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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. I think this is a case of autocorrect gone wrong. I've corrected the title of the thread and their "at home" link is here.
  2. Rather flattered that the Met are marking the BBB wedding anniversary in this way! 😇
  3. In our household, the daily stream from the Met is known as Metflix...
  4. The Royal Ballet ascribe the choreography to De Valois so I don't think it's overly appropriate to chastise the social media person who is following their employer's language. Also, the caption doesn't actually say "choreography"; it just refers to a possessive - the 1933 production was "made" by de Valois whilst Sergeyev taught the steps from the (not complete) notations; Sergeyev then created the second production in the 40s, which was then completed re-worked by NdV. If you have an issue, maybe raise it with RB management, rather than making a negative comment about a staff member. In any event, I think "NdV's charming and funny ballet, Coppélia (after Petipa and Cecchetti)" is a bit OTT and formal for a Facebook caption. I assume 1956 was a typo and you meant 1954. All of which reminds me, there is a lovely picture of NdV as Swanilda in the Kathrine Sorley Walker biography (which, a google search tells me, can also be found here).
  5. Marcus have only dropped their online savings account rate by 0.15% (currently 1.3%, about to go down to 1.2%). Easy to open that account.
  6. Courtesy of today's Links (with a very funny typo corrected): Oct. 23-25, FSU Center for the Performing Arts: “Donizetti Variations,” George Balanchine; “Amorosa,” Ricardo Graziano; “Company B,” Paul Taylor Nov. 20-21, Sarasota Opera House: “The Spider’s Feast,” Sir David Bintley; “Dante Sonata” and”Birthday Offering,” Sir Frederick Ashton Dec. 18-19, Van Wezel: “Romeo & Juliet,” Ashton Feb. 26-March 1, FSU Center: “Othello,” Peter Darrell; “Changing Light,” Will Tuckett; and TBA March 26-27, Sarasota Opera House: “Serenade,” Balanchine; “The Letter V,” Mark Morris; “Elite Syncopations,” Sir Kenneth MacMillan April 9-10, Sarasota Opera House: Mark Morris Dance Group April 30-May 1, Sarasota Opera House: “Fall River Legend,” Agnes De Mille; “Checkmate,” Dame Ninette de Valois; “Les Biches,” Bronislava Nijinska Quite a bit there I'd rather like to see! May have to go to Sarasota to see Dante Sonata after all...
  7. as any fule kno, Sherlock Holmes never said that in any book written by Conan Doyle...
  8. Didn't see too many birds on the common today (certainly heard them), save for a heron that seems to have taken up residence at the pond. We did see Christopher Carr though...
  9. It was Grant Coyle. Just to clarify, there is no "MacMillan Trust". The rights to MacMillan's ballets are all held by the choreographer's widow, Deborah, who has waived royalties/fees for streaming his ballets at this time. Those who stage his ballets are freelance, rather than employed by or contracted to a trust (as is the case with, for example, the Balanchine Trust).
  10. That would depend on whether they are employees or contractors.
  11. My last “post“ was my latest gin club box!
  12. The main singers are signed up up to five years in advance and the rest of the casting is generally done at least a full season ahead, so I don’t get your point here.
  13. This is not correct. Tosca, Butterfly and Don Carlo have not been cancelled (whether they are in the future is a different matter).
  14. They’re not the only ones. Glyndebourne is the same but I’m waiting for them to call me, rather than the other way round!
  15. Agree it's not the most helpful email. I think you should take it to mean that the rest of the ballet and Linbury seasons are cancelled but not necessarily all of the opera season (this is based on information provided to benefactors).
  16. "“These unprecedented circumstances have required us to make changes to the 2020/21 season including the postponement of the company’s appearance at the Royal Opera House in London, the world premiere of Wayne McGregor’s MADDADDAM, the North American premiere of Cathy Marston’s Victoria and the guest appearance by San Francisco Ballet,” the NBC stated today in their press release." [my emphasis]
  17. So far as I know, the website and booking system are interconnected so they need to keep the shows listed until all refunds/credits/donations have been processed for cancelled shows. I assume this is why some of the early cancelled events were listed but included a message that the show was cancelled.
  18. Yes, an announcement is due from the ROH sometime this week. I think people should remember that, unlike most of the other "big" ballet companies, the ROH is a much larger organisation (having an opera company, ballet company and an orchestra, together with everything that goes with that), with quite a number of matters that need to be dealt with before telling the public about things and so they are likely to take a bit longer than others to make announcements like this.
  19. Rhapsody/2 Pigeons next on my list too (but I think we’re doing Elektra from Vienna tonight)!
  20. I’m hoping for season after next - in a lovely Ashton triple bill.
  21. Of course it’s OK. Go for it!
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