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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. I think there are a lot of seats (i.e. pretty much all of the stalls and grand tier) held back by the development office for the first night of The Dante Project for those who want to attend the first night "do". I imagine some of these will become available closer to the show...
  2. It sometimes helps to convert the odds to a "digital" number. So 5/4 would be 1.25, meaning your profit (if you win) is 1.25 times your stake. If you win, you always get your stake back, so your "return" from the bookie would be 2.25 (i.e. 1.25 + 1).
  3. It is my understanding that the full value of any Friends membership can be treated as a donation subject to Gift Aid, as the value attributed to the “benefits” is less than the relevant proportion of the payment. As they are doing things on the Gift Aid route, charity vouchers can’t be used (to avoid any double dipping possibilities).
  4. I would respectfully disagree with that. At the Royal alone (nevermind elsewhere) there are a number of dancers who pass this test with flying colours (I'm thinking particularly, but not exhaustively, of Kaneko and Naghdi), without any need to overact.
  5. Unless one is using a barre, I'm pretty sure the laws of physics don't allow for a standing jump without some sort of knee bend.
  6. If you have reached your limit, I’m afraid you have reached your limit.
  7. Subject to the below, I also got everything I wanted (including some places that were greyed out on the seating plans). Some of the insights and Linbury shows weren't on the calendar yet (I think the only dance related one was Connecting to Cohan).
  8. Just to flag that the Royal Albert Hall is accepting the vaccination card as sufficient evidence of being double jabbed.
  9. There are some very impressive/interesting commissioned scores (particularly some of those for Northern). There are also some absolutely shocking ones!
  10. I was on centre yesterday (row T) and no 1 today (row A) and both courts were pretty much full except for spaces in the royal box (due to distancing issues in the clubhouse) and in the members’ areas.
  11. no-one is saying dancers shouldn’t give information, merely that they have the right (not the obligation) to keep their personal circumstances private.
  12. What you want to know doesn’t trump legal obligations. If you don’t understand that, I really pity you.
  13. Employment law says otherwise. My employer has no right to disclose anything about my personal circumstances without my consent.
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