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Disciplinary action in vocational schools

Ruby Foo

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In a recent notification to students in a well known Upper School ( not RBS) it states that students will be given 350 lines ( 'I will not have my phone') for using their phone outside of the common room or without permission from a teacher.

I am all for using phones as little as possible throughout the school day and even banning them altogether or using them for beneficial purposes only ( ?)

but I'm honestly shocked and disappointed at students being given 350 lines as a way of learning not to do it.

Way back in 1979, I was given 300 lines by a prefect at my vocational school ' I must remember to put my slippers back on the shelf and not on the floor'

I still have those lines till this day. I was also given the punishment of writing 4 A4 sheets on the inside of a tennis ball. This was for not getting out of bed in the morning by the prefects count of 10 from the time she switched on the strip light in the dormitory. It taught me nothing except to fear prefects and hide anything that could lead to further punishments.

I would have thought we might have moved on in 2024 to a more useful form of self discipline. Self awareness and self improvement from self discovery. Factual self observation and reflection. 
Talking about personal needs and others needs and what might be most positive and beneficial way to move forward both for ourselves and others.


Edited by Ruby Foo
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