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The modest cafe at the end of my small street asks £2.20-!!! for a cup of ordinary tea , and last time it was served to me in a cup with no extras at all- I did go and ask for a top-up which was not met with any enthusiasm.




ah - the British 'service with a snarl' technique....

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ah - the British 'service with a snarl' technique....

Reminds me of that Yorkshire bookshop owner in the news recently, for apparently being grumpy and charging people 50p to browse round his shop. I haven't been there and don't know if the reports of his rudeness are exaggerated. Either way it seems good publicity. People pay to go to a hotel because the manager carries on like Basil Fawlty!

I wouldn't object to paying 50p to go into his shop, provided I got it back if I buy something. He is after all open for business, not as a free drop in shelter from the rain and some people are unable to walk round shops without touching things they have no intention of buying and making a mess.

I have been on the customer side of counters and the service side and neither location is much fun sometimes. I do wonder though why some people go into a customer facing job, when they clearly have no interest or skill in that department. Other jobs may be available.

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Reminds me of that Yorkshire bookshop owner in the news recently, for apparently being grumpy and charging people 50p to browse round his shop. I haven't been there and don't know if the reports of his rudeness are exaggerated.


I know someone from the locality, and no - the reports are not exaggerated! (But I plead guilty to long periods of browsing in second-hand bookshops and then not buying...).

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