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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. It's an awful press release and a dreadful position for Zelensky to take. I feel very sorry for the dancers in Munich. IMO, this issue needs to go to the full management of the Staatsballett and Zelensky should not participate in the discussions due to potential conflict of interest.
  2. Reminds me of the time we were doing an amateur production of Chicago back in the early 1990s. The actress playing Mama Morton (our then grande dame) asked what a finagle was (throw em a fake and a finagle, they’ll never know you’re just a bagel). No-one knew!
  3. He’s 29 (born 20 November 1989, just after the fall of the Berlin Wall) but IMO looks about 45.
  4. Devasted to report that it appeared that tonight was Emma Maguire’s last performance with the Royal Ballet. She was (as always) beautiful in every respect.
  5. Agreed (and note that for some opera rehearsals there's only amphi left even when I go to book as a premium 2 friend)!
  6. But none of those situations are those where you have not seen the named dancer because they have been given additional shows due to the indisposition of another, which was the subject of the comment to which the response related.
  7. I'm not sure that's right. After the house reopened, the ballet still ended as you described (i.e. correctly). It was the second (or later) run after the reopening that the reopening of the curtain was omitted. In the current run, only one of the blue boys would be properly visible anyway on reopening (Yudes) as the others have strayed too far from the central line.
  8. You misunderstand. In every single West End theatre, there is a cast board (sometimes a screen, sometimes an actual board with names on it) listing the cast for the current performance. Sometimes (but not always) they will put up an announcement for a cast change (e.g. the Gielgud Theatre today) but this is not always the case. During 42nd Street at Drury Lane, the only cast change that is specifically announced had been for Dorothy Brock (and when LuLu was doing it, that was a a sign for many people to rush for tickets!); all other cast changes are simply shown on the cast board.
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