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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. Cast changes for the Concerto triple bill 18 Dec (m) Concerto Gasparini replaces Stix-Brunell; Calvert replaces Heap 18 Dec (e) & 20 Dec (e) Concerto O'Sullivan replaces Takada 20 Dec (m) Concerto Gasparini replaces Stix-Brunell; Kaneko replaces Heap Enigma Variations Hinkis replaces Naghdi (Dorabella)
  2. There were pretty much no decent tickets available for the first night of The Dante Project when booking opened for Premium 2 Friends!
  3. They are upper school year 3. The age of students used for these roles has gradually increased over the years!
  4. Reminds me of when we were doing an amateur production of Chicago in the early 1990s (well before google came on the scene) and the (wonderful) actress playing Mama Morton asked me what a finagle was! ("throw 'em a fake and a finagle, they'll never know you're just a bagel")
  5. She's the reason I'm going to see FIdelio.
  6. The first is still about tags. The second is clearly a fan account (and it says so it the bio).
  7. Talking of Osbert Lancaster, I was thrilled to see this report from the opening night of the RB’s 1954 production at a recent ROH collections event.
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