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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. Looking at this from the other side somewhat, my parents were lucky enough to have tickets and had an absolutely wonderful time.
  2. Not quite the same thing but we did have a loyal jubilee toast, proposed by Alex Beard, at the post-performance dinner.
  3. If you know the dancers (and therefore can identify the characters) and know the basics of what is going on, you should understand everything quite clearly, I think.
  4. There are some sexual references so need to take that in account for younger people.
  5. Pleased to say that the payment problem has been fixed and I have centre court tickets for ladies’ singles final day
  6. Michael Coleman MBE Sanjeevini Dutta MBE Zoe Golding MBE Chithra Ramakrishnan MBE
  7. As noted above, the timings I quoted were only for the first night. I've now seen the cast sheet for the first night and it shows 25 minute intervals but I imagine they may turn out to be a bit longer tomorrow!
  8. Usual cock-up from Wimbledon again today. MyWimbledon members get a link to buy tickets for Middle Sunday. The payment platform falls over and no-one can buy any tickets.
  9. Other companies just need to find a supporter who recognises the importance of the corps enough to provide them!
  10. Having just renewed my friends membership, I noticed a useful new feature on the “membership” page when logged in. There is now a series of links to each of the productions included in the next booking period.
  11. Just back from the matinée. Singing tremendous and the orchestra on top form. Staging was bland, confused and didn’t help to tell the story. The Bacchanale was booooorrring and unworthy of the name; if I’d been an attendee I’d have asked for my money back. The choreography was worthy of a primary school end of term show.
  12. perhaps you shouldn’t insinuate that first night patrons are all drunkards
  13. It’s possible to have a drink and not be incapable of concentrating on the performance. I am a first night patron and I’m pretty sure you won’t be sitting beside me so no need to worry.
  14. Approximate running time for the first night act 1 1900-1950 act 2 2020-2050 act 3 2120-2145
  15. I am pleased that Morera is dancing Mary Vetsera on the 30th anniversary of MacMillan’s death. Highly appropriate.
  16. Musically speaking, I think it's most appropriate for Siegfried to begin his entrance during the crescendo and complete it at the point of climax (and if he is running to the front of the stage, it is then easy for the conductor to time the climax at the correct time), rather than to begin his entrance at the climax. This is what happens in the Scarlett production and is what happens in every other Swan Lake production I've seen (other than, I think Matthew Bourne's, but don't quote me on that).
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