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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. Pretty much so, yes. Tickets are already printed (along with my RBS OHP tickets).
  2. I agree, and have already booked BBBs into the front row. It's a wonderful place.
  3. I have SCS D26 available for the double bill on 5 Feb, face value is £6. Please PM if interested.
  4. Asphodel Meadows was revived the season following its premiere run, but I assume the gap since then has been more to do with allowing Scarlett to create new works on the company than anything else. Controversial I know, but I'd rather fancy a triple bill of Viscera, Sweet Violets and Asphodel Meadows (in that order).
  5. As have I (and he usually says hello, too). And if you've heard Beard talk about his love for opera from an early age, I don't think any suggestion that he is "disengaged from both the mechanics and the wonder" is correct. When I was vocally unimpressed by the Open Up project when it was launched, Beard contacted me and arranged to meet for a cup of tea; we met and he gave me a much fuller understanding of the project and the intentions behind it (though some things changed before then). When we met there was no disguising his enthusiasm for the opera house and the work that is done there.
  6. Given that all the shops on that block have closed, I don’t think you’ll have the opportunity until the redevelopment has finished!
  7. And so it was. And it was one of the most glorious experiences of my life. There was about 2 minutes of absolute silence at the end after Vere walked off the stage. Magnificent.
  8. Rachmaninov’s Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini (though the first 40 seconds is his 3rd piano concerto).
  9. As this was not a Royal Ballet production, I would put no score on what happened with post-performance flowers having any effect on the main stage. Having said that, the woman who said this was the first time men had been presented with flowers at ROH was incorrect. Men have received flowers on the main stage at farewell performances and also when they have performed en travestie.
  10. It's worth having a look at the Dance Tabs twitter feed as there are details from the press conference that are a bit wider than the press release.
  11. Extremely sad news. John was a really personable and talented gentlemen, who always had time for people and would seek them out in a crowd. He will be very much missed.
  12. Strange how everyone's immediate response seems to have been that it was HRH's fault. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence, the golden thread that runs through British justice? If you weren't there and don't know what happened, better to keep an open mind and not jump to conclusions.
  13. One never knows these days unless there is some additional indication of intent... 😉
  14. I don't think that's likely. Arestis is a principal character artist and more likely to be the princess.
  15. I enjoyed the evening. Singing is very good (though Antonenko struggles quite a lot) and musically it seems to work (be prepared for some interloping from another composer, mind). Not really too keen on the large amount of the production that is based on (a) Tchaikovsky's rumoured homosexuality and (b) the suggestion that he caught cholera after drinking infected water but I found it quite easy to concentrate on the music rather than that. Excellent sets (with some clever ideas) but there are a few overdone clichés; costumes also very good but some are just a bit too similar to distinguish between the characters if you don't know the piece overly well.
  16. Sorry, my mistake. I was underground and had the 3 April date in my head as I’d seen it somewhere yesterday. As a premium 2 friend, I don’t recall ever not having reasonable casting details before booking (save for new pieces).
  17. What? When spring booking hasn’t even opened to the public and Friends booking for the summer period isn’t until April? Catch yourself on (as they’d say in my homeland).
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