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the mobile phone and the cinema....


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I just don't 'get' people.
I went to the cinema this afternoon (to see Deadpool & Wolverine - it was jolly funny, in a sweary and v rude way!). The couple in front of me spent as much time in text and shopping, as they did watching the film, sometimes distracting those behind them. So that was £10 each well spent! When waiting for the screen to be ready (I had gotten there a bit early) I was in the sitting area with some tables/chairs, reading the paper and catching the previews, when a woman sat at the next table with two small girls (6-8 I'd guess), and spent at least the next 15-20mins on the phone, ignoring the poor things. When one called ended, she just moved on to the next one. To their credit (and certainly not hers) the little ones were as good a gold, bless 'em. Good, 'quality' family time....
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