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Cecchetti Rambert twickenham or ballet boost Rambert twickenham

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My daughter was a Cecchetti associate and is currently a Ballet Boost associate.  Both programmes are great, she just had to choose between them as it meant we never had a Sunday off and we live 2 hours away from Ramberts.  She chose Ballet Boost as the classes are longer and held more regularly so she felt she was getting more out of it.  She has been lucky and has had great teachers on both programmes.  She did love her time at Cecchetti though and chose this programme after getting to the short wait list for RBS but then nothing came of it.

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My daughter joined BB associates a year ago. Despite living in Yorkshire, we travelled to Rambert as much as we could this year, and she has had an amazing experience. They have brilliant teaching staff and pianists.


I have also heard excellent things about the Cecchetti programme though; she just didn’t apply. If we’d lived anywhere near London, she might have done both. 

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My daughter is nearing the end of her first year as a junior with Ballet Boost and simply loves it. She wont miss a class for anything so that should tell you something about the strength of the recommendation. In a year she’s not gone once due to severe illness and she was in tears at that. Teaching, creativity, care and as already mentioned the quality of the pianists are all excellent.

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My daughter did the Cecchetti programme but wasn’t very impressed with the standard there so wouldn’t recommend. She now does Ballet Boost which is amazing and we have seen huge improvement in her technique. 

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