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Everything posted by bangorballetboy

  1. At the bottom right hand corner of the post from which you wish to quote there is a grey box marked "quote". Click on that and the quote will appear in the reply box at the end of the thread.
  2. Interesting that no one has mentioned Claire Calvert on this thread. Les Biches?
  3. I, for one, am hoping very much that Brian will again get to dance Colas with Yuhui this season...
  4. Oberon on 9 Feb will be Marcelo Gomes. Not BP2 I know, but Lauren's partner for R&J and Alice will be Federico Bonelli, and Sarah Lamb will be partnered in Alice by Stephen McRae. So that means we may have a new mad hatter to see!
  5. ROH have confirmed that Steven McRae will be dancing Oberon in The Dream on Wednesday 1 February. A wasted opportunity in my opinion, unless they plan on having another dancer perform with Marquez.
  6. It was back online a few moments ago still saying "TBC", but it's gone back to the error page again now.
  7. Here's my "Twitter review" of R&J posted on Twitter the day after the first night: First R&J of the season didn't disappoint. Whilst Acosta didn't convince me in acts 1 & 2 that he even vaguely fancied Rojo, by act 3 it was very different. Technically he was sound (even if he didn't blend with the Mercutio of Martin and Kura's Benvolio at all times) and his partnering with La Rojo defied their combined age; together they appeared frolicsome teenagers. Rojo was astounding in all aspects: her characterisation exquisite and her dancing impeccable with glorious fleetness of foot and luscious lines. Rosato's nurse was nimble and the comedy not overplayed. Avis's Tybalt was staggering and a clear example of why this ballet sits so popularly within the RoyalBallet canon. His character performance was excellent (I'm sure I saw a hint of remorse when he realised that Mercutio was really dead). Martin & Kura ably captured the freedom required for Romeo's friends although, unfortunately, Martin was sometimes ahead of the music in his fight with Tybalt and this resulted in the fight looking choreographed. Not so with Tybalt v Romeo which was truly frightening in its ferocity. Able performances from Chapman, Raine & McCullough as the harlots though I felt they weren't that well matched last night. As one expects, a great performance from the corps. This really is a core ballet for the RB & I thoroughly enjoyed it. Also, a quick "tweet" re the (only public) Thianela performance: Very emotional R&J last night; in Soares I saw all the things I wanted in acts 1&2 that I didn't see in Acosta on Tuesday.
  8. An enjoyable insight evening last Friday, with the emphasis very much on the dancing. We started with Christopher Carr coaching Vale Zuchetti and (wee) James Hay on the various entrances for Puck (Ashton's The Dream). Both gents are covers but it transpires that Vale will be dancing on the first night; they both seem to be getting stuck into the role and could be very good in performance. Clare Thurman then compered a Q&A session with Carr and Dame Monica Mason. A lot was made of the "Britishness" of Ashton and MacMillan and there were some nice anecdotes relating to the two choreographers, their way of working and their relationship with the company. Personally, I found a number of Thurman's questions quite confusing and not overly "open"; I think she needs a bit more guidance on this role from others in the education department. The evening finished with Mason coaching Marianela Nuñez, Ed Watson and Nehemiah Kish in extracts from MacMillan's Song of the Earth. Watson isn't scheduled to dance with Nuñez and Kish (Acosta is scheduled to dance Death (as the part was originally known) in that cast) but will be dancing with them in the FGR on Wednesday. Watson is not new to the role and rehearsed with aplomb. Nuñez and Kish look impressive; this is the sort of role that may show why Mason wanted Kish in the company.
  9. Just to mention that I understand the revived Alice will have 2 intervals and at least two more dance "items".
  10. Ashton's Cinderella has been revisited a bit (but probably not to the extent some think it should be!).
  11. And here are Zoe Anderson's thoughts: http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/theatre-dance/reviews/first-drafts-linbury-studio-theatre-royal-opera-house-london-6294217.html Have you seen it? Do you agree?
  12. Hi folks Please have a look at the "Balletco Forum Available Again plus Opportunity to Discuss Future" thread in the "Discuss this Forum/Site and Future Possibilities" section. You'll find further details there plans for a successor to ballet.co. Lee
  13. You will have seen from the "Balletco Community Committee Formed" thread that Bruce has asked a number of users to form a committee to discuss a potential successor to ballet.co. You will see a wide ranging set of terms of reference for the committee in that thread. The committee will appreciate the assistance of all members of the community who used or continue to use the various facilities of ballet.co, whether it be technical assistance such as that which can be provided by Trog (thanks, Trog), as sounding-boards when we meet informally at performances etc. or generally in providing input and ideas. The committee will have its first "formal" meeting this weekend, although various intra-community discussions have already been taking place. With that in mind, I think the committee would be grateful for feedback from the ballet.co community as to which facilities of ballet.co they used or use regularly (e.g. the forum, the picture galleries, the magazine, the interviews). All input will be invaluable in assisting the committee. Best regards Lee McLernon
  14. Thanks Bruce. No so much looking to have only one thread in each section, as trying to work all how to see all the topics in the "About Balletco" section! I'm sure I'll work it out eventually. L
  15. Hi folks. I've noticed that this topic can't be seen from the forum "home page" so I'm replying to see if that allows people to see it again. L
  16. Not sure where the idea that the Royal Ballet is the "national ballet company" comes from. As far as I'm aware, the UK does not have a "national ballet company". The RB pointe shoes appeal used to offer worn pointe shoes to people who donated a certain amount but they have stopped that now (for various reasons); a signed photo is offered instead. I'm very confused as to how not selling used shoes is elitist.
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