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Yep, that's what they usually recommend.  I mean, why should you work your backside off for a client who won't pay?  (I hope you have others who will!)


You don't happen to do something vaguely creative, do you?  If so, you could try pointing out that copyright remains yours until you're paid (and if that's not in your T&Cs, it should be!)

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We had to threaten small claims court when dc was owed wages for some casual work he did. Repeated asking and setting deadlines for payment were ignored. In the end told them that if money wasn't in account within a certain number of days the paperwork would be submitted to the court. Payment was received within 24 hours!!

Good luck with sorting it out Taxi.

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I have a friend in London who is a self employed piano and violin teacher.


The interesting thing is that the less well off people who can just about afford the lessons always pay on time.


It's the people who live in the big houses in Hampstead who make excuses about paying on time and mess her about.


She said they're all nice people on one level but she thinks that they are so out of touch that they don't seem to realise she actually has to live on the money she earns from the music lessons.........they probably think its a bit of extra she's doing on the side sort of thing!!

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(I love how this thread is perfect for some rather random rants such as....) The fact that I had to take a nap this afternoon because I felt so tired, just about managed 3 hours of ballet class this evening, now at 1am I'm as energetic as a flipping Duracell bunny!!!! Whyyyy can't I sleep when I need to!!!! :S

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Feliway diffuser is supposed to help with highly strung cats over the firework period.  I have to let my cat out during the day and just keep her in at nights otherwise we wouldn't have any carpets left!!


On another topic, shoppers who arrive at a store 10 minutes before closing and then are disgruntled when 10 minutes later the tills are not open - they are on time swtiches and have to close.  Non-dd definitely wants to get out of retail!

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Freaking bloody deer (pardon my French). We planted some apple trees in the lawn this spring and surrounded them with a makeshift netting fence to keep the deer away. That was successful but unsightly and it made it really difficult to get in there and mow round the trees. So once the leaves started to drop we took the fence down. Bad move. Two of the trees have now been reduced to a pile of sticks. Apparently the bloody things are reaching up to the high branches, pulling them down until they break, and stripping the leaves off them.


So we've taken the leaves off the rest of the trees in the hopes of rescuing them, but it looks as though we'll have to put the fence back up around the remaining trees before the new shoots come in the spring. In the meantime the deer have stripped most of the leaves and quite a few of the branches off the fig tree, which I thought they wouldn't touch because of the latex. That tree was mostly killed by the extremely cold weather in March but has been regenerating from ground level, which of course makes it ideal for deer. So that tree will get the fence treatment too in the spring.


You wouldn't think our back garden backed onto some woods (which I presume is where the snakes live), the way the deer seem to feel the need to come into the garden and strip everything bare.

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Clumsiness!!! Quite contentedly walking home from school, when life decides 'you're having too much of a good day!' *Splat*! I fall over my own feet, go with a heavy thud on the pavement, ripped leggings, bruised knees, and... oh **** !!!! Very cracked IPhone screen!!!! (Which has no insurance, hefty screen-replacement bill coming right up.....)  :o  :angry:  :(  :(  :(

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The joys of Christmas decorating. I was putting the last ornament on one of the smaller trees and the whole thing decided to keel over. Apparently the stand gave way - those cheap trees have stands made, as far as I can gather, out of plastic sheeting and optimism. As far as I can see there's only one broken ornament, which is amazing since the tree fell onto a wooden floor, not a carpet. Enough to cut my hand, of course, but that's just one of those things. I think this is the third time over the years that a tree stand has given way and led to a full-scale collapse of a fully decorated tree.

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A friend of mine received hate mail years ago now after an article in a newspaper at the time.


You just would not believe what people wrote including death threats.

She nearly had a nervous breakdown over it but it was truly terrifying.

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Poison Pen Letters.


I went out at the weekend with a friend, who has been subject to a spate of nasty, spiteful letters which are unsigned. 


I was just lost for words.  How could anyone do such a terrible thing?


Anonymity makes bullies very bold.


My husband has a YouTube channel where he posts videos about the Sun, and every so often he posts stuff about the climate, particularly global warming. He's had all sorts of, erm, interesting responses to the climate videos, including some private messages letting him know that "we know where you live."

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