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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. My source is a translation of the libretto from the first production.
  2. to clarify it’s just performances to the end of January cancelled (at this point in time).
  3. Yes, the 500th performance of The Nutcracker by the Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House (there is a similar statement about the relevant piece on all RB cast sheets). The Royal Ballet have performed significantly more than 500 times at the ROH - i imagine some posters on here (myself included) have been to more than 500 performances by the RB at the ROH.
  4. According to tonight’s cast sheet, tonight was the 500th.
  5. Just to clarify that that review is of Friday’s performance
  6. It’s one of those interesting bits. It’s not requested by Petipa in his instructions to Tchaikovsky so it’s not too much of a surprise that it didn’t make the cut!
  7. 4th down is Anne Sofie Von Otter and 3rd from bottom is Markella Hatziano again.
  8. Last time I was there we were allowed into the Floral Hall provided physical distancing was maintained.
  9. I remember that Alina Cojocaru performed Clara and SPF in the 2001/02 run. I think she had been promoted to principal by then.
  10. Some people do read the details. Some people have diaries. I also note that those who had booked tickets to see the show live have received emails setting out their options, one of which is to buy the live-stream and have the remainder of their ticket price refunded. If it is to maximise revenue, what's wrong with that? There will be different systems in use, I'm sure, but I see no problem in asking people to make a choice. After all, the cinema and a DVD cost about the same (well, they do in bits of London anyway) - one allows you to see something once, the other on demand. Not a lot of difference here. Because it is. When you "rent" a film from Amazon, why do you only have access for 7 days?
  11. I find this map quite useful in understanding matters. Pleased to see there is no longer solid purple line across the north of England.
  12. The requirement that the building is COVID-secure remains, so the new limits are in addition to the requirement for spaced out seating.
  13. Not everyone knows everything that you know. There was me thinking I was posting in a thread in the “dance news and information” section. Maybe I’ll not bother anymore.
  14. Not all charities will participate in The Big Give. It works by having a major donor or donors put up an amount that is used to do the doubling. Some don’t have those type of donors available and others are just gifted the major donation anyway.
  15. I think it's only going to the NPG for its reopening exhibition then returning to the ROH. Am very pleased Ross has done this (I'd told my better third before the auction that's what I'd do, if I had a spare £11 million or so lying around).
  16. 6 of the pieces used in Elite Syncopations (one of which was cut from the recent C-19 version) were written by people other than Scott Joplin...
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