trip that week so I was just advised to put a sticky note on the audition form so they can allocate a later date for us. :)

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