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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. I have a spare ticket for the Agrippina insight in the Clore on 17 September (F20). Face value is £20. Please PM if interested.
  2. If you can get the balcony standing in the centre block, that’s the best place for cheap opera.
  3. Time for the reminder that Michael Caine had to choose a stage name as there was already a Maurice Mickelwhite on Equity's books...
  4. I think Darcey Bussell is a bad example as she changed her surname as a young child when she was adopted by her stepfather; Darcey was one of her middle names and the one by which she was usually known (similarly, I'm known by my middle name).
  5. Personally, I’d rather see the seat with someone in it, rather than it being empty. If it’s a first-timer or someone of limited means, then even better. I have to admit, I’ve been on the other side of this many times recently in London theatres, making good use of day seats and similar offers and it’s often quite easy to get a very decent seat for a good price if one is looking for a single seat.
  6. I said “why not?” because sometimes that is an appropriate answer to a question as not everything needs to have a reason, or even a reason that we, the general public, need to know or understand. There could be a myriad of important reasons or none as to why this decision was taken by RB management. As it is, I have tried to explain my understanding of the position using information that is publicly available on the internet. As you say not everything is an invitation to mortal combat but, on the other hand, not everything I post is an attempt at mortal combat either. Perhaps next time, I’ll just not bother responding and leave you to your own devices and google.com.
  7. The composer, Thomas Adès, in not LA based; he is based in London. The piece (so far as the music is concerned) is a joint commission between the LA Philharmonic (as part of its centenary celebrations) and the Royal Ballet, with a co-commission credit for the Concertgebouw for concert performance. The original commission from the LA Phil was “open” so there was no initial expectation that this would turn into a ballet/dance piece.
  8. Why not? What took place in LA was only part of the piece; a co-operation with the LA Philharmonic using other dancers too. The premiere of the full piece will be at ROH.
  9. Swan Lake and Onegin are in the Winter booking period and there’s a thread about that here. Just a reminder that members are free to start threads as they wish (within AUP of course), except in the links forum.
  10. Always makes me think of Anna Russell and her homogeneous G&S chorus!
  11. And, to be clear, I'm all in favour of anything the ROH does to protect the well-being of its musicians (and the rest of its workforce).
  12. It's not for the audience's protection but for the musicians. The seats are removed so that the floor can be opened up, which allows the sound to dissipate into the auditorium. This allows the "music" from the brass (being amongst the loudest instruments in the orchestra) to go in several directions rather than being pushed in one direction towards the other members of the orchestra.
  13. Possibly because some of us are very tired at the constant cheerleading on here by a couple of people - it's enough to make me want to leave this forum completely. If I want to see Polunin's instagram, I'm more than capable of looking at it, there's really no reason to copy it on here. I don't follow him on instagram for a reason. I'm entitled to my opinion as much as anyone and my opinion is "yawn". It may be forward, but it's not uncivil and it's the truth.
  14. The availability for the Cross Currents bill was poor, even early on the day booking opened for premium 2 friends. If tickets were held back for public booking, I imagine they will have been snapped up very quickly.
  15. Don't know about the main stage but we were able to get tickets for insight events that were sold out back on premium 2 friends booking day.
  16. To attach a pdf, you need to save it to your desktop (or elsewhere on your computer) then either drag it to the paperclip or click on "choose files" and locate the saved pdf.
  17. I think doing it in the opposite direction would be physically impossible.
  18. A double tour en l'air followed immediately by another (the landing plié of the first being the preparation plié of the second).
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