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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. He hasn’t gone. I’ve already told you what he’s doing next!
  2. Well, I think she looks beautiful, graceful and strong (and her own person) in that photograph.
  3. But technically only for those who don't have (or are entitled to) HM or HRH (e.g. Archie Mountbatten-Windsor).
  4. The original posting in this thread contained a full cut and paste of an article from the BBC News website. This is a clear breach of the AUP, particularly as the article contained images that were stated to be copyright. I have replaced the article with a link to the item on the website. On a completely different note, I do find it rather odd that some people continue to refer to a married woman by her maiden name when she doesn't do so herself.
  5. The ticket for Spartacus on 10 August is available again.
  6. If you’ve ever watched McGregor choreographing, you’ll realise the music is often relatively irrelevant!
  7. I watched that in the pub beside my office!
  8. I don’t think Southworth was “in charge” of the Baton Associates - that would be someone from the development office and Southworth is on the RB artistic team. Before becoming Creative Producer (which, as you say, is related to developing the dance side of the alternative spaces in the ROH), her job title was Studio Programme Senior Producer.
  9. I’m rather worn out after a three minutes shy of five hours gents’ doubles final!
  10. Pedantic, but don't the books refer to the school rather than the theatre?
  11. I have the following SCS tickets (e-tickets) available for the Bolshoi at ROH: 1 Aug Spartacus (D24) 8 Aug The Bright Stream (D24) 10 Aug (eve) Spartacus (D26) Face value is £15 per ticket. Please PM if interested.
  12. I wonder what discount would be appropriate for the 90 tickets I booked yesterday (noting that there were three insight events I couldn't book as they were "sold out").
  13. Basic info (but not the cost, which is significant) on being a tour supporter is on the ROH website.
  14. Speaking personally, I think everyone should remember that every moderator is a complete volunteer, who gives up a significant amount of their valuable time to ensure this forum continues to exist and, to the best of their ability, that it exists in a friendly and user-friendly way that is open to all who do not abuse it. They are also people with feelings, just like everyone else. I have previously resigned as a trustee of this forum and as a moderator because of comments on the site aimed at moderators specifically and generally. Sim convinced me to withdraw that resignation. There may come a time again when I am minded that such a resignation is the only appropriate option and other moderators may take the same view.
  15. The crowds are incredible, and so many presents for the dancers!
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