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I’ve been struggling with pointe and I’m loosing my drive

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Hiiii everybody, I didn’t even realise how many replies I got on this I appreciate everyone giving me advice and trying to help it’s really nice to see.


couple things I wanted to say since I had a few of the same replies.

Firstly, my dance school is a multi-style school so our ballet classes are only one hour a week as it’s the smallest class unlike a ballet centred school. It’s usually one week on pointe one week off, and it works, but for everyone else. 

Second, I’m also not the most technically gifted dancer although I’ve been training for years my main focus has always been street dance and tap whilst contemporary and ballet still remained a passion they’re not be all or end all styles for me I’m just passionate to learn the correct techniques which Is why I’m not leaving my dance school as they’ve helped me in many other areas 

which’ll lead to my next point 

Third, I have looked into day time ballet pointe classes I think finding a teacher who doesn’t know me might be helpful to getting new ideas and new way of teaching, however finding a schedule that works is extremely difficult for me since I’m at college 3/4 days a week, working 3 days a week and I’m teaching 1 day and training 3 days and my dance school 


Fourth, Luckily I live in London so I’m definitely going to check out the other stores besides just Bloch 


Fifth, I definitely know that strength training is a big part and I’m not to sure if I mentioned in the last post which is my bad if I didn’t I forget sometimes. But I do have an ankle injury (tore the ligament in my right ankle almost 4 years ago) which I definitely think is apart of the problem obviously I need strength training bc of this physio especially dance physio is something I want to look into but it’s expensive so it’ll take time.


I think I’ve mentioned everything but again I found everybody incredibly helpful I’m taking bits and pieces of everyone’s advice and using it and I always come back here when I get stuck I do really really appreciate it, I’m gonna keep working at it because I know I’ll get there at some point but it’s going to take lots of extra workkk ❤️

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On 30/05/2024 at 14:17, Ruby Foo said:

 I'm sorry you're disheartened by your lack of progress in pointe.
When you rise on pointe or step up in parallel- does everything feel right? Do you feel nicely over the box of your shoes but still lifted out of your shoe? Your toes are hoping to be straightened and not crunched. The alignment of your body? Is it correct when you are standing parallel en pointe facing the barre? What does your teacher say about your basic pointe position? Is she happy? Happy with your body alignment? Positioning of your weight? Happy with your shoes? Do you have difficult feet for pointe - little arch or instep or inflexible feet? Has your teacher given you plenty additional strength and flexibility exercises before you started pointe work?

Does your teacher mention all of the above and give you corrections on the above technique?


 To be blunt, your teacher should be giving you lots of careful advice and extra help with additional exercises and not be leaving you to ' get it eventually'.


It might be a sign to get a new teacher or at least extra help and support.



Hiya thanks for the advice I’m not strictly a ballet dancer so in general my technique is not the greatest, however my upper body alignment hasn’t really been an issue even the alignment in my feet everything is where it’s supposed to be, but when I try to go up onto releve wether it be a slow rise up or a snatch I always end up just off the box like it’s a see saw, it’s almost there but not quite and that’s when I start feeling the tension within my calf’s. Now I did mention in my second post I do have an Ankle injury (I tore the ligament 4 years ago) but funnily enough I never feel tension from my ankle directly always the calf’s, and I’m looking into day time beginner pointe classes, side note my teacher is great but I think the fact she knows me toooo well is the problem I need someone who doesn’t know me or my feet to also give me advice on my work and guide me on areas to improve but again I really appreciate the advice and I’ll make sure to apply it and think of it. Thank youuuu 

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