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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. Best we managed yesterday on the common was a couple of robins and a parakeet sitting on a branch
  2. To clarify this, the investigation into allegations made relating to students at the Royal Ballet School found no wrongdoing; the results of the investigation into other allegations have not been made public. That being said, I personally have no issue with the RB maintaining its current production of Swan Lake (though I still don't really like the ending).
  3. Infuriating. Hopefully they'll be in contact soon (could be they have a lot to get through).
  4. When we were at the Biathlon world championships earlier this year, there was an oompah band version of Bohemian Rhapsody played over the sound system. It was tremendous.
  5. Monica Parker hasn’t been airbrushed out at all. She’s been staging MacMillan’s ballets all over the world, including at the ROH (with the appropriate credits).
  6. We heard a woodpecker on the common a couple of days ago but couldn’t find it.
  7. Not sure why anyone would think that - Cuthbertson is only 35 and in top form.
  8. Lots in our street - applause, whooping, clattering of pans. Very moving.
  9. There was ballet - a pd2 from Lady of the Camellias and another from Taming of the Shrew (with pretty awful music). There were also lieder by R Strauss (finishing beautifully with Morgen) after the Wolf.
  10. The Sondheim Prom (shown on BBC4 again last night to celebrate Sondheim's 90th birthday) was one of the best evenings I've ever spent in the Albert Hall. It was lovely to watch it again last night.
  11. And this is the message from Chris Powney. I hope this email finds you well. You may see in the press today that the investigation into Liam Scarlett has now concluded. We note from the ROH’s statement that its investigation found no matters to pursue in relation to alleged contact with our students, but can confirm that we have no plans to work with Liam Scarlett in the future. At this challenging time, we hope that our students are staying connected with the School both academically and creatively, and that we can continue to foster a strong sense of community until we are able to return to work and train at White Lodge and Floral Street. During the coming weeks, our Academic, Artistic and Healthcare teams will be supporting students directly. We will also be providing a range of social media content that we hope is helpful to our own students as well as the wider ballet community.
  12. Of course the pig in that sketch is good (and, pedant that I am, it’s not Miss Piggy), as it’s a former RB principal...
  13. Thanks to Bennet Gartside, I discovered last night that my kitchen counter is a touch too low for a barre!
  14. I've still not had any contact from the ROH about my tickets. I'd be grateful if someone who has been through the process would confirm whether the refund/donation form is personalised or generic and, if it is the latter, if they could send it to me (so that I don't need to disturb peeps at the ROH who are undoubtedly somewhat overwhelmed).
  15. Seems unlikely, as Silent Witness started in 1996 and Waking the Dead started in 2000 (and ran for nine series).
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