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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. “Excuse me sir, has anyone taken the wee out of your hat?” ”No”/“I don’t think so.” (or similar) Remove gentleman’s hat and throw it across the room (Odd Job style) whilst gleefully saying “weeeeeeeeee”.
  2. At the end of our row (with Dame Monica Mason at the other end!)
  3. I'm short and, therefore, need a booster cushion if I sit in row B or C of the stalls circle (the bit facing the stage).
  4. Just to be clear, the ROH’s silver medal is awarded to anyone who has been employed at the Royal Opera House in any capacity for 25 years. It is not limited to singers and dancers and this can be seen in the pictures of recipients adorning the area just inside the stage door. There have been quite a number of silver medals presented since the House reopened.
  5. I think it's a performance by O'Sullivan, who was rehearsed by Núñez, rather than a rehearsal itself.
  6. I disagree. Ballet falls with the umbrella of dance but if it is performed using ballet technique it is ballet.
  7. Maybe try a different brower Alison? I'm using Chrome and don't have this problem when printing.
  8. I have D26 available - face value is £10 (e-ticket). Please PM if interested.
  9. I haven't seen the clip but, from what you say, it sounds like Joonhyuk Jun (artist) and Ava May Llewellyn (AJYD).
  10. Just in case anyone is confused by this, the London performances continue all this week (other than tonight, which is a celebration of Ferri's long-standing connection with the Royal Ballet).
  11. I am a school governor and can confirm that it is usual for the perpetrator and how they have been dealt with to remain confidential. If you are not happy with the school’s response, I would suggest speaking to the principal; not a formal letter to them but a physical meeting. Verbal communication in person is much better for reassuring people and there is less opportunity for misunderstandings. If you are still not happy, I’d suggest the same with the chair of governors or the safeguarding lead (whose details should be available on the school’s website).
  12. Mercutio is clearly saying that the Nurse's face is actually uglier than her "fanny," which is another word for her buttocks. Put another way, Mercutio is cleverly calling the Nurse a buttface. This provides comic relief because the tension between the Montague and Capulets in mounting, and the Nurse has entered forbidden Montague territory. The audience will sense the tension as the Montague boys surround the Nurse. This joke helps to break up that tension, May I suggest you don’t believe everything you read on the internet? In Shakespeare’s England, fanny didn’t mean buttocks (and it doesn’t now, either, though it does in the modern US). As I understand it, the use of fanny as we know it now in English comes from the nineteenth century music halls, a melting pot of vulgarity. What Mercutio says is: “Good Peter, to hide her face; for her fan's the fairer face.” Definitely calling her ugly but not (IMO) a buttface. That said, the nurse in Shakespeare’s play is very much a bawdy and comedy character and I have no issue with the general teasing in act 2 of MacMillan’s ballet, whether it’s the kissing or the partial raising of the outer dress.
  13. I see that the cast sheet for tomorrow says "no food or drink may be taken into the auditorium."
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