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I think Dispatch Duet worked for me more than Gustave le Gray no 1 (her piece for New York City Ballet and Miami City Ballet dancers which NYCB brought to Sadler's Wells) and Secret Things (her second RB group piece at the Linbury Theatre) did because she allowed us some of Anna Rose O'Sullivan and William Bracewell's personalities in Dispatch Duet and there was some kind of story unfolding. The score (am hesitating about calling it music) was too much loud, jangling noise though. I get that on the Tube going to the theatre. It was actually so loud as to be unsafe for prolonged listening. Hope the orchestra musicians and crew had hearing protection (ear plugs). 


The Weathering had some gorgeous pure dance in it and i found it moving and beautiful- although I do think it worked better on one cast than the other.


For me The Statement with Joseph Sissens (he was magnificent), Ashley Dean (for me this was her breakthrough performance after dancing lots of dryads, friends and fairies impeccably but anonymously for ages-  where did this unforgettable dance actress suddenly appear from?? Wowzer), Calvin Richardson (a role so suited to him), and Kristen McNally (always magnificent as these dramatic characters) were so powerful and the piece  cleverly made- watched it many times on the livestream but I'd like to see them in person which I didn't get a chance to do last time round. 

Edited by Emeralds
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5 hours ago, LinMM said:

I’m getting to the stage where if dancing/Music/Theatre doesn’t nourish the soul then I don’t need to go any longer!!  


Same. I'm not really intending to go at all to the ROH this autumn, with the exception of one Alice performance. When Romeo and Juliet/Onegin happen, I'm sure I will be there for a few performances of each but other than that not really.

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I actually like Dispatch Duet! It feels to me very 1950s musical and jazzy. I’m almost tempted to see the bill for this alone and also intrigued by The Statement. 

I recall being bored by the Weathering previously, although I don’t think it stretched so far to dislike. Have no interest in Toonga. 

I was going to not see anything until Cinderella in December but the ballet bug may get the better of me, although I’m not sure I can justify this and Maddadam so need to make a decision. This bill is at least more reasonable on the wallet. One thing this bill does have in its favour is a mix of “flavours”, and I sense at least two pieces I may enjoy. I’m not sure I can sit through a whole evening of McGregor, as much as I find the moments of enjoyment a whole evening of his for a work not reviewed here is probably too risky. 

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