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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. It's just selected by UEFA. The EL final is in Azerbaijan...
  2. At least that's a bit closer than Moscow, where the last all-English CL final was held. Didn't start until 11.45 p.m. local time so with extra time and penalties we didn't get back to the hotel until about 4 a.m.! At least there was time then for a few beers in the hotel bar with supporters of both teams!
  3. Exactly. I think that's a pretty horrid thing to say about the winner (and the jury). I said to someone beforehand that she should watch out for Julia Conway (whom I recall from RBS days as being something quite special) and, having watched the six competitors, I didn't disagree with the result (though I also wouldn't have disagreed with certain other results either).
  4. I have SCS D26 going spare for the RB mixed bill on 21 Feb - face value is £6. Please PM if interested.
  5. Of course, the last British team to beat Barca in a CL semi-final went on to lift the trophy. A good omen?
  6. It's been one of those weeks. I blame the weather...
  7. I also saw the rehearsal yesterday and I felt the new costumes for Golden Hour were pretty but they look a bit too "42nd Street", at times the ladies' costumes distract from the lines created by the body (and also interfere with movement) and overall they lessen the elements of "fun" within the piece. Each to their own!
  8. Adam Cooper was on stage, James Streeter was presenting the live stream.
  9. The preview used to be the night before the press announcement but they stopped that as there were too many leaks.
  10. The season announcement is on 14 May, so you don't have to wait for the preview to find out.
  11. That's right. The RB's PdL dancer for the 19/20 season will be Sumina Sasaki (from Japan).
  12. The website says it's presented in Japanese so I don't think there will be an interpreter or it being bilingual.
  13. Neither had we until we saw the wording on the back of last night's Insight programme: "in this special event for Japanese speakers." I don't remember reading that when we first booked but, as it wasn't in the magazine, I can't check (other than by asking ROH). Might explain why I was able to book central front row tickets though...
  14. The Don Q score we usually hear contains quite a lot of material that is not by Minkus!
  15. As I've upgraded myself to the front row, SCS D3 is now available again.
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