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Is it hard to get into the Royal Conservatory of Scotland? 2020


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My DS auditioned for RCS this year. He was offered a place, he loved the audition and the studio's but has chosen to go to his first choice of Central. I read on here that there are only around 17 places offered but it is possible to get in. Hope this helps and good luck if he decides to audition.

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They will be looking for specific attributes in their students. They expect their students at the end of the course to be industry ready. 

I think your question is difficult to answer. None of the schools are ‘easy’ to get into but if they like what they see at audition then it’s a whole lot easier than if they don’t. 

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In general they have funding for about 4 Scottish and European students, and then the rest of the places (up to full class of 20) come from rest of UK and overseas. So easier for English students to get in than Scottish ones bizarrely. My son is just about to start and chosen this over Central etc which he also got places at - thinks smaller classes means more attention from teachers, more corrections etc. Very good record for getting jobs at the end of the course. And the accommodation is lovely (and about half the price of London)

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Just to add historically, and I don't know if this is still true, classes are small - they are well funded and don't take dancers just to make up the numbers.  Some years have less than 10 dancers, some substantially more.  Obviously if they like what they see they are more likely to take you!


Josh's Taxi good luck to your DS.  Hope he has a wonderful time.

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