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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. I think it helps that we are all balanced and fair people. The real point is that we talk to each other when we need to (which is why it sometimes takes a while for decisions to be made); that makes a huge difference and, IMO, takes a lot of the pressure off.
  2. Given the amount of money that the ROH needs to save (noting that they need to be able to show the government that they have done everything they can in order to have access to government support), I'm not surprised that easy fixes like reducing the amount of online content for things like this have taken place. There are still written records of every performance.
  3. Some details on the booking for the ROH October events (I assume it will be similar for the November ones). Ticket prices are £10-£75 stalls & grand tier - £75 stalls circle - £75 & £25 balcony - £75, £50 & £25 amphitheatre - £50, £25 & £10 lower slips - £25 & £10 upper slips - £10 Don't know whether standing tickets are available (showing as sold out so either not available or being held for later stages of booking) - £10. There is no ability to choose seats but you can select the best available in the area (and price bracket) that you want. Seats are allocated before you pay.
  4. It was confirmed in an email from ROH that there will be live performances of a reworked Covid-secure Nutcracker, which will be streamed as well.
  5. The edit button is in the menu accessed by clicking on the ellipsis (...) in the top right corner of the post. Posts can be edited up to 30 minutes after posting.
  6. Wigmore Hall currently have a audience capacity of 112 for their concerts. IIRC, the Troubador in Wembley Park has about 400 from a normal capacity of 1300 (which reminds me, I'd recommend a visit to see Sleepless, it's rather enjoyable).
  7. Remember the whole of the stalls will be taken up by the orchestra and that would probably mean the stalls circle can't be used for audience either.
  8. Unlike some extremely wealthy beknighted London theatre owners, seems like Nimax is actually doing something with its theatres; I welcome this news enthusiastically. Announcement is here.
  9. I didn’t donate any tickets but did make a separate donation and renewed my Friends membership in April. I received a thank-you letter from KOH and a personal email thanking me for renewing.
  10. The set is from ROH’s production of La Traviata (act 2, scene 2 - Flora’s salon). I agree it was an extremely enjoyable and, at times, highly emotional evening? Well worth the £16 cost and certainly every penny worth to see Gerry Finley’s Scarpia.
  11. Booking isn't open to the public yet so keep watching the site. I understand that Thursday is for Patrons and benefactors so there may only be limited (or no) availability on that day.
  12. The school was part of Open House last year (see here) and we very much enjoyed it.
  13. That JustGivomg page relates to the video they did a couple of months ago to the new Rolling Stones song (a popular beat combo, m’lud). When this gala was announced, it was said to be supporting the “Royal Opera House Charity Fund (in other words, the ROH, which you can support by going to their webpage).
  14. I’m afraid you’re mistaken on the RB point (both in this case and generally). MGH had to approach the rights holders of each (existing) ballet to be able to perform the extracts (and rights hadn’t actually been granted for everything when the programme was first announced!). As you say, The Dying Swan is no longer subject to copyright and we have already had some video of AROS rehearsing.
  15. So why is Sleepless going ahead (opening later this week)? And what is "the struggling STAGE" that you mention so frequently? I'm aware of a publication called The Stage (to which I subscribe). Is this the same thing?
  16. Thanks Capybara. This is already being discussed in the "Our House to Your House" thread.
  17. You said: “healthy people don’t use them”, which is not correct (I didn’t say it was offensive). Most people are complying with the guidelines. Some are not (and others are exempt), but (certainly in my experience) it’s a very, very small minority.
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