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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. I have to say that I felt the Nimrod variation last night, performed by Gary Avis, Christina Arestis and Tom Whitehead, was incredibly moving (and probably more so than any time I've seen before).
  2. Booking for patrons starts much earlier than for higher level friends.
  3. It only takes the typo to be made once for it to appear everywhere as the information is linked. As a Premium 2 friend, I can assure you we cannot book yet.
  4. Have you ever thought that other people may just be quicker than you? And don't forget the booking page will say nothing is available if tickets are in people's baskets but not yet bought, but the landing page will still say tickets are available until those tickets in baskets are actually bought (and this is the same with most booking systems, including things like Ticketmaster).
  5. Not sure this thread has anywhere to go so I'm locking it.
  6. I'd say there's well over a thousand at supporting friend level and above (there are about 190 listed as premium 2 and that doesn't include those who have chosen to be anonymous). And don't forget about the patrons too (there's over 300 individual patrons, before you start counting the corporates).
  7. I think seeing the Monday Moves class and understanding the difference it's making to peoples' lives is really interesting and educational.
  8. Why is it absurd? If you want to get new people, why use a website that they probably won't look at? A lot of people use social media now almost exclusively. A bit of TV publicity would have been useful I imagine - breakfast TV or The One Show, that sort of thing.
  9. No-one said it does. There are very detailed sentencing guidelines which the judge will follow. There are a number of reasons why a guilty plea is taking into account in sentencing, including that an acceptance of an acceptance of guilt: i) normally reduces the impact of the crime upon victims; ii) saves victims and witnesses from having to testify; and iii) is in the public interest in that it saves public time and money on investigations and trials. If you disagree with this, I suggest you speak to your MP.
  10. "foun "Found guilty" suggests he pleaded innocent but was found quilty by a jury. That was not the case; he pleaded guilty and that will be taken in account when he is sentenced (the normal position is a 33% reduction in the sentence if the plea was entered at the first stage of proceedings).
  11. Another thumbs down from me on the new lighting. Too many shadows, sometimes falling on significant dancers or action.
  12. No need (unless you want to, of course!). Not counting the "non-dancing" courtesans who giddy about in the background, there are 5 courtesans in act 2 (plus Lescaut's mistress). The one who does not appear in act 1 wears (in the current RB production) a red dress and is not credited as she does not take part in any of the duets for the courtesans.
  13. If you are located near a whiffy audience member, I’d suggest taking a tip from Monsieur GM and making use of a hankie that has been sprayed with something more delicate and pleasant on the nose!
  14. They have already called off the action against the tube as it was an utter failure. Traffic has been relatively heavy near the ROH recently due to a number of roadworks in the area.
  15. Reece Clarke has already performed the role (and other principal roles) with the RB.
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