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Cancellations in the UK caused by coronavirus

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1 hour ago, Richard LH said:

Well not officially cancelled yet, I thought, as the email sent out with the link to the three options  just refers to cancellations up to 19 April. So I have only responded, as yet, for performances booked up to then ( I decided on a combination of donations and refunds). Are they responding in the same way already to tickets bought for  later performances, Beryl?


I'm sure there was no mention of 19th April, it just said "your upcoming performance" and the bar at the end asks you to repeat any other cancellations so I did the 5 that I had up to 7th April, and got 5 single confirmations back, so yes I think you can cancel everything now, probably best to do it in stages though.

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Just got a message to say that the  Holland Park summer programme (including the July RBS summer performances) won't take place. The message does say that "OHP is currently exploring opportunities to mount operas scheduled in our 2020 season at a future date, at alternative venues." Very sad...

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Yet another email from the ROH: "I am writing to you as a valued Friend etc, etc".


Suddenly it seems that the Friends and the regulars they have alienated so comprehensively over the past few years matter!!!!

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Just received this - 


I am writing to you as one of our most valued supporters.

As you may already be aware, this week we have made the difficult decision to close the Royal Opera House in response to government advice about managing the spread of COVID-19. This decision will have a far-reaching impact on so many, including our brilliant artists, staff and community, but we are also aware of how it will affect you, as one of our closest and most loyal supporters. It is such a tough time for everyone and we miss you.

We want to assure you that we will remain in close contact regarding any tickets or events you might have coming up. We also look forward to sharing ways in which we will continue to connect with you, our wonderful community, even if our beautiful stages and Front of House spaces for now are out of bounds.

Where we can, we continue: coaching for our Jette Parker Young Artists is now taking place online; our dancers, players and chorus are rehearsing where they can, using new technologies to be together in spirit even when they cannot be physically, ready to share exceptional and thrilling performances as soon as we reopen. We are also working to find ways to bring our learning and participation projects to children and families when schools and other centres are closed.

While we work to manage this period of closure, and prepare to reopen as healthily and vibrantly as possible, we ask that you trust and bear with us. You have been so generous in many and varied ways and your ongoing support is so essential, now more than ever as we weather these uncertain times. For that we are truly grateful.

We look forward to sharing new ways to connect. In the meantime, from our family to yours, we hope that you are safe and well.

With my thanks and best wishes 


Alex Beard CBE

Chief Executive of the Royal Opera House

P.S. Many of you have been in touch directly with me or with colleagues to ask how you can help the Royal Opera House and our staff and artists at this time. Thank you so much. As we have made the heart-breaking decision to close the building, I know my Development colleagues are finding various ways to be in touch with you, and so, if you wish to donate, please do chat to your contact or visit our website.

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Excuse me while I throw up ...


They have - pardon the language - screwed over and disregarded so many of their most loyal and regular audience members over the past 18 months, and now they suddenly want to be all pally again.

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On 17/03/2020 at 16:40, maryrosesatonapin said:

I just received my cancellation email from ROH for Friday's Swan Lake.  There was a form to fill in, asking for choice of refund/donation/transfer to future event.  The fact that 'donation' was already ticked, meaning they were forcing that as an automatic preference if one didn't actively decide on an alternative, really put me off that option.  Had there been a fourth choice, say, of half the cost going to ROH I might have considered it.  But when I give £145 to charity I'd rather give it to people in need of life's essentials.  Difficult times!

I would also remember how ROH treated its regulars in the recent past by increasing prices to attract new audiences and to discourage its bread and butter regulars from coming so often.  If my show in May is cancelled I am sorry to say I will be asking for a refund.  This elephant doesn't forget.

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All true but we are in the middle of a disaster...so will forgive, maybe not forget, - and suggest they have a think about these issues , but I still want to support ROH, which as an institution is bigger than the current management or any part of it, and very important to me.

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7 minutes ago, Mary said:

All true but we are in the middle of a disaster...so will forgive, maybe not forget, - and suggest they have a think about these issues , but I still want to support ROH, which as an institution is bigger than the current management or any part of it, and very important to me.


And I'd add that the person most closely identified - publicly, at least - with the strategy in question has moved on.

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20 hours ago, alison said:
"Tour Update:

In the light of the advice from Government that theatres should close for the foreseeable future, further performances of Evolution by the Acosta Danza company, presented by Dance Consortium, will not now go ahead.

If you have purchased tickets for a performance in Brighton, Canterbury, Salford, Plymouth, Newcastle or Nottingham the theatre will be in touch with you regarding refunds.

Many of the theatres who are members of Dance Consortium are independent charities which receive no funding, any support you might be able to give to your local theatres in these difficult times would be much appreciated.

We look forward to welcoming you to a Dance Consortium performance in the future.
Produced by Sadler’s Wells and Valid Productions. Co-produced with Birmingham Hippodrome, The Lowry, Salford and Norwich Theatre Royal"


I am feeling privileged to have seen one of their last few performances , in Cardiff 2 weeks ago.  (I did think, even then, was it wise to go.) They held a Q&A afterwards with some of the dancers , not Carlos although he had performed in Rooster ... wonderful charisma as always.

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I had heard nothing from HMV Curzon about the cancellation of the live screening of Swan Lake on 1st April. Going to their website today, I see that (of course) the cinema is closed, and their head office is too. Their online statement about the closure says nothing about people who have booked for screenings in advance. Does anyone else know what is happening about these cancellations (i.e. in respect of refunds)?

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2 hours ago, bridiem said:

Does anyone else know what is happening about these cancellations (i.e. in respect of refunds)?

An unacceptable silence from Curzon, unlike every other place at home and abroad from whom I have purchased tickets.

Edited by capybara
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Guest oncnp

Not sure where to put this......the ROH ballet "Tickets and Events" page has suddenly re-listed all the performances/events where yesterday only the Fonteyn competition was listed.  Probably just a glitch….

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This isn't in the UK but it appears that the Bayreuth Festival is cancelled this year as is Jacob's Pillow in the States.  I wonder if ENB will be going forward with Kahn's Giselle at the Chatalet in Paris.  Sadly it must even now be in some element of doubt - much like, I assume, Wimbledon and the Proms may well be.   I find myself so looking forward to 2021.  

Edited by Bruce Wall
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On 23/03/2020 at 11:57, capybara said:

An unacceptable silence from Curzon, unlike every other place at home and abroad from whom I have purchased tickets.


Did Curzon get in touch? I had an automatic refund from Cineworld. 

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3 minutes ago, Anna C said:


Did Curzon get in touch? I had an automatic refund from Cineworld. 


No - complete silence, not even a notification of the cancellation. I used the 'contact us' form on the website to ask about this last week, but no reply.

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3 minutes ago, bridiem said:


No - complete silence, not even a notification of the cancellation. I used the 'contact us' form on the website to ask about this last week, but no reply.


Infuriating.  Hopefully they'll be in contact soon (could be they have a lot to get through).

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Received this an email just now :-


ATG – one of the largest producers of theatre in the West End and around the UK have announced that in order to further help contain the spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus, all performances at Ambassador Theatre Group UK venues will now be suspended until Sunday 31st May 2020.

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