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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. The easy to print casting for the Autumn season is here. No need to thank me, or for producing the list of the winter casting that has been announced so far, posted earlier in the thread.
  2. I have posted the available casting for the winter period shows on the winter period thread.
  3. Les Patineurs Blue Boy only 18 Dec, 4 Jan Sambé 19, 20(e) Dec Corrales 20(m) Dec, 2 Jan Hay Winter Dreams Masha/Vershinin/Irina/Olga 18 Dec, 4 Jan Nuñez/Soares/Hayward/Mendizabal 19 Dec, 20(e) Lamb/Muntagirov/Naghdi/Heap 20(m) Dec, 2 Jan Morera/Hirano/Takada/Calvert The Concert Solo lady only 18, 20(e) Dec Cuthbertson 19, 20(m) Dec Hamilton 2, 4 Jan Lamb Asphodel Meadows 18 Jan, 2(e), 13 Feb Nuñez/Hirano/Morera/Bracewell/Hinkis/Acri 19(m) Jan, 2(m), 5 Feb Kaneko/Richardson/Magri/Corrales/Maeda/Dyer The Two Pigeons Young Girl/Young Man/Gypsy Girl/Lover 18 Jan, 5 Feb Cuthbertson/Muntagirov/Morera/Mock 19(m) Jan Stix-Brunell/Clarke/Calvert/Bjørneboe Brændsrød 2(m), 14 Feb Choe/Campbell/Mendizabal/Edmonds 2(e), 13 Feb Takada/Hay/Magri/Montaño 12, 16(m) Feb Hayward/Bracewell/Kaneko/Zucchetti Don Quixote Kitri/Basilio 15, 20, 23 Feb Nuñez/Muntagirov 16, 19 Feb, 1 Mar Takada/McRae 22 Feb, 22 Mar, 1 Apr Cuthbertson/Ball 23(m), 27 Feb Kaneko/Corrales 2 Mar, 3 Apr Naghdi/Sambé 25, 30(e) Mar Osipova/Corrales 30(m) Mar, 4 Apr Magri/Campbell
  4. As mentioned above, if you click through to the individual show pages, you get more casting details (such as the principal couple in 2 Pigs).
  5. I was checking something in David Vaughan's Ashton over the weekend and noticed that the "red girls" in the first revival of Les Patineurs were Beryl Grey and Gillian Lynne. What I would have paid to see that!!
  6. As I said on the mixed bills page, you need to click through to the individual show pages.
  7. Some mixed bill casting is up too (Blue Boy in Pats, Asphodel Meadows, Two Pigeons, Winter Dreams, solo lady in The Concert) - easiest to follow the links to the individual show pages from the calendar.
  8. 6 of the RB's current principals: Ball, Cuthbertson, Hayward, Morera, Naghdi and Watson.
  9. Just to mention that Enigma Variations was last performed by RB at ROH in 2011 and I recall Bennet Gartside as an excellent Elgar.
  10. I don't think we can really say Dowell commissioned the Makarova production, as she had already set it on ABT a number of years earlier (with Dowell as Solor). Apologies if I have misinterpreted.
  11. Bearing in mind the forum policy on potentially illicit videos, this might be something you need to find for yourself (it's quite easy if you look at social media).
  12. I have a feeling you'll be in a minority of one (or, certainly, very few) there. Ah well, more tickets for the rest of us. I think we'll soon have Godwin's Law expanded to cover political correctness!
  13. Just to counter some of the bad side of things, last night a lady in the front row at 42nd Street got her phone out to photograph or video the post-bows dance and the usher was straight down to sort it (I was on the aisle and there was a lovely breeze as the usher rushed by!).
  14. The thread wasn't offensive, but there was no need for a new thread (you have been on this board long enough to be aware that we don't like doubling-up threads on the same subject). As you will have seen, your post was moved to this thread, which is the appropriate place for it (unfortunately I made a mistake in merging the threads and the "new" thread was inadvertently deleted when the plan was to copy the posts to this thread but leave the other thread in place but locked, sorry about that but I am at work). If you feel the need to leave, that's your prerogative, but it seems a bit of an over-reaction in my opinion.
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