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I saw the heading, and went "Sleep, or Eagling"? :D 


Well, congratulations to him, anyway.  I see there are another couple of honours going to people from Strictly Come Dancing.

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  • Jan McNulty changed the title to It’s Sir Wayne (and other honorers)
  • bangorballetboy changed the title to It’s Sir Wayne
19 hours ago, alison said:

I saw the heading, and went "Sleep, or Eagling"? :D 


Well, congratulations to him, anyway.  I see there are another couple of honours going to people from Strictly Come Dancing.

I was hoping for Sleep, I like him.  I've seen him coaching and he's really funny. 

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Many many moons ago Wayne Sleep used to attend a class I used to go to over in South Kensington. 
He usually wore those plastic bottoms which were all the rage in late 70’s into 80’s. and worked really hard

Was very unassuming and you’d never have guessed he was a star of the RB at the time. He was actually a marvellous Puck …Dream is on at RB at mo… and still my favourite Kolia in Month in the Country. 
I definitely thought Sleep when saw the above as he’s also done a lot to break down barriers about Ballet and who is able to do it …..pretty much anybody who wants to!!! 
But anyway congrats to Wayne McGregor whoops Sir Wayne McGregor. 

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19 minutes ago, Peanut68 said:

Has Wayne Sleep never been honoured in sone way? I hope that somewhat infamous dance with the then Princess of Wakes won’t have sidelined him forever m any way…


Wayne Sleep has an OBE.

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35 minutes ago, Jan McNulty said:


Wayne Sleep has an OBE.

That’s quite a bit less than being a Sir though isn’t it? Sorry - am not up on gongs! 
I do think Wayne Sleep did so much in promoting ballet & dance & getting more boys to start….pretty sure without him we’d not have the current amazing homegrown talent in the RB & other companies. 
Do you ever get ‘promoted’ up the ranks of merit awards? Sir Wayne Sleep has a nice sound! 

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35 minutes ago, Peanut68 said:

That’s quite a bit less than being a Sir though isn’t it? Sorry - am not up on gongs! 
I do think Wayne Sleep did so much in promoting ballet & dance & getting more boys to start….pretty sure without him we’d not have the current amazing homegrown talent in the RB & other companies. 
Do you ever get ‘promoted’ up the ranks of merit awards? Sir Wayne Sleep has a nice sound! 


Yes, the order is Knight / Dame, CBE, OBE, MBE I think.  


It's possible to move up and be offered a higher title.  So Tracy Emin has a CBE and has just been made a dame.  


I think Sir Wayne Sleep would be lovely myself.  

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5 hours ago, LinMM said:

Many many moons ago Wayne Sleep used to attend a class I used to go to over in South Kensington. 
He usually wore those plastic bottoms which were all the rage in late 70’s into 80’s. and worked really hard

Was very unassuming and you’d never have guessed he was a star of the RB at the time. He was actually a marvellous Puck …Dream is on at RB at mo… and still my favourite Kolia in Month in the Country. 
I definitely thought Sleep when saw the above as he’s also done a lot to break down barriers about Ballet and who is able to do it …..pretty much anybody who wants to!!! 
But anyway congrats to Wayne McGregor whoops Sir Wayne McGregor. 

Was just watching his Puck on the way up today, along with other roles he danced. Still unmatched in many of them today. Completely deserving of a knighthood.

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The ROH has said: 'Congratulations to Sir Wayne McGregor CBE, as he is appointed a Knighthood in The King’s Birthday Honours.' 'Appointed a knighthood'? He's either been knighted or received a knighthood - he hasn't become a knighthood! For an institution like the RBO to sound so illiterate is disturbing.

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10 hours ago, Peanut68 said:

That’s quite a bit less than being a Sir though isn’t it? Sorry - am not up on gongs! 
I do think Wayne Sleep did so much in promoting ballet & dance & getting more boys to start….pretty sure without him we’d not have the current amazing homegrown talent in the RB & other companies. 
Do you ever get ‘promoted’ up the ranks of merit awards? Sir Wayne Sleep has a nice sound! 



If you google "how to nominate someone for an award" you come up with this website which tells you the procedure:




Anyone can nominate someone...


I think the running order is BEM, MBE, OBE, CBE, Knight/Dame and beyond

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Goodness Sir Wayne McGregor CBE! 
Can’t keep up with all his awards. 


It is interesting though how some get many honours …and am not saying don’t deserve them…taking on being main Choreographer at the Royal Ballet is a great responsibility ….but others don’t who are equally deserving ….and don’t feel it’s because they haven’t been nominated. 

It does look as if via his studio Studio Wayne McGregor he does do a lot of out reach work in various communities. 


Edited by LinMM
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On 14/06/2024 at 22:50, alison said:

I saw the heading, and went "Sleep, or Eagling"? :D 


Well, congratulations to him, anyway.  I see there are another couple of honours going to people from Strictly Come Dancing.


Me too, Alison.  I was so hoping it was Sleep.  Wayne Eagling is Canadian, isn't he?  Doesn't that mean he could only get an honorary title?  I am not up on these things, but I thought you had to be a native Brit.  Having said that, we have Sir Bob Geldof, so may I am talking a load of old rubbish.  



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31 minutes ago, Fonty said:


Me too, Alison.  I was so hoping it was Sleep.  Wayne Eagling is Canadian, isn't he?  Doesn't that mean he could only get an honorary title?  I am not up on these things, but I thought you had to be a native Brit.  Having said that, we have Sir Bob Geldof, so may I am talking a load of old rubbish.  


I think that if someone still has Canadian citizenship the Canadian government can veto an honour. But it's all quite complicated! And Lynn Seymour did have a CBE...

Edited by bridiem
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Bob Geldof's knighthood is indeed honorary as he is an Irish citizen. Didn't he give it back after Brexit or was that a rumour?


Wayne Eagling remains a Canadian citizen, and they have their own honours system. He is technically eligible for a British honour as a citizen of a country where Charles III is Head of State.


Leanne Benjamin's OBE is ordinary not honorary as she is, as an Australian, a citizen of a country where at the time (2005) Elizabeth II was Head of State. She also holds the Medal of the Order of Australia (2015) - AM.

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19 minutes ago, Sophoife said:

Bob Geldof's knighthood is indeed honorary as he is an Irish citizen. Didn't he give it back after Brexit or was that a rumour?


I think that was a rumour.

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The Honours are like the results of the promotion boards, Oscars, BAFTAs and everything similar.  


If we knew the nominees we could be surprised but never at the results.


People have to be nominated for the honours.

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