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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. In my experience (i.e. from what I've seen on visits to ROH), the number of people actually interested in cast changes is relatively small. I really don't think this should be a problem (but I have said on twitter that I think the signs should be bigger, there should be more of them and they should be more prominent). It's what's done at every single West End theatre. I noted that in the Geilgud Theatre this morning there were two A4 pieces of paper blu-tacked to the box office confirming a cast change for tonight.
  2. Though I do expect most people to have a pen. What do you do when you go to a theatre where the only cast list is a board listing the cast and not specifically identifying any changes/understudies/swings?
  3. A couple of basic points. It’s not blind faith, it’s agreeing with a suggested course of action. Those who have been round here longer than you can confirm that I can be extremely critical of the ROH when I think it is appropriate (and I have made a number of my feelings, positive, negative and hopefully constructive, known directly to Alex Beard in person). As to knowing the motives of people who write in, my comment was a response to a poster above who suggested they might write in to make a nuisance of themselves, so that’s pretty clear to me. As to the FOH staff telling porkies, I agree and refer you to my point that staff need to be properly briefed. If you think I need to back that up by saying staff should respond to patrons in accordance with their briefing (which I would have thought doesn’t need to be said), then I happily say it.
  4. I found out about tonight’s cast changes by looking at the notice posted at the programme point. It was very easy to read and I took a photo with my ‘phone just in case I couldn’t remember them. I don’t think four changes in Patineurs (one of which was consequential from another) is “many”. There were no cast changes in the other ballets (not sure why a poster above thought there might be given they had seen the changes for Patineurs). I want the ROH to stop printing cast change slips - they are a waste of money and paper. The notices are sufficient, provided front of house staff are properly briefed. If you are interested enough in the cast (and a significant number of patrons attending are not), you can make the effort to go to a programme point and look at a notice. To anyone who wants to make a nuisance of themselves by emailing the ROH for cast changes, I hope you are ignored as a troublesome timewaster.
  5. The Olgas in 2015 were Stix-Brunell, Naghdi, Hinkis, Takada & Choe
  6. Maybe they want to make the announcement to Friends first through the magazine?
  7. That’s quite an accusation to make, particularly as the underlying point (that the balcony pd2 might be on the Fonteyn tribute bill) is based on supposition. Are you really suggesting that the director of the RB is completely unaware of the history of his own company’s R&J? I wasn’t born when it was created but even I know what happened. I have noted that the balcony pd2 is not in the tribute section of the Tokyo programme.
  8. See you there! We’re booked for all three performances!
  9. I arrived at the ROH about 7.05 (having been to the stage door and learned of the cast changes there, but's that's another story). There were cast change notices at the programme points by the cloakroom and the main "red" foyer and the cast changes were on the ticker on the screens in the "new" foyer above the Linbury.
  10. It appears to be. Yes, the cast changes are shown on a ticker at the bottom of the screen (and this was the case yesterday evening). There will also be cast change notices at the programme sales points. I don't think so. The principal coaching has been by Darcey Bussell and Irek Mukhamedov.
  11. From his instagram I see that he is indeed spending some quality time with his family and I'm very pleased he is able to do so.
  12. Just received an email confirming that Federico Bonelli will be replaced by William Bracewell as The Prince in the Nutcracker on 9 and 15 January.
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