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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. The “odd” prices include the booking fee, which you wouldn’t have paid as you were booking at the box office. The tickets being sent by post is an anti-tout measure.
  2. People don't get UK benefits in the Channel Islands as they don't pay UK tax. The Channel Islands are not part of the UK and have significantly lower income (and similar) tax rates. I don't think balletbean was quite right in her earlier posting about NHS and GP services. Yes, Channel Islands residents get access to the NHS (in certain circumstances) if they are travelling to the UK (under reciprocal healthcare agreements with the UK) but in the Channel Islands themselves there is no (UK) NHS. The healthcare arrangements vary from island to island and there is often a cost implication (though Jersey residents get free prescriptions IIRC).
  3. I don't think it's anyone new, and it is the cane-using sartorially challenged person you are thinking of.
  4. There's quite a lot I don't like about the current ROH production, which in our household is referred to as the "IKEA Production" (and that was before I'd read the review that Geoff mentioned above). The garret room is far too clean and clinical (bohemians....) and I can't stand the writing on the walls etc. scene, which doesn't mean much to me or add to the story. Why is everyone in the café still wearing their coats? Is it less well heated than the tavern? And, oh my, what the heck is the tavern? Why is it in the middle of nowhere when it's in the middle of Paris? And the way the tavern and brazier slowly move off stage is just ludicrous (at least they don't squeak and shudder as they did when the production was new). The shop arcades are very pretty. Having said all that, I thoroughly enjoyed the singing at the show I went to (about a week after @penelopesimpson) and was more moved than I think I have ever been at boheme.
  5. When did you book it? If it was on public booking day, I'd give it a few more days as they have quite a lot of tickets to send out and it does take them a day or two to do them all.
  6. Not casting as such, but I've received an email advising that International Draft Works on 20 March will now start at 2.45 p.m. rather than 7.45 p.m. I imagine quite a few people will be returning their tickets for refunds (and it's not selling that well at the moment either).
  7. Just to bring this back on track a bit, I had no real problems booking for the gala, other than being about 480 in the queue (but still got the seats I wanted).
  8. No commercial recording. The ROH makes archive recordings.
  9. No-one is forcing you to buy a ticket. I'm sure people said similar things about The Rite of Spring in 1913.
  10. There are a number of presumptions in the original posting. How do you know the ROH isn't taking action? If the tickets are cancelled, that won't stop the seller from still advertising them for sale on a resale website. How do you know that Friends memberships aren't being cancelled? The ROH announced recently (during the Fidelio kerfuffle) that it had done so.
  11. A touch more selfish, but I also feel the apparently ably bodied ladies who crowd around the ground floor disabled loos are usually blocking the way to the gents! On a lighter note, the other night I stopped a lady wandering down the steps to the gents and pointed her in the right direction. Better signage still needed, methinks. Worth remembering that there is another disabled loo just through the doors opposite the 2 disabled loos by the gents (i.e. towards the auditorium).
  12. The snow falling from the flies is from La bohème.
  13. Very pleased with something the conductor at ROH last night (Simon Hewett) did. He asked the orchestra to stand for their audience acknowledgement before the prelude for act 3 of Sleeping Beauty. As a consequence, the audience knew the performance was about to continue and so we were spared the dreadful chattering that has blighted this run so far whilst the orchestra played this prelude.
  14. Though the premium seats include dinner and a sizeable donation (which is to be expected as the gala is a fund-raiser...). There is often a separate mailing (or a flyer included with the magazine) for fund-raising events such as this (e.g. first night celebrations).
  15. I think this is merely Alison saying she may only be able to make it to an encore showing, rather than the live broadcast itself.
  16. I had a new one tonight: my neighbour head banging to the beginning of Brahms symphony number 1! Thankfully I usually close my eyes to concentrate on the music.
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