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Lauren Cuthbertson dancing with the Mariinsky

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Sorry, late night posting often leads to typos - obviously I meant Ashton and this has been confirmed in another article in today's edition.


It would also appear that late night posting leads to unnecessarily snide comments: or to quote the Big Bang Theory "nobody likes a smarty pants" 

You could have been a bit gentler in your rebuke, Alison.



Edited by loveclassics
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Such a lovely article and what an opportunity!


But - and I am editing the post to add this - it says she danced on Saturday. So now I am wondering who I saw on Saturday night at the ROH!!

Edited by Blossom
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I am so happy for Lauren Cuthbertson; that must go down as a really treasured memory for her,- and an  historic first for  a British couple! Wonderful. I wish we could have seen it.......

it would be fun if some RB dancers could guest with the Bolshoi next summer when they're here...Mr O' Hare seems to think very creatively these days so who knows!

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Lauren gave a lovely interview. Her  performance in Symphony in C  last Tuesday was the first time I have seen her live, and  I thought she brought a real presence to the stage. It is amazing how she fitted in performing Sylvia in St P. at such short notice with everything else goning on at the RB at present. 

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