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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. Unless you consider the new Arabian pd2 as a "new role" (which I don't), it's not a debut for Pajdak.
  2. Sambé is a debut too (he was originally scheduled to dance with O'Sullivan on 24th and 30th December). Maeda was scheduled to debut Clara on 31 December. Junker remain as a debut as originally scheduled (Allnat performed Clara earlier in December).
  3. Not having received any email notification (despite having tickets for both affected performances), the three that the dancers have announced on social media: Wednesday Calvert -> Magri Clarke -> Hirano Thursday Zucchetti -> Sambé
  4. I saw it on Monday and it’s excellent. Would recommend it (although there is one change in the plot that doesn’t make sense to me but it certainly ups the emotional quotient).
  5. Very pass-remarkable you are. You said there was nothing on the ENB website to signify the shows were cancelled. I said the cancelled shows were no longer in the performance dates and not capable of booking. Both true at the time I wrote my post. Those who had already booked a show that has since been cancelled have received an email to tell them. Those who might want to book a show that has been cancelled cannot do so. Where is the problem?
  6. ??? The cancelled shows are not listed in the performance dates nor are they available to book.
  7. Sad to hear that the RAH performances scheduled for the end of this month have been postponed to 2022.
  8. Why are you annoyed? I'm pretty sure it wasn't an easy decision to cancel performances.
  9. I’ve also been very taken with Charlotte Tonkinson’s doll-like Columbine.
  10. Our wish has been granted: Morera in Month in the Country. 😃👍
  11. Have a look at my Instagram feed. If you can see the dancers' feet, I've probably taken the picture from the grand tier.
  12. Thanks. I've merged the new thread with the existing thread on ENB's Raymonda to keep things together!
  13. I assume booking fo Thanks for the head's up; I wish the ROH would treat its friends and supporters properly and tell them about things like this rather than us learning through this forum. I wanted to mention that I think booking is in line with booking for the relevant booking period - it's just that the premium 2 friends date and time has been missed off the list (which should be 25 Jan at 0900).
  14. I think the intention is to make is as exclusive as possible to encourage hype and to keep prices high. I'd love to be proved wrong.
  15. I think it's a problem with the ROH's service provider (which is also affecting a number of other website and cloud functions).
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