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Royal Ballet - Swan Lake 2024

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1 hour ago, Emeralds said:

Don't suppose you have a ticket for tonight, @Silke H? (Someone heard you 😉 ) Lukas is von Rothbart tonight!

Yes, I did have a ticket for Claire's SL but sold it when the first cast change was announced.

Ah well, I shall take comfort in seeing Gary in tomorrow's SL instead.

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But what did you think of the show mrs Lincoln? Joking aside hope to see comments here. I think Sissens is a massive asset to the company and a lovely dancer but not sure I’d book for him in a dramatic role. Hence would like to know how it went ..

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1 hour ago, Suffolkgal said:

But what did you think of the show mrs Lincoln? Joking aside hope to see comments here. I think Sissens is a massive asset to the company and a lovely dancer but not sure I’d book for him in a dramatic role. Hence would like to know how it went ..


For me Act 1 was all about Harrison Lee as Benno. He stood out in Act 3 too alongside Sae Maeda and Leticia Dias who were perfectly synchronised in their movements. His delightfully relaxed but assured and precise dancing leaves you wanting more. Also,  Lee created and became a character that interacted with others and told a narrative as the story progressed.

Leo Dixon and Isabella Gasparini danced a joyous neat Neapolitan, managing to bang their tambourines at every attempt, something not often achieved by others.

However, I have to say that In Acts 2,3 & 4, Mariko Sasaki stole the show. Wherever she went on stage my eyes followed.  Sasaki shimmered, shone & sparkled as both a sad (Act 2) and then saddened (Act 4) Odette or a steely sophisticated scheming Odile (Act 3). 

I'd hope that Sasaki gets opportunities to partner other dancers.  The looks exchanged between her Odile and Lukas BB's Rothbart hinted at a deeper connection.  I can see them as Romeo & Juliet. 


Sadly Julia Roscoe who danced as one of the big swans in Act 2 sustained an injury and was replaced in Acts 3 & 4. A speedy and full recovery to anyone out with injury as the season comes to an end.

Edited by San Perregrino
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47 minutes ago, San Perregrino said:

Sadly Julia Roscoe who danced as one of the big swans in Act 2 sustained an injury and was replaced in Acts 3 & 4.

Oh no, so sorry to hear.  I hope it's nothing too serious.

I think Julia is meant to go to Sao Paulo with Isabella Gasparini, Kevin Emerton and Luca Acri to perform in Coppelia early July.

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4 hours ago, FionaM said:

@San Perregrino it’s not surprising that you noticed a connection …Mariko Sasaki and Lukas BB are an offstage couple.  They announced their engagement a year ago


I was making my comments in respect of the characters they had each created and the close father/daughter bond that exists and that can become dark and distorted in some relationships such as with Rothbart and Odile. 
The affection that they hold for one another in real life was abundantly apparent too at the curtain calls but that is separate and apart from their onstage characters. 

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I'm pleased to see Richardson is dancing Benno tonight. Since he did the first performance of this cast but not the second one I was hoping but not certain that he'd do tonight. (The second performance was in between two of his Dream performances, which presumably explains his abscence from it.) He was my favourite Benno in terms of acting out of the ones I saw in 2022 so I'm pleased to see him again, especially as I guess it could be the last time he does the role now he's being promoted. I know Campbell created the role in the production while a Principal but I don't think any other Principals have danced it (while Principals that is). It's a pity Benno doesn't get to do the curtain calls as it would have been a nice opportunity to acknowledge Richardson's promotion on the day of the announcement.

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Oh WHAT a night!

What a VERY special night!!

Exceptional performances led by Natalia Osipova who floated across the stage in the white scenes and blazed a scorching trail that set Act 3 alight. She was on fire. Brava. 
A wonderful way to end the season and celebrate all the wonderful promotions announced earlier in the day. 

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I notice all the corps ladies have flowers …were these presented individually in audience view? 

That would have been lovely to see. 

Anyone up for naming all the dancers in Rob’s last piccie ….from left to right ..11 dancers! 
Im pretty sure it starts with Hanna Park on the far left! 
I can pick out Viola and Marianna but quite a few there not quite sure ..…..

End of season exercise 🤔

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9 minutes ago, LinMM said:

I notice all the corps ladies have flowers …were these presented individually in audience view? 

That would have been lovely to see. 

Anyone up for naming all the dancers in Rob’s last piccie ….from left to right ..11 dancers! 
Im pretty sure it starts with Hanna Park on the far left! 
I can pick out Viola and Marianna but quite a few there not quite sure ..…..

End of season exercise 🤔

Yes, roses handed out individually by various black clad men (and possible women?).  A very nice touch to acknowledge the wonderful corps.

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I had a bad start to my final trip to the Lake by arriving three minutes late. My bad, and the tickets are very clear that late-comers will not be admitted.  However, having sat through numerous performances this year alone when people shuffled in well after lights down, including an Ashton triple in the last few weeks where there were long discussions for most of Les Rendez-vous between late arriving ticket holders in the SC behind me and various staff who came to arbitrate, it felt a bit hard that the rule was suddenly being enforced.  Even worse, that they refused entry at the end of Act 1, despite there being a scenery change, and so I had to wait to first interval.  Interestingly no-one at any stage ever checked my ticket.

I was very glad, though to be there for the final acts of the last performance of the season, having been there for the first DQ all those months ago.  I think it was fairly obvious that many of the dancers are a little tired by this point in the year but it still felt celebratory (especially when roses were presented to the corps ladies at the curtain).  I initially thought Osipova had celebrated by wearing a newish pair of shoes that actually fit, although I see from Rob's photos that even they looked pretty dead by the curtain.  She has made the ankle issue public now and I also wondered if she was maybe nursing some other issues too, as her arabesque looked very low and a little wobbly at times in Act 3.  What an artist though!  Her Odile is perhaps a little too broadly interpreted for my taste - her very clearly signalled desire to please Rothbart, coupled with almost visible contempt for Siegfried, makes him look like even more of a sap for not noticing - but her final act Odette was just stomach wrenching in intense tragedy.  Her pure technical ability may be weakening as she matures but no-one uses every muscle in her body to convey meaning like Osipova.  I do hope we get a chance to see her in Giselle again before too long.  The partnership with Clarke also touched me more than usual.  I often feel as if he is there mainly to lift, support and not register a scintilla of surprise when she does something unexpected but there was a lot of tender reciprocity in their dancing together last night and he was gorgeously clean and virtuosic in his flashy solos.  I was sorry to miss Act 1 Benno for Calvin Richardson's debut as a principal (brava!); I felt he was a little cautiously 'placed' in his delivery in Act 3 but danced beautifully in sync with the sisters.  There were actually several wobbles and mistiming from the corps close up in Act 4 but it was still a lovely evening and fantastic end to a most enjoyable season.  They all deserve a good rest and good healing to Osipova and her ankle.

Edited by Missfrankiecat
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10 hours ago, LinMM said:

Anyone up for naming all the dancers in Rob’s last piccie ….from left to right ..11 dancers! 

Hanna Park, Mica Bradbury, Poppy Frankel, Viola Pantuso, Bethany Bartlett, Isabel Lubach, Bella Shaker, Marianna Tsembenhoi, Nadia Mullova-Barley, Olivia Cowley, Seunghee Han (I think)

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Wow Silke thanks  that’s very impressive!! 
Yes it is Seunghee Han the one who is going to join the National Ballet of Canada for next season. 
There are just always some in a group I can’t identify!! 

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