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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. I had a new one tonight: my neighbour head banging to the beginning of Brahms symphony number 1! Thankfully I usually close my eyes to concentrate on the music.
  2. It was the second post that made me want to respond...
  3. it was, and I recall she was actually quite good!
  4. Sorry, was at a concert and then the Wi-fi on the tube was rather ropey. I see Jan has already helpfully answered the query re OP. I think disappointment is a perfectly natural response to a singer or a dancer having to be replaced and one I have felt quite a lot recently, but I usually get over it. However, I think annoyance and insinuations about a singer’s illness are a step too far. I know there are some singers who have somewhat of a reputation for cancelling for what might appear to be less than understandable reasons but Yoncheva is most certainly not one of them.
  5. I recall that being quite fun (towards the end...)!
  6. I’m now expecting Liz McLarnon and Natasha Hamilton to pop up in the pit! 😎
  7. Yes, it’s right to flag this report (which, as you say, is in the public domain) but it is important to remember at this time that these are only allegations. We shall have to let the legal system take its course.
  8. If you look closely you will see that I have actually liked some of your posts in the past. i have no issue with your post advising of a cast change, though the lack of context was a bit puzzling at first. I do take issue that you are “annoyed” at someone cancelling because they are ill and, more so, at your negative insinuation that they will be better in time for the filmed performance (which is weeks away). You completely ignored the question you were asked (the website does indeed show the cast change affects one performance only at this time) when doing that. As I said, I think that’s pathetic, noting that the artist won’t be paid for the show she is missing.
  9. I find the original posting and the subsequent posting by the OP to be in extremely poor taste. In fact, I think it’s pretty pathetic.
  10. I see both ballet and opera and have no problem in working this out (but then again, all the dates are in the season guide, though a few have changed, and the dates are also listed in the ROH magazine - twice!).
  11. Yes, big opera stars sometimes withdraw with no explanation. Also, there is no public information that Muntagirov was "withdrawn". I really wish people on this forum could be mature enough to realise that suppostion about cast changes such as Muntagirov/Clarke can be very inappropriate and potentially distressing for those involved.
  12. In the first RB run of Onegin, the Onegins were Adam Cooper, Johan Kobborg, Nathan Coppen and Robert Tewsley. Martin Harvey joined this list in the second run, six months later.
  13. Is this an in-joke that I don't know about?
  14. It may be human nature but it is not appropriate here. We have no right to the information unless the dancers or the Royal Ballet are willing to share it; I don't think it is discourteous in the least.
  15. If no reason is given for a cast change, I don't think it is appropriate (or fair) to make suggestions as to it has been made.
  16. If no reason is given for a cast change, I don't think it is appropriate (or fair) to make suggestions as to it has been made.
  17. The following description for the Heritage bill now appears on the website: "The Royal Ballet celebrates its unique heritage through works and choreographers who have shaped the Company's history. Heritage brings alive the legacy of these choreographers, presenting works by Ninette de Valois, Frederick Ashton and Kenneth MacMillan performed in the intimacy of the Linbury Theatre by The Royal Ballet and guest companies. The Royal Ballet celebrate the rich British contribution to the international ballet repertory. These performances are complemented by a programme of insights and film screenings."
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