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RBS Junior Associates 2024


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To those who were a No (for now ..)


I remember the day my year 4 son was a No.  I wondered if I had been fooling myself.


year 5 was a yes to both Jas and Elmhurst Associates.  Y7 - 3 MDS offers and he has danced continuously ever since (he's now 27!) now dancing principle roles for a small European company.  


With hindsight he wasn't ready (and equally wasn't ready in Year 7 but that's another story).


Whatever the result now it's a snapshot of where you are now, not a prediction of what is to come. 


Sending virtual hugs.

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Hi everyone. I am new to the forum and ballet in general. My daughter as just heard is a no for in person but yes to the short wait list and the online junior associates class. 

I was just wondering - does everyone who applied get waitlisted and offered the online class? Or is this a smaller group? Does anyone know roughly how many people end up on the short waitlist? Does anyone know are the online classes pre-recordered or the teacher interacts and corrects the students as a normal ballet class? 

I am sorry for my various questions I am not familiar with it and want to understand what it is that she has been offered. 

Huge congratulations for those who have been offered places and well done to all that went through the process. 

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Shocked but thrilled to have received a ‘Yes’ and very much looking forward to DD finishing school to be able to tell her.


Good luck to those starting in September, watching the wait-list or making plans to try again next year. My DD was at the very top end of the age category for JA’s and I have to say, I don’t know that the outcome would have been the same for her this time last year. Like so many have said, they’re all on their own little journey and developing at their own personal pace x 

Edited by MemoryMaker
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11 minutes ago, MemoryMaker said:

Shocked but thrilled to have received a ‘Yes’ and very much looking forward to DD finishing school to be able to tell her.


Good luck to those starting in September, watching the wait-list or making plans to try again next year. My DD was at the very top end of the age category for JA’s and I have to say, I don’t know that the outcome would have been the same for her this time last year. Like so many have said, they’re all on their own little journey and developing at their own personal pace x 

huge congratulations! enjoy telling her this afternoon xx 

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Hi. First post but wanted to say as some above have a no this year does not mean there won’t be a yes later on. 

My Dd auditioned last year and got a no however this year has auditioned this year and has a yes. (I can’t wait to tell her.)

For what it is worth my take on what has changed in this year, is that she has grown up in that year (physically and mentally) and if anything has become more determined to succeed in ballet. 

Please don’t be disheartened with a no, see it more as a not yet. Xx

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@Angelina17 The short waitlist for JAs is genuinely short and there were roughly 14 children from across the country in my Year 4 pupil’s online JA class this year, facilitating plenty of one-to-one feedback. The classes were excellent. Sadly, it did not lead to a face-to-face JA place for this pupil this year but she got a lot out of the online classes and has plenty of other opportunities to look forward to this year so all is not lost! 

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39 minutes ago, MissEmily said:

One yes, one no for my pupils this year. So hard. 

 From your posts you sound such a dedicated and caring teacher. Your pupils must feel very supported whether it's good news or maybe next time.

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1 hour ago, MissEmily said:

@Angelina17 The short waitlist for JAs is genuinely short and there were roughly 14 children from across the country in my Year 4 pupil’s online JA class this year, facilitating plenty of one-to-one feedback. The classes were excellent. Sadly, it did not lead to a face-to-face JA place for this pupil this year but she got a lot out of the online classes and has plenty of other opportunities to look forward to this year so all is not lost! 

thank you so much - that is really good to know. I initially had thought it was something that was offered to all candidates so really proud of her and will take part. thank you for responding to me x

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It was a yes for my DD and she was absolutely over the moon! 


She was completely unprepared for the audition last year - it really was a let's hope for the best but she has moved schools and has an amazing and very experienced teacher. 


First time auditioning last year and she got wait list and online associates. She did the online classes and I do think it helped. It wasn't ideal learning remotely but it was that or nothing so we chose to give it a try. DD enjoyed that each week was themed and liked the homework. I would recommend it to anyone who has been offered and considering it. 



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Hello everyone, just been waiting for my account to be verified. Found this forum a few days ago when I was going stir crazy waiting on the email! 
Trying to catch up with everyone’s posts. We auditioned in London but had Birmingham as our top choice, however we couldn’t make the Bham Audition date so did the London ones instead.

So in answer to that comment previously I guess people do travel to whichever audition date is best for them even if it’s not their nearest centre. 

We actually got a yes today, I’m totally shocked. My daughter lives for ballet but with all the amazing dancers in the country I didn’t think we had a chance! Ballet is her thing, she’s fairly flexible and has good natural turnout but she doesn’t have perfect feet and she’s had to work super hard at her legs and flexibility. She is a beautiful dancer but we have lots to work on with technique. She does probably have what they call the classic ballet physique but who even knows! 
We were all ready to apply again next year, she loved the audition day. Who knows the criteria for getting accepted. But no one give up! Theres always next year! Theres some other fab associates programmes too for ballet! 🥰

we got a no from Elmhurst young dancers back in March. So didn’t expect this yes at all. We have also applied for midland theatre ballet which is another lovely one!

For anyone that got a yes well done to your child 💕


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My daughter would have to apply for mids next and just found out that applications are September and I just don’t think much would have changed from now to then and she is starting another associate course in September. So is it worth just leaving it a year now? 

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Hello everyone, over the past two years I've slowly been turning into a dance parent with my daughter participating in dance festivals. Auditioning for JAs was something she wanted to do, so we did and she got a yes. Now I get to learn a whole new set of hair and requirements. 


I literally know nothing about JAs other than it's with the Royal Ballet School and the information given on the website. (I've been a science teacher for over 20 years and have no dance experience at all.)


First bit of help I'm going to need is with hair. I saw that hair isn't a basic bun. Does anyone know a video that shows how to do the plaits for the required hair?


And any other insights you can give to the programme and what to expect as a parent would be wonderful. 





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23 hours ago, Dancing unicorn said:

Hope this helps this is what I give my mums for our ballet exams 🩷

That will help a lot. I already do two plaits like that for one of my daughters festival dances. Instead of doing space buns, I'll practice this over the summer instead. 


Next question: are they going to want hair elastics the same colour as the dancer's hair?


I can get away with any colour elastic at the moment because of the required hairstyles. But, you see the elastics with this hair style. 

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On 13/06/2024 at 14:36, DanceMum2girls said:

We auditioned in Bath on 1st May but haven’t heard anything yet 😅. Wish the response date was announced so we all knew when to repeatedly check our mailbox.

Did you get a yes for Bath?

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For those of you that did get a yes, I have had the email today with what class she’s in and teachers etc and the handbook. But there’s still no information on times. I mean I literally have no idea if it’s first thing in the morning or late afternoon or anything in between 🙈 I don’t know how long the classes are either. I am assuming they are definitely on Saturdays?

Has anyone got this information yet at other centres? Anyone from previous years remember when you were give all these details?
Is there anyone else with a child going to the Birmingham centre? ☺️

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If it’s for lessons at Birmingham hippodrome, the associates team are waiting for Birmingham royal Ballet to give them dates. My daughter is going to be a SA and we are still waiting for dates and confirmation of times.

At the moment I believe MA1 is at 9 am and SA’s are at 4:30 pm so I guess you’ll be sometime in the middle. 

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No I can’t seem to find it anywhere in the handbook at all, it’s got her class, her teachers, the directions, the schedule in terms of like arriving and signing in but nowhere can I see any times at all 🙈 and no not for Hippodrome it definitely says at royal ballet on Thorp street. Shes been offered the 32 week one and her class is JA3.

It does say that for JA1 they’re still waiting on venue to confirm times and dates so I assume that must be the one at the hippodrome. I don’t know I feel like I must be being really stupid, I have read it so many times and can’t see it.

It doesn’t massively matter but it’s just good to be able to start planning when you have other children etc and weekends can be such a juggling act! 

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