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Associates for less talented girls

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Obviously I don’t expect RBS associates or anything, I’ve seen the kind of girls who get those opportunities, there’s one in my ballet school. This will be for Year 11 entry because I’m about to go into Year 10. I need to know the timeframe in which I have to apply, not too early. I’ll be 14, in Year 10, Grade 5 and a beginner en pointe at the time of application, and in Intermediate at commencement of the course, should I bother applying for associate classes? It needs to be somewhere in the Midlands too. I assume the answer is no but I’m just wondering, I guess. 

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17 minutes ago, La sylphide said:

Is there a ballet boost associates near you? They offer a very good programme and have different levels within in each age range. 

I’ll check, thank you for the suggestion 

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Where in the midlands are you? Nicholsons school of dance is a wonderful ballet school in Birmingham. Annette Nicholson is a superb teacher and has trained many girls who then attend RBS, Elmhurst etc. I'm not sure about now but she used to have a ballet associate class on a Sunday. 

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When you go to an audition, you want to show your best self and your best work. You want to be in a position to provide a confident performance alongside some careful technique. Providing you are at the level to cope with the class, then why not?

I think the class is an easy intermediate level.

I wouldn't restrict yourself to RBS though. If you're from the midlands then there's lots to choose from I believe. I'm sure you'll get plenty suggestions here.

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I know that Shannon and Peter Parker used to run an associates scheme in the midlands, but it looks as if that isn't running any more, but I did find this one, where they are both listed as teachers. I have no personal experience of this, but my dd was taught by Shannon and Peter years ago and greatly respected them as teachers.





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Theres the Ballet Associates in Market Drayton, Staffordshire Youth Ballet. Graham Fletcher used to run an associate scheme in Leicester but I think that has stopped now. Best of luck! 

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Edited by Anna C
Removed reference to BTUK.
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I thoroughly recommend the English youth ballet. Check out their webpage. They hold performances across the UK and have a short period of intensive rehearsals beforehand. They're really lovely and supportive and the bonus is you get to perform on stage

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Whilst not an associate programme, Sander (blommaert) is based in Birmingham and has a platform called ballet on demand which has vids that focus on various techniquey things e.g. turnout. Also, I think he does assessments/consultations which might be helpful to look into? 

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I'm a bit troubled by the title. Don't sell yourself short like that; the worst that can happen is that you get turned down, but literally everyone who gets in is someone who applied!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My daughter auditioned successfully  for Elmhurst Associates for yr 11 entry with only grade 5, so I don't think it matters what grade you're on. I second the suggestion of English National Ballet for some extra coaching and experience. It does look expensive, but it isn't that bad if you work it out per hour. It's huge fun and open to everyone. Very best of luck with finding something that suits you x

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