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Royal Ballet Cinderella March/April 2023

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7 minutes ago, zxDaveM said:

Was the poster advertising the cinema relay, rather than the live performances? That would make more sense

I didn’t notice anything Cinema specific - just a delight to see the poster on two of those electronic displays. I didn’t wait to see when it re-emerged. I doubt I’ll be there again as I was in Manchester to contribute to a course.

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Really looking forward to Naghdi/Ball tonight. If anyone wants to come to say hello in the intervals I will be in the Floral Hall with a friend.  I sit near the small stairs that lead to the old part of the House.   Dark hair, black trousers, black trainers, pinkish floral blouse.  Hope to see you there!  

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1 hour ago, Sim said:

Really looking forward to Naghdi/Ball tonight. If anyone wants to come to say hello in the intervals I will be in the Floral Hall with a friend.  I sit near the small stairs that lead to the old part of the House.   Dark hair, black trousers, black trainers, pinkish floral blouse.  Hope to see you there!  

I look forward to reading your review. :) 

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Also here for Naghdi/Ball with a group including 2 newbies! The most people I have ever brought in a single trip! 
Will be alone tomorrow night if anyone is around then - the intervals are particularly long!

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Reading through the reviews in today's links, may I ask if anyone can explain the following from the BroadwayWorld review: "It is wonderful to see a full and successful attempt at the legendary cambré/recover combo." I don't think I've ever heard of a cambre before. Searching indicates it means a bend at the waist but presumably in the context of the choreography it's something harder than just bending & straightening up again?

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7 hours ago, Richard LH said:


Fonty found that this had been changed in some later You Tube clips  (I am not sure which versions) to have her engaging  with the Prince earlier, on the stairs, which I would think may remove some of the magic.


How is this wonderful  moment being handled now…the same as the original, or changed at all?


@Richard LH It was a compilation with Cojocaru.  She got out of the coach, with her train billowing behind her, gazing out at the audience....and then she was taking the prince's hand and smiling at him.  Possibly they joined two different segments together from earlier and later acts and I hadn't realised?  

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3 hours ago, Dawnstar said:

Reading through the reviews in today's links, may I ask if anyone can explain the following from the BroadwayWorld review: "It is wonderful to see a full and successful attempt at the legendary cambré/recover combo." I don't think I've ever heard of a cambre before. Searching indicates it means a bend at the waist but presumably in the context of the choreography it's something harder than just bending & straightening up again?

I would guess they might be referring to the bit inesr the beginning of

Cinderella's sola in act 2 - she's on the left of the stage, with her back to the audience, and she leans back from the waist and maybe looks back over her left shoulder, then straightens up , and then she does it again a few bars later.


(But it might be something quite different)

Edited by Jane S
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I absolutely loved Luca Acri in this role just so unexpected from him somehow and brilliant in Act 2. Definitely hidden talents there. He was the stand out of the evening for me ….but some lovely dancing from Naghdi and Ball as well loved the Act 2 pas de deux. 

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6 hours ago, Sim said:

Really looking forward to Naghdi/Ball tonight. If anyone wants to come to say hello in the intervals I will be in the Floral Hall with a friend.  I sit near the small stairs that lead to the old part of the House.   Dark hair, black trousers, black trainers, pinkish floral blouse.  Hope to see you there!  

Sorry not to have read this til now - how did you like it? 

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I found the stepsisters a bit wearing but they had one or two moments. Nagdhi was luminous from the ball scene on - the Act 3 pdd was glorious - she is so secure and her balances are a joy to behold and the way she and Ball luxuriated in it in those still stately moments was a dream. 

i do find the music so difficult that when it does finally lift off it is particularly thrilling.  Just long for music that moves me or has an irresistible rhythm - this has neither except for the stepsister theme and even that is subdued…. 


Thought the production miles better than the old one despite a couple of costume horrors  - Summer Fairy (Yuhui)  definitely drew the short straw…. 
disappointed that the invitation to the ball wasn’t noticeable - they missed a chance for some good business for the sisters…. 
loved Leo Dixons dancing master - absolutely perfect! 







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Tonight had a lot to live up to as there were 6 of us, one had never seen a ballet before and one is a costume maker in progress who might just fall in love with ballet costume making!


Absolutely loved act 2, it was a combination of perfect Ashton and as described here and/or in reviews, a perfect homage to Petipa. I enjoyed the detailed steps, the classical structured elements of the ballet including the pas de deux and most of all, I think Naghdi and Ball nailed the moment of love at first sight. They were really believable in contrast to some of the more critical reviews from first night. It was absolutely dreamy and this is the act which could be performed on its own as part of a triple bill. The set was also beautiful without being overdone- and while the sisters may not have been beautiful, they were also pitched just right here.

Act 3 also worked well in terms of narrative, just the right amount of panto dames and really enjoyed the classical structure of the final scene which reminded me of the grand ending of Sleeping Beauty where the cast come together to make a beautiful vignette. The transition of the set from Cinderella’s house to the final staircase was beautifully choreographed although I am not too sure about some of the video technology.


Which brings me back to act 1. Too much panto slapstick for me and really interested to see how tomorrow will play out with female sisters. I was waiting and waiting for some ‘proper’ dancing and it wasn’t really until Mayara Magri appeared as the fairy godmother that I really managed to settle in and enjoy it as ballet.  She was just perfection and also particularly enjoyed Ashley Dean as Spring.


i did find that the video projections were somewhat unnecessary and distracting- there was too much to focus on all at once when really I wanted to focus on the gorgeous choreography. The one projection/background which seemed to really work was for winter- because of its simplicity. The use of lighting for summer was exceptionally effective- it really looked like summer sunshine. 

I also would echo the comment from someone earlier in the thread who mentioned that the story telling was a little lacklustre - some because it just hadn’t been planned into the plot, but potentially also in terms of how the characters were conveyed. One of my guests came from a very different early life and was not familiar with the story at all so this really stood out.


The corps de ballet were fabulous throughout- and the secret star of the show was the dancing wig in act 2! 

A thoroughly dreamy night and can’t wait for it all again tomorrow night with Hayward/Campbell. I just hope they can match tonight’s brilliance!



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6 hours ago, Sim said:

Really looking forward to Naghdi/Ball tonight. If anyone wants to come to say hello in the intervals I will be in the Floral Hall with a friend.  I sit near the small stairs that lead to the old part of the House.   Dark hair, black trousers, black trainers, pinkish floral blouse.  Hope to see you there!  

I wish! 😭

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Loved Yasmine, Matthew and Mayara. Beautiful dancing with the little material they had.   

Quite frankly the rest could be cut. 

The corps are wasted though they look beautiful. In Act 2 the tutus are too horizontal and high waisted so that their bows to Cinderella and Prince, with their backs to the audience, reveal their entire bottom to the stalls / stalls circle.   How vulgar.  

Horrible choreo for the fairies in Act 1.  Their Act 1 dresses have pleats in the skirts which manage to make our slim ballerinas look like they have heavy thighs and bottoms.   Fairy godmother is fortunately spared.   

Way too much of this ‘ballet’ is pantomime dame.  More than half of both Acts 1 and 2.  

And who choreographed that incredibly dangerous lift in Act 3 where the Prince carries Cinderella above his head AND then walks down the steps.  

And the story-telling isn’t there either.  

Oh Ashton.  This is a mess.  

I won’t be coming again.


On the upside … I really liked the Act 1 and 3 sets and the video projections particularly the stars.   Beautiful! 

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4 hours ago, Jane S said:

I would guess they might be referring to the bit inesr the beginning of

Cinderella's sola in act 2 - she's on the left of the stage, with her back to the audience, and she leans back from the waist and maybe looks back over her left shoulder, then straightens up , and then she does it again a few bars later.


(But it might be something quite different)

Jeté, relevé, backbend, recover facing upstage OP 

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9 hours ago, balletyas said:

I found the stepsisters a bit wearing but they had one or two moments. Nagdhi was luminous from the ball scene on - the Act 3 pdd was glorious - she is so secure and her balances are a joy to behold and the way she and Ball luxuriated in it in those still stately moments was a dream. 

i do find the music so difficult that when it does finally lift off it is particularly thrilling.  Just long for music that moves me or has an irresistible rhythm - this has neither except for the stepsister theme and even that is subdued…. 


Thought the production miles better than the old one despite a couple of costume horrors  - Summer Fairy (Yuhui)  definitely drew the short straw…. 
disappointed that the invitation to the ball wasn’t noticeable - they missed a chance for some good business for the sisters…. 
loved Leo Dixons dancing master - absolutely perfect! 







Oops I meant Act 2 pas de deux - I can’t remember how to edit my comments…. 

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14 hours ago, Fonty said:

@Richard LH It was a compilation with Cojocaru.  She got out of the coach, with her train billowing behind her, gazing out at the audience....and then she was taking the prince's hand and smiling at him.  Possibly they joined two different segments together from earlier and later acts and I hadn't realised?  

Yes these are clips from different moments. 

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Last night had some lovely debuts all round, but at the top of the list is that by Yasmine Naghdi.  I really liked her portrayal because she gave the character so much, well, character.  I could really feel a story being told here, with the contrast between her sadness and her optimism very clear to see.  Her story-telling was emotive and effective.  Its dreamlike quality was sustained over the three acts; we could really feel her disbelief that this was happening to her, and her delight when she realised that her prince had really come.  The confidence with which she danced the fiendish footwork that Ashton is known for was very impressive, and she got a huge roar of applause after her Act 2 solo, which was beautifully done and technically assured and fluid.  Her face when she arrives at the ball, being led down the stairs en pointe by her handsome prince, was staring straight ahead, never a nervous flicker, hardly a blink of the eye….she is in a dream.  When she first beholds Matthew Ball she wakes up with a huge smile on her face (and who wouldn’t?!) and so the romance begins.  This is such a lovely partnership and they are so comfortable with each other that every look, every smile, every touch is totally believable.  There is a deep connection on so many levels that even the thinnest of storylines can become something meaningful.  They complement each other in every way.  Beautiful from both of them, and hard to fathom that these were debuts.


I also really enjoyed Mayara Magri’s debut as the Fairy Godmother.  Benevolent, joyous and again able to deal very well with Ashton’s choreography.  The four fairies were all good, and I particularly liked Ashley Dean as Spring.  Joonhyuk Jun was a fun Jester, showing all of his technical prowess. 


I must say the Stepsisters didn’t make me laugh very much.  I laughed more when Luca Acri was paired with Gary Avis.  Act 1 is a long time to watch something that isn’t funny.  I agree with others that there is too much messing around for the sisters, and when it isn’t making me laugh it really drags. 


I can understand why some of the Ashton ‘purists’ (and others) don’t like the costumes or sets.  However, I really like the way the production has been designed.  I think the projections are very effective and not overdone.  They don’t interfere with what’s happening onstage; they enhance it. They also make the magical transformations almost true!  I love the constant references to the moon and the stars, and the horoscope…it all adds to the dreamy feel of the action.  Cinderella has never been a ballet that I have particularly warmed to, and I can’t see that changing despite this magical new production.  However, with such lovely dancing, and so much to look at, and the music being played so sensitively and with the lush feel that it needs, I am looking forward to the other performances I am going to see.


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Conversely, the ladies in front of us were in hoots of laughter at the sisters' antics - must be their first time. I did laugh at 1-2 'gags', but on the whole their shenanigans left me rather stony faced - as usual. As we all know, these sections are unlikely to get trimmed, let alone cut, so it's the price we have to pay for the lovely dancing in between. Loved, loved, LOVED Yasmine Naghdi's Cinders - just sublime. Even made that entrance (perhaps THE greatest entrance in ballet) look effortless and dream-like. Partnering could do with a little tightening up here and there from Matthew Ball, but overall he was very 'princely' indeed. Enjoyed all the fairy dances, especially Annette Buvoli's Winter.

I just love that bit in Act 3, when 'the stars come out' as their wands light up one by one (the music is sublime there). Thought someone went a bit mad with the golden glitter as the golden couple went up the infinite stairs at the end though!

Can't say the new designs intruded that much - I was focused on the dancers with my binoculars - though the bits I did see seemed fine to me. Except - those ghastly gold-plated twigs on the side of the stage in Act 2. Not my cuppa, those.

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I was at Cinderella last night and mostly I enjoyed it! 
First the music …so many little bits I’d forgotten so the score was even better than I remembered so was very happy about that. 
I loved the theatrical affects in Act one as the fairies each appeared especially the last one for winter and liked the fairy costumes for both acts though summer was a little garish in Act 2.  
I particularly liked Isabella Gasparini as Autumn but all were very watchable and Ashley Dean perfect for the newness and brightness of Spring too. 
Magri was epitome of the bringer of good news and loved her costume too as well as her beautiful dancing. 
The waltz was also beautifully done to that wonderful bit of the score and all lovely costumes here too. 

The pumpkin turning into the coach was a magical moment but I found myself rather longing to get to the Ball myself at this point! 
I didn’t really find the sisters quite so funny in Act one inspite of being amazed at Luca Acri …I thought he/she came into their own once at the Ball!! 
Naghdi didn’t get into too much pathos in the role just played it as the kind hearted girl who was naturally deserving of all the good things which came to her. 
Initially I did start to get worried in Act 2 as Cinderella seemed to take an age to get there and still no sign of any Prince ….I was worried it would be midnight soon and they hadn’t even danced together yet! Still Luca Acri’s antics made some of this passable. 
However all was made up for when she did arrive she just looked stunning and from here on the dancing was too. At last something really meaty to enjoy. 
Ashtons telling of this tale is light hearted not serious stuff at all even though today of course has so many other connotations we need to be worried about but for me a bit of thoroughly enjoyable escapism and am looking forward to seeing other casts. 

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2 hours ago, JohnS said:

Thank you @Blossom - I’m very much looking forward to seeing Christina Arestis and Kristen McNally as the sisters tonight and rather hoping they’ll be razor sharp but avoid the grotesque.

They don’t seem to be getting many laughs in my area of the stalls circle 

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4 hours ago, LinMM said:

I forgot to mention the jester he was amazing his dancing was so light!! Brilliant stuff!! 

Yes. I have (greedily) seen three jesters now and Joon was not quite the tidiest but he was by far the funniest.  Much appreciated!

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3 hours ago, MJW said:


At least Mark Monahan (of Telegraph fame) will be pleased with tonight's cast 😆


He needs to take lessons from posters on here - for example two members writing today obviously love a particular dancer but have written nicely balanced reviews which fully recognise the strengths and contributions of others.

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