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I'm retired now but agree absolutely. It was beginning to get increasingly difficult to ask for time off for the dentist but in some practices certain dentists work certain days so can be quite difficult to arrange if there is no late night etc. And of course everybody want s the early morning or last appointments so they go quickly too!!

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Is it possible to register at an NHS dental practice close to your work, Huddsballetmum? If not, I have a friend who takes a day off work every year to go to the dentist/optician/for any medical check-up she needs or wants to have and books far in advance to ensure that they can all be done on her day's holiday. She bemoans the fact that she decided not to go into teaching as she says the school/college holidays would have been perfect times for all those appointments - albeit you also have to book ages in advance for school holiday appointments ;-) 

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Can I put utility companies into Room 101? I changed gas and electricity tarriffs with SSE/Atlantic in April and have been expecting a request for meter readings. Heard nothing so checked online. Somewhat dismayed to find that the supply address (Windsor) is correct (address where we've lived for 32 years) but the billing address is for my father's house in Ipswich. He died in 2000. 20 Minutes listening to muzak interspersed with a collection of recorded messages, then more minutes on hold while the assistant kindly dealt with my query.It's been sorted out - but that won't stop me checking again in a few days just to be on the safe side. Dreadful visions of some poor innocent soul in Ipswich receiving a large bill for eneergy use by a person they've never heard of living in Berkshire.

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Please put the utilities companies into Room 101 - I am being stalked daily by my gas provider as they want to change my meter, but are not willing to accommodate my out of "normal hours" request.  I advised them that I am happy to take a day off work if they pay my salary but for some reason they seem unwilling to do either.  There is nothing wrong with my meter - they want to update to a smart meter.

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The young flibbertygibbet of a girl who decides about two three hours before the event that she going to a friends house for pre prom drinks instead of going to prom with your son in the car that you've organised and paid for as has been arranged for weeks! Off now to collect the bloody corsage we've ordered from the florist, too, bloody flighty teenagers, grrr

Edited to add... Not even a phone call, but a text! How rude.....

Of course I know that none of the lovely well brought up young ladies of the forum would be so thoughtless!

Edited by along for the ride mum
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teenagers and invitations are a bad mix. My daughters birthday party tomorrow and I happen to know that 7 are sleeping over, but only 2 of them have bothered to text that they are coming..

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Thank you Sarah, he was rather put out at first but we made a fuss of him and he made enjoyed the journey in the car. He was looking a whole lot happier once he'd met up with his group of friends and went in looking happy as Larry.


( sorry for the rant but I was putting on a nonchelent face for him when iinside I was so upset for him, it helped to let off steam here)

Edited by along for the ride mum
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Can I suggest a new pet hate - its the talk about teeth that reminded me - TAIL COMBS!! had a v bad experience because of one


d aged 8 had long thick straight hair and decided to make it wavy. First we knew were despairing sobs from her bedroom. She refused to open the door and declared her intention to stay in there forever. Eventually she let me in after much persuasion. To my horror she had wound her hair round and round a tail comb and it was stuck fast to her scalp. D was terrified that I would have to cut off her hair. Luckily it was a plastic comb and I own a pair of very sharp secateurs. With a stern injunction to stay utterly still, I managed to dismantle the ruddy comb one tooth at a time. Took about an hour to extract it....


hated them ever since...

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I want to put Amazon in room 101.  Not for the reasons most of you would assume, but for their customer forums.  Their forums are difficult to access so its likely few will have spotted the links to them.  They are moderated by software that can jump on obscenities but allow neo-Nazism, homophobia, race hatred, conspiracy theorists, drunks and all manner of obnoxious trolls.  There is no rule of courtesy, just red in tooth and claw.  Bot-voting is rife and the resident trolls do this to gang up on the more rational posters, thereby banning them from future posting.


Some of the posters are lovely (though most are anything but) and one of the nicest was a former nurse who suffered ill health and had other problems, he would often post late at night when he was lonely and in pain and a lot of the kinder types would offer him support.  A couple of weeks ago he admitted he was terminally ill and yesterday we learned he had died.  The trolls had a field day mocking those that registered their sympathy and most disgusting was the strange quasi religious element imagining him in hell because he was an atheist.


And if that wasn't bad enough one of the conspiracy theorists seems to think the Tunisian murders are a fantasy of the 'msm' - that's main stream media to the rest of us.  Amazon should be ashamed to host this stuff, they should also be prosecuted for allowing hate speech and for breaches of copyright.  They are to big to touch though - and that is wrong. 

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Sorry to be dim, but what is bot-voting? Until recently I was unaware of the amount of bile washing around on the Internet and having happened upon an example I now do my best to avoid contact with it. There must be an awful lot of unhappy and frustrated people in the world judging by the loopy, self-righteous and sometimes downright cruel comments masquerading as contributions to online discussions.


P.S. I once made the mistake of googling "Naughty Sophia" because I wanted to try to trace a piece of music used as the theme tune to a Children's Hour drama based on a novel by that name and broadcast several decades ago. I got a rude shock at some of the links that came up. I wish some of that had been blocked too.

Edited by AnneMarriott
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Bot voting occurs when several people vote against another poster or in support of one another.  On the Amazon site if enough people vote someone down, that post is then hidden from view.  They can also 'bot vote' on the complaint button, so that if enough people complain about a poster, they can actually get that person banned.  On Amazon, the trolls all have multiple accounts, making it relatively easy to remove someone they don't like. 


I once had my own 'Naughty Sophia' moment when I tried to follow the progress of my cousin Siobhan in a yacht called 'Light Blue' in which she was crossing the Atlantic.   Some most unsavoury links came up.

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Can I suggest a new pet hate - its the talk about teeth that reminded me - TAIL COMBS!! had a v bad experience because of one


d aged 8 had long thick straight hair and decided to make it wavy. First we knew were despairing sobs from her bedroom. She refused to open the door and declared her intention to stay in there forever. Eventually she let me in after much persuasion. To my horror she had wound her hair round and round a tail comb and it was stuck fast to her scalp. D was terrified that I would have to cut off her hair. Luckily it was a plastic comb and I own a pair of very sharp secateurs. With a stern injunction to stay utterly still, I managed to dismantle the ruddy comb one tooth at a time. Took about an hour to extract it....


hated them ever since...

Haha mnemo ! Exactly the same thing happened to DD when she was about 6 yrs old. The only difference is we were about to leave the house for a holiday in Madrid ! I had to drag her down the road (Tommy Cooper style with a tail comb seemingly sticking horizontally out of her head) to the local hairdressers !!

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My daughter did this with a styling brush at the chemists when she was young (it was in one of those big display bins of combs and brushes). I had to pay the hairdresser to remove it and the chemist for the brush.:(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Facebook! And obsessed fans! Yesterday I had a post removed from a discussion and a warning from Facebook about violating their community standards, and absolutely no way to appeal this nonsense. Apparently if someone reports a post in a thread, it's automatically flagged as being in violation even if the report is spurious.


So I was complaining to a friend about it, and it turned out that she'd had something similar a little while ago - someone didn't like what she was posting in a thread so they reported her for having nude photos on her timeline (which she doesn't), and she got a warning and a threat from FB that she couldn't respond to. Then she told me that a mutual friend of ours had actually been tossed off FB yesterday for having a false account, which again wasn't true. At least that could be appealed, which he did and now he's back.


Apparently you just have to make a complaint against someone at FB and it's automatically accepted, even when the complaint is a bunch of nonsense by someone being vindictive. FB doesn't bother to check, it just treats the complaint as real and doesn't give the person any way to refute it, which means it's easy for someone to get vindictive and report people constantly.


Turns out the three of us all had the same problem. At some point we'd all posted comments in groups around FB taking issue with some of the borderline libellous rubbish being posted about the Duchess of Cornwall by Diana groupies. And apparently these people will tolerate no dissent. You get onto FB and say, but hang on, Camilla isn't actually an evil home-wrecker who oversaw the murder of Princess Di and laughed all the way through her funeral (and hates Kate and the kids and hates the Queen and is probably single-handedly responsible for the 2008 financial collapse and the Japanese tsunami and is the mastermind behind ISIS), you can expect to get into trouble with FB because the Diana-ites can't stand seeing anything good about her.


Beginning to wonder if it's safe to carry on commenting in threads about global warming over there.


Really, this is the level of discourse on social media these days? Talk about sick...

Edited by Melody
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1. Text messages that don't get recieved even though they show up as 'sent' from your phone. Quite upsetting when you finally realise that someone didn't get your message and it's too late to put things right. Letting people down unintentionally :-(


2. Shop assistants with body odour. Just when you're getting over a migraine, it comes right back again.

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Facebook! And obsessed fans! Yesterday I had a post removed from a discussion and a warning from Facebook about violating their community standards, and absolutely no way to appeal this nonsense. Apparently if someone reports a post in a thread, it's automatically flagged as being in violation even if the report is spurious.


So I was complaining to a friend about it, and it turned out that she'd had something similar a little while ago - someone didn't like what she was posting in a thread so they reported her for having nude photos on her timeline (which she doesn't), and she got a warning and a threat from FB that she couldn't respond to. Then she told me that a mutual friend of ours had actually been tossed off FB yesterday for having a false account, which again wasn't true. At least that could be appealed, which he did and now he's back.


Apparently you just have to make a complaint against someone at FB and it's automatically accepted, even when the complaint is a bunch of nonsense by someone being vindictive. FB doesn't bother to check, it just treats the complaint as real and doesn't give the person any way to refute it, which means it's easy for someone to get vindictive and report people constantly.


Turns out the three of us all had the same problem. At some point we'd all posted comments in groups around FB taking issue with some of the borderline libellous rubbish being posted about the Duchess of Cornwall by Diana groupies. And apparently these people will tolerate no dissent. You get onto FB and say, but hang on, Camilla isn't actually an evil home-wrecker who oversaw the murder of Princess Di and laughed all the way through her funeral (and hates Kate and the kids and hates the Queen and is probably single-handedly responsible for the 2008 financial collapse and the Japanese tsunami and is the mastermind behind ISIS), you can expect to get into trouble with FB because the Diana-ites can't stand seeing anything good about her.


Beginning to wonder if it's safe to carry on commenting in threads about global warming over there.


Really, this is the level of discourse on social media these days? Talk about sick...



And watching the news, FB also seem to stand up for the rights of people who post truly vile posts!  Why can't they be removed from the system???

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Neighbours. New lot moved into the flat below me this week and haven't made a good first impression, one of them was making a racket at the front door and screaming about something, thinking it was an emergency of some kind I went down four flights of stairs in order to help only to be asked what my problem was.  They slam doors continuously and the fire alarm went off five times this morning.  I have the top floor of a large old house with four flats, one on each floor.   The people in the basement are lovely and the couple on the upper ground floor flat are nice too.  It's just the flat immediately beneath mine that attracts terrible tenants like a magnet, I really think it must carry some kind of jinx.


Then there's next door, three people are now living in tents/lean-tos .in the back garden.  Don't get me wrong, I think it's dreadful that people are reduced to living like that, but whereas the back of the house has always been relatively quiet (I live on an A road) there is now a racket coming from them well into the night.  I feel under attack from both sides.

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I'd like to add hot, windowless, offices and "comfort cooling" which isn't comfortable at any time of year - not warm enough in the depths of winter and definitely not able to manage anything over 18 degrees in summer!  I'm slowly frying and finding work wear which is cool but professional is very difficult.

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