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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. I'm having no such problems (Chrome on ipad or iphone). Also no issues with the ability to delete the donation.
  2. On the day that booking opened for the Lion King, I wanted to check something on the Hippodrome website. I was around 8,700 in the queue at around 10 am that day and still hadn't reached the front of the queue when I left the office around 6 pm. Luckily I got through to the box office on the 'phone after about 25 minutes and the friendly, helpful and efficient staff sorted me out.
  3. Shame that we had to miss this bill in Birmingham due to the Avanti strikes but we’ll see it at the Wells.
  4. Nowhere near that. Even if you have the cote de boeuf (between two) it’s about a quarter of that.
  5. I think it’s worth a reminder that MacMillan used a dramaturg, Gillian Freeman, to create the scenario for his ballet.
  6. Sometimes known as Mizzi and sometimes Mitzi. Not a big point, the main issue is that she existed. Many historians refer to her as being a prostitute so not sure why you think she should not be described as such. Also, there's nothing in the synopsis of the ballet (or in the performance as I see it) to suggest that Mitzi Caspar is the madam (it's not Manon) rather than just a prostitute who is somewhat "higher" than the others in the tavern.
  7. There most certainly was a Mitzi Kaspar. CP Rudolf gave her lots and lots of money and many historians think she was the real love of his life and that he asked her first about a suicide pact (as is shown in the ballet). She died of syphilis.
  8. I understand that the current lack of burial is due to a significant technical issue with the stage that is unlikely to be repaired before the end of the run.
  9. You can check for yourselves as to what was said as the recordings are all on the BBC Sounds app. There was a clip from MF on the wireless news this morning, talking about the RB's escape from The Netherlands after the German invasion.
  10. Worth a reminder of the age of various characters at the time of Mary Vetsera's death. Mary Vetsera: 17 Countess Marie Larisch: 30 Empress Elizabeth: 51 Crown Price Rudolf: 30 Crown Princess Stéphanie: 24 Princess Louise of Belgium: 30
  11. Moving around London over the last couple of weeks I have seen posters for Aida, Salome, Don Giovanni and Mayerling. I'm not entirely sure the images used are the best, mind.
  12. Very moving but pedant in me must point out that the small flag is the "company camp colour", not the "company colours".
  13. Has been my mantra for many years... I also wish he'd lose his leather jacket that rustles very annoying if you have the bad luck to be sitting anywhere near him.
  14. ROH performance database shows the Laurencia pd6 (Chadwick, Broomhead, Almeida, Durante, Sansom, Pickford) on a double bill with La fille mal gardée on 16 January 1990.
  15. You also noted that there was no additional info but there is if you follow the link to the Cast Theatre page.
  16. Clicking on the link brings up a series of buttons, the first of which says "The Royal Ballet in Doncaster" and links to the Cast Theatre page.
  17. Why? It's advertised locally and bookable through the theatre in Doncaster. One performance is pretty much sold out and the other has only a handful of seats left.
  18. HMTK is already the President of the Royal Ballet so it would make sense (to me, at least) for him to progress to be Patron. Given her very keen interest and frequent attendance, I’d be very happy (if that were to happen) for the current Vice-President, The Lady Sarah Chatto, to become President.
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