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A few thoughts about tonight’s Ashton triple which is first and foremost a joyous celebration of three authentic masterpieces. I thought Vadim M and Fumi K were more a ease in Les Rendezvous and both danced with style and an ease that belies the technical challenges of this delightful piece. Everyone danced very well and I have found this one of the most of the rewarding of the revived  pieces. Yasmine N and Calvin R made fine debuts in Dream but they could  not supplant  my still vivid memory of the previous night’s Dream, with Bracewell’s stellar RB debut as Oberon (I cannot improve on the posts above: they capture the  essence of his performance). This was my second Dream with Boswell as Puck: I think he brilliant in this role - his acting as impressive as his scintillating dancing. On the basis of his Puck pyrotechnics  and stage presence I hope  he has  a shot at Rhapsody  next time round.  And on the subject of Rhapsody, I found tonights’s performance to be the most satisfying of the three I have seen. Although Baryshnikov leaves an indelible  imprint on the lead role, and Joonhyuk Jun bears no physical resemblance to him at all, he fitted in the role, and even more importantly he didn’t just focus on the « tricks » but got inside the mood of the piece and I felt he had a real rapport with Francesca H. They really made magic in the odd. There were a few blips , but these will surely be ironed out with more work and performances. Francesca H shimmers in this role. A very good evening! 

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Echoing praise for tonight's performance. Fumi had such a wonderful musicality in Les Rendezvous, and her and Vadim worked really well in it. Sophie Allnatt shone as the Girl in Purple. The whole ballet looked precise yet fresh, all involved were very good. I hope it gets programmed again soon. 

The Dream had a more enthusiastic reception in my part of the house than last night's did. I really enjoyed Liam Boswell as Puck, and again Valentino Zuchetti as Bottom. Yasmine Naghdi and Calvin Richardson were strong and convincing in their roles, and the pas de deux was lovely.


Francesca Hayward and Joonhyuk Jun were just magical in Rhapsody. Francesca makes it all look so light and easy even though it's really not. Joonhyuk was absolutely brilliant, he really shone.

All round it was an amazing evening! 

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8 hours ago, Dawnstar said:

Can anyone recall what the original set was like? Was it very different from the current one?


Regrading The Dream, I first saw it in 1964, the year of its creation and the sets and costumes were similar to those of today, indeed the current designs appear to be inspired by the originals, but still look different to me.  The costumes for the rustics have changed and a little of their choreography too. The biggest difference was probably the lighting which was more subtle and created more of an air of mystery than currently.


The ballet was celebrating Shakespeare's quarter centenary and the premiere was early April  so ballet magazines for the next couple of months would probably carry illustrations.   I have found lots of pictures of the dancers  in various books but only Covent Garden Books No 15 carries a picture of the set design.  although just a sketch it seems to confirm my memory of the original set taking up more stage space than now.

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Lovely evening again!


Les Rendezvous was excellent - Vadim and Fumi were just lovely and were perfect for their roles! The pas de trois was wonderful (so many lovely moments) and I just sighed when Fumi spun around in her dress. Brilliant stuff - and so appealing to watch.  I do hope this will be scheduled again in the near future as it's so full of joy and fun. 


The Dream was lovely as well, with strong debuts from Calvin Richardson and the lovely Yasmine Naghdi. The latter was made for the role of Titania and she was so beautiful - I wonder why she hasn't danced this role before at ROH. Her Titania was magical and her dancing so compelling. Richardson made a convincing debut and was so fluid - very impressive. Liam Boswell was as wonderful as when I last saw him. His Puck is so full of personality and mischief. As someone said further up the thread, you can't help but like him but would worry what magic spell he might cast in your direction! His Puck is definitely my favourite (I haven't seen Caspar Lench, though).


Rhapsody was excellent. Francesca Hayward was divine - she just floats around the stage, is precise in her footwork but has such lovely arms and fluidity. Jun did a very good job with some very challenging choreography and I was generally impressed with his unexpected debut. 


I think I prefer programme 1 of the two Ashton Celebrations.  The ballets flow better, IMO. I loved the short works in the second programme but having the three ballets did work better for me, I think, as it's not so 'bitty'.  Saying that, I'm very glad I've seen a lot of both and I still have one more to go. 

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Valentino said on his IG account that yesterday's performance of Bottom was a surprise extra.

I personally found his performance as Bottom to be the best of this run, followed by that of Thomas Whitehead on 7th June.

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1 hour ago, MAB said:

Regrading The Dream, I first saw it in 1964, the year of its creation and the sets and costumes were similar to those of today, indeed the current designs appear to be inspired by the originals, but still look different to me.  The costumes for the rustics have changed and a little of their choreography too. The biggest difference was probably the lighting which was more subtle and created more of an air of mystery than currently.


Talking of this, I'm told that the entire ballet used to be danced behind a scrim, so presumably somewhat more blurry.  Does anyone know when this practice stopped?

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I'm late posting this, but I saw both performances on the 15th. The Dream is one of my favourite ballets, and having the opportunity to see Francesca Hayward's Titania was unmissable for me. I was meeting a friend, who wasn't keen on seeing two consecutive shows, so I contented myself with booking my usual Amphi for the evening. When my friend fell ill and had to cancel, I rushed to buy one of the few remaining seats for the matinee, and ended up in row D of the stalls. It was interesting to be able to see the dancers' expressions up close, but I infinitely prefer the view from the Amphi.


I'd originally booked specifically to see Lauren Cuthbertson, and was disappointed when she had to pull out, but not at all sorry to see Yasmine Naghdi in the role. What a privilege to see her debut! Everything I wanted to say about the mixed bill has already been said, and much better, by previous posters. It was an absolute delight. 

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I absolutely loved last night's triple bill.  It is just the perfect tonic. 



Les Rendezvous: 

Once again I loved Les Rendezvous.  Vadim and Fumi sparkled and shone, and as I watched them I kept imagining them together in La Fille...the sweetness overload would probably kill me, but what a way to go!!  I have no problem with the grey costumes as I think they match the set beautifully.  I really like the set, too....simple but elegant, making me wish to be in the bucolic English countryside of a summer's evening.  I truly hope that this ballet is shown much more frequently.  It does not deserve to languish in the 'old ballets' cupboard.


The Dream:

A couple of people mentioned that it was Yasmine Naghdi's debut.  It wasn't; it was her scheduled debut but she had an early one due to replacing Lauren the other night.  Anyway, I loved her Titania last night.  Beautiful, lithe dancing and wonderful characterisation.  This is no pushover fairy, and she was as regal as her Oberon, but with a glint of humour in  those very expressive eyes.  Her mime was very clear and witty.  Calvin Richardson made a very good debut, and will grow into the role in a very convincing way.  To be honest, I liked him a lot more than I was expecting to, judging from comments I had heard after the general rehearsal.  Last night (for me) he wiped away any of the criticisms that had been put forth to me.  I liked his characterisation:  just the right balance of arrogance/entitlement with a sense of playfulness.  I could totally understand how Titania submits to him in the end.  Liam Bosworth was once again a wonderful Puck, dancing with vim and vigour and humour all in one package.  And once again Valentino Zucchetti's portrayal of Bottom was perfect.  Funny and yet with oodles of pathos.  He had experienced being loved, and he loved being loved. Again, all of his mime was very clear and we knew exactly what he was feeling.  He elicited much laughter from the audience.  The two couples (Bradbury/Serrano and Buvoli/Dubreuil) also drew much laughter, and I found them funnier than previous couples I have seen in this run.  So....huge bravos all round for a pitch perfect rendition of this most delightful of ballets.



Wow, what an impressive and unscheduled debut from Joonhyuk-Jun.  I knew he would be able to achieve the technical fireworks, but he also really gave of himself, from deep within him.  I loved how he looked worried when he knew his lady was about but couldn't find her, and then his broad smile of delight and relief when he first set eyes on her made me smile too.  He will be a standout interpreter of this role and I was so glad to be there to see his debut.  He is a young Soloist and held his own beautifully partnering a Principal who really knows how to dance Ashton.  I refer of course to Francesca Hayward, who once again excelled in this role.  I will never forget her very special performances with James Hay, but last night there was a nice connection between her and Joon and I enjoyed every minute of it.


This has been (for me) one of the best and most all-round enjoyable and satisfying triple bills for years.  I could watch it once a week and not get sick of it.  I sincerely hope that the powers that be at the RB take note of how successful and popular it has been, and start programming accordingly.  



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What can I say - three of my favourite dancers in the leads in one night - Fumi Kaneko, Yasmine Naghdi (I know - what a surprise eh!) and Francesca Hayward - bliss! And they all shone too, in three ballets they led.

If only the powers that be would put on more evenings like this one, intermingled in the interminable runs of some of the warhorses, to keep us mad fans happy 🙂

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16 minutes ago, Sim said:



This has been (for me) one of the best and most all-round enjoyable and satisfying triple bills for years.  I could watch it once a week and not get sick of it.  I sincerely hope that the powers that be at the RB take note of how successful and popular it has been, and start programming accordingly.  






So sad when I reflect that after the matinee this Saturday I am not coming to the RoH to see ballet until December - because there's nothing I want to see. 

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A last-minute decision to treat myself to the Ashton bills, one of each. Very much worthwhile (even if the bank manager may not agree).

June 7 has been amply covered here. Can understand why the Rendezvous bill has attracted more interest than the Short Works - didn’t hate any of the latter but wasn’t excited either. A little Duncan-style wafting goes a very long way though Natalia was of course superb.

Enjoyed the first half of Paradise Garden and Sarasota’s Maracena Gimenez and Ricardo Graziano were lovely together. The second half lost me, which proves I should always do a bit of research beforehand; it was only Li Tai Po’s post a couple of days ago which explained things!

As for Hamlet and Ophelia, Francesca and William gave it all their usual flair and musicality but with Winter’s Tale only a week or so previously there is only so much anguished aristocratic angst one can take! Did like Sarah Armstrong-Jones’ painting, however, and good that the family’s Royal Ballet connection continues.

In contrast, last night’s Les Rendezvous was just gorgeous with Vadim and a particularly captivating Fumi full of joy throughout. Loved the costumes too - grey not always my favourite colour but thought it worked well here.

As for Dream, I admired the Vadim/Lauren duet but felt Yasmin’s Titania was wonderful, feisty and imperious which made the ‘Bottom’ interlude all the more ironic. Calvin Richardson impressed in both his solos and the duet.

Liam Boswell was Puck on both occasions so no comparisons possible. He was fabulous both times, so no problem there. Such personality combined with athleticism and superb shrugs! Yesterday he’d also been an eyecatching member of the ‘three’ in Rendezvous a few minutes earlier. Promotion on the way?

Can only echo the praise for Valentino Zucchetti’s Bottom (please don’t read that sentence out of context!). Poignant, hilarious and amazingly fleet-footed - his duet with Yasmin will live long in my memory! Bottom’s transformation seemed to work better last night, too. 

Of the various members of the ‘confused couples’ over the two evenings, I felt Olivia Cowley’s comic timing was extra special.

Rhapsody is something I at least could never tire of. Daichi Igarashi’s confidence appealed but if insouciance was what I wanted then Joonhyuk Jun had it in spades last night. Wow! With Frankie at her gorgeous best, it made for a spectacular climax to a memorable evening - so pleased I splashed out on a ‘second helping’.

PS - yesterday no one at any point requested my ticket…

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1 hour ago, annamk said:




So sad when I reflect that after the matinee this Saturday I am not coming to the RoH to see ballet until December - because there's nothing I want to see. 


With the exception of the RBS summer performance, it's the same for me.

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I think these Ashton triples have been so superlative that it almost seems churlish to compare dancers as the whole Company from fairies in the Dream to leads in Rhapsody seems to have given it’s all in the last few weeks. 
I hope this means they have enjoyed dancing these Ashton Pieces as much as most of us have enjoyed watching them….. perhaps they will demand to dance more Ashton lol!! 
I’ve really loved all the Oberons and Titanias in this run for different reasons but last night Naghdi and Richardson’s final duet brought me to tears they were just so together and have to say Richardson really surprised me if that was his debut then brilliant from him. I can’t remember whether he got any flowers last night but so deserved them. 
Where Naghdi is concerned this is the most enjoyable role I’ve seen her in and that was a surprise too as she is such a supreme classicist. 

I feel she’s really developing as a true artist now but goodness what to do when choosing performances so many of the current Principals at the very top of their game!! 

And two more at the top of their game were Muntagirov and Kaneko in Les Rendezvous. I saw them both last week but last night their performances were just so wow especially Kaneko who seemed to be loving every minute and her glances  at the audience lit up the whole auditorium. It’s so infectious when such sheer joy in the Dance is communicated and in this run it’s been from Principals right down to newbies in the Company so it’s very necessary to have Pieces where this is actually possible!! 
The trio were also brilliant last night Harrison Lee Sophie Allnat and Liam Boswell I just don’t think it could have been danced any better but honestly Liam Boswell how can he have pulled off that performance in Les Rendezvous and then gone on to have danced the role of Puck so delightfully just 30 mins later! What a Pro!!   ( you felt he was a naturally slightly more disobedient Puck than Lench’s or Nakao’s….. though splitting hairs Lench just clinched the role for me of the three) 

The two couples sitting in front of me who were together were lamenting in the interval that they did not recognise ANY of the names in the casting. I did think what not ANY!!
Well they obviously don’t go to the Ballet that often but they were thoroughly enjoying it all and loved the comedy in the Dream and as they mentioned  Bottom in particular I couldn’t help but put in a word for Zucchetti and said he was also a very good choreographer so to look out for him in future!
Hopefully Kaneko Muntagirov Naghdi Richardson Hayward et al will now be on their radar too! 

This triple has been such a wonderful tonic I need to see it at least once a month to help keep sanity in the soul in todays increasingly scary and unstable World. 




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42 minutes ago, LinMM said:

This triple has been such a wonderful tonic I need to see it at least once a month to help keep sanity in the soul in todays increasingly scary and unstable World. 

To channel Alan Jay Lerner, wouldn’t it  be loverly!

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I’m a bit late posting but I felt I had to echo the high praise for last night’s, triple Bill which, I thought,  was an absolute treat from start to finish. It’s hard to pick out highlights from last night, but in particular I thought that Fumi and Vadim were absolutely gorgeous in Les rendezvous. As Jake said they communicated such joy in their dancing and I agree that Fumi was particularly captivating. 

I was also very impressed with Liam Boswell – I couldn’t believe that he was one of the Pas de Trois in LR and a few minutes later he was brilliant in The Dream as Puck. He certainly didn’t hold back in the way he whirled around the stage like some naughty woodland sprite.  I was also impressed with Calvin Richardson’s debut as Oberon and thought that he and Yasmin Naghdi worked very well together.  As for Valentino Zucchetti’s Bottom - superb! (in a manner of speaking)


Although they were all good, I thought that Jun Hyuk Jun (rising star?) was the most impressive of the three male leads I saw in Rhapsody and with Francesca Hayward at her sparkling best the evening came to an impressive conclusion.  However, like others I feel very sad that I will not be back to the ROH before December. In the meantime, I’ll just have to make do with the ROH stream and hope that in the future there will be more triple bills like this that I actually want to see!



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12 hours ago, Silke H said:

Valentino had been Yasmine’s Bottom from the beginning 🧚🏼 🫏

Could be a bit tricky …


2 hours ago, Jake said:


Can only echo the praise for Valentino Zucchetti’s Bottom

Oooh, er, missus! Valentino’s Bottom seems well on the way to establishing its own social media account …


ps - as reinforced by @Nina99who posted at the same time: “As for Valentino Zucchetti’s Bottom - superb! (in a manner of speaking)”

Edited by Scheherezade
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A huge shout out for Joonhyuk Jun.


It's been obvious since Jun joined the Aud Jebsen scheme in 2017 that he had an outstanding classical technique. But although he is already a soloist it's been puzzling that he's had relatively few soloist roles (bearing in mind he is only a year behind Joe Sissens). Benno is the only one I can recall. His unscheduled Rhapsody debut was a stroke of luck for him - Marcelino Sambe's withdrawal. Still sometimes in life you need a bit of luck but as we have seen not every young dancer has the composure and skill to take advantage of golden opportunities. Jun did not squander his; on the contrary he grabbed it firmly by the scruff of the neck and made it his own. In spite of the disadvantage of being tall for a role created on a very small man - his execution of the steps was simply phenomenal. If he was nervous, there was no sign of it. What was arguably even more impressive for a debut by a young soloist was that he resisted making it all about him: his attitude to his ballerina was exemplary and his attention to the character details of the role was noteworthy. Sure there are little bits of partnering that need work - supported pirouettes for example but these will be easy for him to master. 


Jun showed yesterday evening that he has the potential to be a major star and if the Royal Ballet doesn't give him the roles, I'm sure there are plenty of companies who would welcome him with open arms. 

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What a treat to see back-to-back Ashton triple bills these last two evenings.  

DREAM 18/6
- Osipova: wonderful in her lightness and mischievous playfulness (I tried to ignore her ugly feet and pointe shoes). 
- Bracewell: beautiful imperious
- Nakao: sailed through this difficult choreo.  Delightful cheekiness.  Unexpected debut.  He was excellent.  
- Zucchetti: super comic timing and pointework

- the four lovers are so cleverly written by Ashton.  Bravo to all.  Lubach, Ella, Bradbury, Serrano.

- Liked the Isadora with Mayara.  Super music and freedom of movement.  
- Jennifer Hackbarth of Sarasota Ballet was good in Paradise Garden
- I found the Hamlet duet to be dull despite beautiful dancing from both Sarah Lamb and Cesar Corrales. 


- such divine music.  Standouts from the corps were Isabel Lubach and Caspar Lench (an odd pairing height wise but they made it work)   
- So sad that Daichi Ikarashi couldn’t perform.  He was replaced by Luca Acri who did a good job.  He is limited which I knew.  Sigh.   But he gave everything and shared his enjoyment.   And deserves kudos for stepping into the partnering presumably at short notice.
- Sae Maeda was entirely gorgeous on her top half.  Wonderful bending and fluidity and expression and arms.  Sadly the boots on her feet detracted from her performance for me. 

- bravo to the RB pianists Kate Shipway for Isadora and Robert Clark for Rhapsody



- pure delight from all and especially Fumi Kaneko and Vadim Muntagirov 

- Harrison Lee stood out for me in the trio. Those beautiful feet, his technique that goes just a bit further than others, and a special musicality.

DREAM 19/6

- I was impressed with Calvin Richardson’s debut, not that it matched William Bracewell’s level, but that it was closer than I expected.

- Yasmine Naghdi was delightful and these two had a super connection in their duet. 

- nice twiddly bits and characterisation from Liam Boswell as Puck.  Unlike others I don’t see it being particularly impressive that he appeared in the trio is Les R on the same night.  That seems a good warm-up role.  And no different to many full length ballets where the same dancers are in multiple acts. 
- the lovers were hilarious and lovable.  Annette Buvoli especially.  


- Caspar Lench is a wonder.  Clearly shorter than the other male corps de ballet but jumping as high and staying airborne for longer.  He should be doing the lead.  He’d be better than all I’ve seen in this run and the previous run.  He has the panache and wit too. I hope this ballet comes around soon so that he can. 
- super musicality and presence of Francesca Hayward  
- Joon’s debut was impressive.  It’s beyond me why he wasn’t cast in the first place The height difference may he a factor in the partnering.  He was attentive to her but clearly needs partnering practice. This is a fault of RB casting … Mandolin Dance, Benno, etc don’t offer that experience.  


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For those who are not on Instagram, there is an especially touching post from Joonhyuk Jun about his debut in Rhapsody yesterday, text copied below.




What a privilege that I danced this masterpiece of Ashtons Rhapsody, on Royal Opera House stage,

with Francesca Hayward..


When the curtains opening, I nearly cried.

Then - I remember I have to dance!


I deeply appreciate to audience come to watch, support, and enjoyed with me.

Thank you for make my life so special,

without you it can not happen, and it is not worth

If I brighten up your evening teeny tiny bit, then I'm a happy dancer.

Thank you again and Buonasera



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How lovely let’s hope we see more of him next season. 

Yes Caspar is so good in that Rhapsody grouping that he can almost be a distraction though a totally delightful one as he seems to be so happy and smiling “I just love jumping up here” I almost get the feeling he almost surprises himself hence the immediate joy he communicates. 

I must admit in my Silver Swans class yesterday there was a centre moment when I thought I must be more Caspar!!!  

Edited by LinMM
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41 minutes ago, FionaM said:

For those who are not on Instagram, there is an especially touching post from Joonhyuk Jun about his debut in Rhapsody yesterday, text copied below.




What a privilege that I danced this masterpiece of Ashtons Rhapsody, on Royal Opera House stage,

with Francesca Hayward..


When the curtains opening, I nearly cried.

Then - I remember I have to dance!


I deeply appreciate to audience come to watch, support, and enjoyed with me.

Thank you for make my life so special,

without you it can not happen, and it is not worth

If I brighten up your evening teeny tiny bit, then I'm a happy dancer.

Thank you again and Buonasera



Truly lovely. 

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5 hours ago, Jake said:

PS - yesterday no one at any point requested my ticket…


That is the case for me practically every time I sit on the far left of the stalls circle, which is for about half of my visits. There's almost never an usher on that door so now there's no ticket checking upon entry to the building no check happens.


4 hours ago, LinMM said:

I can’t remember whether he got any flowers last night but so deserved them.


Yes, Richardson did get flowers.




While on the subject of flowers, I was somewhat amused by Hayward's bouquet last night, which was so large it looked nearly half as big as she is! It must have cost the giver a fortune.



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5 hours ago, Jake said:

PS - yesterday no one at any point requested my ticket…

I suppose it’s self-policing.  If two people show up for one seat … that’ll get the problem sorted. 

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3 hours ago, lady emily said:

Feel a little bit of despair that the triple bill wasn't filmed. I could watch Les Rendezvous again and again and again. Is there any recording of it out there? 

Les Rendezvous was shown on TV, I think, danced by Sadlers Wells Royal Ballet, with the wonderful, but under-rated Marion Tait. I have it on video. No idea if it’s available on YouTube.

I’m surprised no one has suggested that BRB should bring back some of the many Ashton ballets it used to dance so frequently and so well. I gather that some of the ballets’ sets and costumes may have been sold to Sarasota but presumably they still have some.

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3 hours ago, FionaM said:

For those who are not on Instagram, there is an especially touching post from Joonhyuk Jun about his debut in Rhapsody yesterday, text copied below.




What a privilege that I danced this masterpiece of Ashtons Rhapsody, on Royal Opera House stage,

with Francesca Hayward..


When the curtains opening, I nearly cried.

Then - I remember I have to dance!


I deeply appreciate to audience come to watch, support, and enjoyed with me.

Thank you for make my life so special,

without you it can not happen, and it is not worth

If I brighten up your evening teeny tiny bit, then I'm a happy dancer.

Thank you again and Buonasera



Aww! That is so sweet. I thought he was brilliant last night and I wondered why he hadn't originally been cast as he was so confident and full of character. Last night's performance is definitely my favourite so far. 


@Sim Sorry - it was me who mentioned the two debuts of the leads in The Dream. I wouldn't mind, I knew Yasmine Naghdi had filled in for Lauren Cuthbertson as I read it here! I knew last night was her original scheduled debut. We'll call it a senior moment! 😱

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2 hours ago, Linnzi5 said:

Aww! That is so sweet. I thought he was brilliant last night and I wondered why he hadn't originally been cast as he was so confident and full of character. Last night's performance is definitely my favourite so far. 


@Sim Sorry - it was me who mentioned the two debuts of the leads in The Dream. I wouldn't mind, I knew Yasmine Naghdi had filled in for Lauren Cuthbertson as I read it here! I knew last night was her original scheduled debut. We'll call it a senior moment! 😱

You are nowhere near a senior, Linnzi!

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After going through my curtain call photos from last night, I have a couple of minor casting queries. Can anyone recall if Harris Bell was in Les Rendezvous? He's on the cast sheet but I have no recollection of actually seeing him on stage! I tried checking my photos but because of the angle I was at only 3 of the 6 male ensemble are visible & he's not one of them. Also can anyone identify the dancer in the corps de ballet of fairies who is just behind Richardson's right shoulder in the Dream photo I posted I my last post? It would have thought it was Julie Ann Joyner were it not that I heard a couple of months ago that she's left so it obviously can't be.

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