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Supportive + nurturing Upper Schools


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My child will be applying for US’s in the autumn.

Their experience in LS has given rise for me to question the somewhat intransigent nature of the culture within dance training and wonder if it is possible that anywhere offers a progressive, nurturing training experience with teachers who are up to date with current training and developments in dance. Who meet the child where they are (within the obvious constraints of training)

Can forum members with children either currently in or recently left US give me some positive feedback about culture, training, support, and all the things that they feel their children needed and received to progress through their training. 
What does the US do really well, what is it that makes a difference to your child?

I don’t need to know about whether children are successful only that as they progress through their training do they feel happy and prepared for whatever they are going to choose to do next. 

I’m not looking for perfect, but I am looking for kindness, care, and support and all that this offers. Fingers crossed 🤞☺️


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I would recommend ENBS for their kind teaching staff, lovely  physios, great health support and  friendly  people working in the office. My DD has felt well supported in her first year. 

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The problem you have asking for views is that everyone’s experience of the upper schools is different. My ds was definitely ‘nurtured and supported’ but others in his class had a different experience. It’s so hard to generalise. 

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My Dd had a very good experience at LSC. They have won awards for their pastoral support. It is a large course by ballet/MT standards and everyone has an individual timetable. It meant that students supported each other and celebrated success rather than that direct competition feeling that can occur. Lots of guest teachers too.

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On 03/06/2024 at 22:22, Peanut68 said:

Am I the only parent here who spluttered out in laughter verging on the hysterical on reading the title of this thread???





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To be fair my child had a pretty good time at lower school especially in comparison to her brother at a normal academic school.


But all it took was a change of staff and a complete change of ethos.

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Lower school on the whole from our experience was much happier. Now many will perhaps level that upper school (different one to lower) is at higher level & standards & competition & maybe some kids just can’t hack it. Possibly. But I think it’s the staff egos that take a significant turn as they become all powerful in sone places & that can lead into murky grey areas of abuse & control. Written very much from direct personal experience of my own time at a top upper school & of offspring at another. 

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The thing is... people at the same upper school in the same year group with the same teachers and in the same classes can have a vastly different experience. 


I don't think it necessarily the case that some of them just can't hack it Peanut; sometimes it is down to their individual needs for pastoral care etc, particularly after injury. That pastoral care can be forthcoming or not. In dd's case, not. 

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Have you looked into Kings International Ballet Academy?  It's all those qualities you mention.....and a whole lot more.  Incredible training, nurture and understanding.  Class sizes are purposefully kept small so that individualised teaching takes place every lesson.  Students are offered plenty of performance (and competition when it's felt it's suited) opportunities.  It's a real team and holistic approach.  My dd has been there 2 years and couldn't be happier (after attending a well known vocational school previous to this where she was just a number and the teaching very generic to the larger classes).  I can't recommend Kings highly enough.  The co-artistic directors are extremely approachable and lovely.

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Reading with interest as my dd is going into year 10 and it's not too far away! Is there any form of funding for schools like Kings who don't have dada scholarships? X 

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1 hour ago, Paquita said:

Have you looked into Kings International Ballet Academy?  It's all those qualities you mention.....and a whole lot more.  Incredible training, nurture and understanding.  Class sizes are purposefully kept small so that individualised teaching takes place every lesson.  Students are offered plenty of performance (and competition when it's felt it's suited) opportunities.  It's a real team and holistic approach.  My dd has been there 2 years and couldn't be happier (after attending a well known vocational school previous to this where she was just a number and the teaching very generic to the larger classes).  I can't recommend Kings highly enough.  The co-artistic directors are extremely approachable and lovely.

What a positive and refreshing post.

So lovely to hear that there's a good balance and the Director's are  approachable. Gives me hope! 

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On 05/06/2024 at 19:09, Raquelle said:

Reading with interest as my dd is going into year 10 and it's not too far away! Is there any form of funding for schools like Kings who don't have dada scholarships? X 

Kings have offered some funding previously. It is worth reaching out to Cheryl and asking her. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 05/06/2024 at 09:01, Mummy twinkle toes said:

My Dd had a very good experience at LSC. They have won awards for their pastoral support. It is a large course by ballet/MT standards and everyone has an individual timetable. It meant that students supported each other and celebrated success rather than that direct competition feeling that can occur. Lots of guest teachers too.

Where / what is LSC please?

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Posted (edited)
On 02/07/2024 at 02:03, Flower said:

Where / what is LSC please?

LSC is London Studio Centre. You can specialise in ballet, jazz, contemporary or musical theatre. My Dd and her friends said they all felt supported. It is in Finchley and near to Muswell Hill. Many students rent a room in Muswell Hill in Chester House. Team there are lovely and offer additional support to students under 18. They provide 2 meals per day and 3 at weekends. It also has a gym, small dance studio, rehearsal rooms and cinema room. 

Edited by Mummy twinkle toes
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12 hours ago, Mummy twinkle toes said:

LSC is London Studio Centre. You can specialise in ballet, jazz, contemporary or musical theatre. My Dd and her friends said they all felt supported. It is in Finchley and near to Muswell Hill. Many students rent a room in Muswell Hill in Chester House. Team there are lovely and offer additional support to students under 18. They provide 2 meals per day and 3 at weekends. It also has a gym, small dance studio, rehearsal rooms and cinema room. 

It sounds really lovely will have a look. 

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This just shouldn't be an issue. Once students have been given a place, the school should do everything it can to teach and nurture each and everyone of them. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Away from toxic realities of the disicpline, nurturing self love and most importantly emphaty for one another; I would happily recommend Dutch national Ballet Academy. My DD experienced 3 great years there, even though she faced lots of downs and struggles.

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10 hours ago, Derin's Mom said:

Away from toxic realities of the disicpline, nurturing self love and most importantly emphaty for one another; I would happily recommend Dutch national Ballet Academy. My DD experienced 3 great years there, even though she faced lots of downs and struggles.

Thanks for sharing! What do they do for contemporary is it purely classical? Our favourite companies are NDT and CDK so we're considering the Netherlands as a very appealing destination.

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I will second Derin’s Mom in saying that the environment and training at Dutch National Ballet Academy is exceptional. The camaraderie and support among the students was amazing and the relationship with the teachers was one of warmth and respect.

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On 19/07/2024 at 22:00, Birdy said:

I will second Derin’s Mom in saying that the environment and training at Dutch National Ballet Academy is exceptional. The camaraderie and support among the students was amazing and the relationship with the teachers was one of warmth and respect.

to put it more lively, the graduation ceremony was a whole emotional day, where students, teachers and parents were completely anf genuinely sentimental. I find that exceptional.

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On 05/06/2024 at 19:09, Raquelle said:

Reading with interest as my dd is going into year 10 and it's not too far away! Is there any form of funding for schools like Kings who don't have dada scholarships? X 

I'd advise a conversation with Miss Cheryl and Miss Tania - the co-artistic directors.  They do a pre-professional course for years 10 & 11 which my daughter has just graduated from, as well as the upper school Professional Dancers course.  A gem of a place. 

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