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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. I think these were the only references I saw whilst doing Links earlier: http://twitter.com/bowmanviolin/status/746175805366112256 http://twitter.com/wperrondancemag/status/746187292616826880 Quite surprising there wasn't more, but I'm expecting at least a NY times review for tomorrow.
  2. Links – Friday 24 June, 2016 Features – The ‘absence of female choreographers’ issue: - Breaking the Glass Slipper: Michael Cooper, NY Timesh - Dancers & Directors Comment: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Review – American Ballet Theatre, Romeo and Juliet (Boylston debut), NY: Andrew Blackmore-Dobbyn, Bachtrack Interview – Isabella Boylston, ABT Principal: Kathleen Hou, NY Magazine/The Cut Tour Review – Nederlands Dans Theater, Sehnsucht, Solo Echo, Stop-Motion, Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, Brisbane Times Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Review: – Aspen Santa Fe Ballet, Silent Ghost, Re:play, Huma Rojo, Becket, MA: Janine Parker, Boston Globe Review – West Australian Ballet, Genesis Mixed Bill, Perth: Rita Clarke, The Australian Review – Cottier Dance Project, Triple Bill, Glasgow: Mary Brennan, Herald Review – Deborah Slater Dance Theater, for the Time Being, Line of Beauty, SF: Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes Diary – New York Listings, 24-30 June: NY Times
  3. It appears that the Times website will permit free access for 24 hours from midnight tonight, essentially for Referendum results: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-eu-referendum-today-mngwm8cdp However, it may also mean that access to archives, reviews etc will be possible during tomorrow - Best of Luck!
  4. Links – Thursday 23 June, 2016 Review – American Ballet Theatre, Swan Lake (McKenzie), NY: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs Reviews – Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs - Birmingham Royal Ballet, Taming of the Shrew, Birmingham - Northern Ballet, Jane Eyre, Leicester Review – National Ballet of Canada, Giselle (2 casts), Toronto: Oksana Khadarina, DanceTabs Feature – More on Alessandra Ferri reprising Juliet: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Reviews – Bangarra Dance Theatre, OUR land people stories, Sydney: Deborah Jones, Blog Ben Neutze, Daily Review Feature – Diaghilev, Nijinsky, Baryshnikov, Wilson, Letter to a Man: Joan Acocella, New Yorker Feature – Trisha Brown’s Horizontal Dreaming: Wendy Perron, Blog Review – Rioult Dance NY, Cassandra’s Curse, NY: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Reviews – Compagnie Marie Chouinard, Double Bill, London: Louise Levene, Financial Times Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Sarah Kent, Londondance Review – Somewhere between 3 and 4, Watch this Space, Glasgow: Mary Brennan, Herald Review – Youth & Karen Ruimy, Zik’r, London: Jeffery Taylor, Express News – Sarasota Ballet shares in increased Arts funding: Carrie Seidman, Sarasota Herald-Tribune Review – Liz Roche, Time Over Distance Over Time, Sydney: Jill Sykes, The Age Preview – Footnote New Zealand Dance/Jeremy Nelson, Bridges and Doors, Wellington: Chelsea McLaughlin, Dominion Post
  5. Links – Wednesday 22 June, 2016 Review – Shanghai Ballet, Echoes of Eternity, Shanghai: Graham Watts, DanceTabs Feature – Alessandra Ferri returns as Juliet with ABT: Jocelyn Noveck, Washington Post Review – London: Ismene Brown, Spectator - English National Ballet, Swan Lake - Crystal Pite, Betroffenheit Review – Natiional Ballet of Canada, Giselle, Toronto: Marissa Trarback, Dance Current Review – Jessica Lang Dance, Mixed Bill x5, NY: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs Review – Dance Heginbotham, Angels’ Share, Villa, The Fandango, NY: Siobhan Burke, NY Timesh News – Pavel Dmitrichenko hopes to return to Bolshoi: Neil MacFarquhar, NY Times Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Deep, Piazzola Caldera, Revelations, NY: Carol Pardo, Danceviewtimes Review – Marie Chouinard, Double Bill, London: Neil Norman, The Stage Review – Jane Comfort and Company, You Are Here, NY: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Reviews – River to River Festival: NY Times - Ephrat Asherie, Riff this Riff that: Gia Kourlas - Will Rawls, The Planet-Eaters: Seconds: Siobhan Burke Review – Compagnie Käfig, Käfig Brasil, Agwa, LA: Jane Rosenberg, Seen and Heard Interview – Ann Yee, Theatre Choreographer: David Jays, Guardian Review – Gianni Di Marco & Lorraine Chapman/North Atlantic Dance Theatre, The Firebird (different productions), Boston Region: Marcia B Siegel, Arts Fuse Preview – Ross Dance Company, Mixed Bill, Berkeley: Mary Ellen Hunt, SF Chronicle Review – Dropshift Dance, FloatBrilliance, Chicago: Laura Molzahn, Chicago Tribune PS: No idea why my URL translator has recently and occasionally taken to adding a ‘h’ at the end of NY Times, but nowhere else.
  6. A brief assessment by someone who has bought the book and who knows his Ballet stuff: http://www.balletcoforum.com/index.php?/topic/12820-brb-the-taming-of-the-shrew-birmingham-june-2016/?p=175367
  7. The BBC Reality Check website mentioned by Alison is here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35603388 The other one is here: https://fullfact.org/ Let me just say that, by its very nature at this time, this thread treads a very narrow line as regards our normal fairly restrictive view on political posting and it would not take much to require its closure.
  8. If we can return for a moment to Zenaida Yanowsky, and with thanks to Ballet Association for spotting it so quickly, she is clearly, elegantly, poignantly telling us something in this brief video sequence ..... and perhaps we ought not to be surprised: http://52portraits.co.uk/home/2016/6/20/zenaida-yanowsky The sung text, if insufficiently clear, can be found under the Lyrics button at top left.
  9. Katherine: Congratulations on your article being used - but mildly odd that you had to seek confirmation of that here?
  10. "A Lesson In Love " - David Jays has an interview with the Royal Ballet's Emma Maguire and her sister, Kerry, in the Culture supplement of today's Sunday Times - a poignant reminder of another cruel killing in a Leeds classroom some two years ago. (I had not picked up before that Kerry, now an osteopath, had also gone to the White Lodge.)
  11. Ian: Delighted to hear from you again and you make a convincing case for Sir Peter's memoirs .... there are others here who would be very pleased to hear from you more often too.
  12. Lyn: My profound thanks for bringing that video piece to our attention - and, with due credit to Will Tuckett, it provides an excellent example of Ms Yanowsky investing the rhythm of speech with extra meaning. From ritual acceptance of destiny as The Bride in Les Noces fifteen years ago to the zany clowning of the Red Queen in Alice more recently, she does so much with her face and eyes to make a role come alive, an ability that is at the heart of this short but intense performance. If I have a regret in Dance, it is that there is probably no chance now of Cathy Marston being able to create one of her female protagonists on her in some major narrative story, but I'm thankful for what I have seen. By and large, when she's on stage, I've little time for anyone else. PS: I've never met her, but I'm sure that Simon Keenlyside must be a very fortunate fellow!
  13. John: Balletfanp had a glorious typo earlier this evening on the Obsidian thread, that she (he?) put down to autocorrect. Is there an autocorrect function in the Forum software for, if there is, I'm wondering how I've never come across it. Or can it be a function of the browser in use?
  14. DQF: Further to the lighting for The Invitation, I'm told that the original production had a very clear difference between the lighting level for the earlier daytime scene as people arrived and that for the later evening scene. There didn't seem much difference last night.
  15. More - RAD President Darcey and CEO Luke Ritner: http://twitter.com/RADheadquarters/status/741966340118970368
  16. Having reflected overnight on what was my first visit to the ROH in some two years, I regret to say that I feel considerably less satisfaction with the evening than I recorded after seeing Northern Ballet's Jane Eyre some ten days ago. (The drive into and out of town did not help.) The movement in Obsidian Tear seemed softer and less angular than earlier McGregor works and the commitment displayed by all nine chaps was beyond argument. The two Salonen pieces used were excellent, with Nyx giving the orchestral brass a real workout. The initial duet was interesting but I rather lost the later plot in a welter of semaphore, was somewhat taken aback as a body was apparently dropped into an inferno, and found myself wondering why Balanchine had not remarked that putting nine men on a stage provided an instant story. And to find nine separate credits listed for the fairly dire costumes was almost beyond belief. I had been particularly interested to see The Invitation, about which I had only heard and, perhaps because of overmuch expectation, I feel pretty flat about it now. That disappoints me as I felt much more positive about MacMillan's My Brother, My Sisters and Judas Tree, for example. (I may also be reflecting in part the neutral feelings of my wife, who was in the original production.) Perhaps proof that I was not truly in the mood comes from feeling that Chris Wheeldon's Within The Golden Hour was a thing of parts, possibly because I found the thin string sound of much of the score an annoyance. Nonetheless, I was taken by the short duet for two men around the halfway point and really liked the all-action tableau going strong as the curtain came down. All in all, a pity. I can see that others have loved the show - indeed, we had a particularly exuberant example of the genus Whooping Fanlady give voice in the row in front at the end of the McGregor - and I'm annoyed that I don't feel better about it all. Another time perhaps.
  17. Fans of Ms Osipova will want the Culture supplement from today's Sunday Times, wherein they can read all about the 'Ecstasy and Agony' of 'a dramatic year of romance and injury.'
  18. Links – Sunday, 12 June, 2016 Review – Northern Ballet, Jane Eyre (Marston), Aylesbury: Luke Jennings, Observer Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, The Golden Cockerel, NY: Carol Pardo, Danceviewtimes Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Review – Houston Ballet, Giselle (Welch), Houston: Molly Glentzer, Houston Chronicle Review – Brooks Moving Company, Wilderness, NY: Gia Kourlas, NY Timesh Preview – River to River Festival, NY: Gia Kourlas, NY Timesh Review – Ballet Tech/Kids Dance, Mixed Bill, NY: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Review – Hubbard Street Dance & The Second City, The Art of Falling, Chicago: Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times Preview – Seattle International Dance Festival: Rosemary Jones, Examiner.com
  19. Links – Saturday, 11 June, 2016 Review – Mariinsky Ballet, La Bayadère, St Petersburg: Janet Ward, Bachtrack News – Royal Ballet Promotions & Joiners, 2016-17 Season: Staff, DanceTabs (Comment here ) Review – Pennsylvania Ballet, Balanchine and Beyond, Philadelphia: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – American Ballet Theatre, The Golden Cockerel, NY: Michael Popkin, Danceviewtimes Review – Houston Ballet, Giselle (Welch), Houston: Adam Castaneda, Houston Press Preview – Bangarra Dance Theatre, OUR Land people stories, Sydney: Peter Munro, The Age Feature – Mia Michaels/The Rockettes, New York Spectacular, NY: Rebecca Milzoff, NY Times Preview – SFDanceworks, Inaugural Program, SF: Aimee Tsao, East Bay Times News – LA Dance Project to partner French Luma Foundation: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Reviews – Hope Mohr Dance, Manifesting, Stay, SF: Allan Ulrich, SF Chronicle Claudia Bauer, DanceTabs News – UK Birthday Honours List 2016: Cabinet Office/PM List - Ms Lois Anne Keith OBE - Miss Kousalyaa Somasundram MBE - Mrs Vivienne Lesley Hall BEM Diary – Next Week in UK: Judith Mackrell, Guardian News – BBC Young Dancer 2017 – Applications Invited: Carmel Smith, Londondance
  20. Links – Friday, 10 June, 2016 Feature – 3 Exhibitions where Art melds with Dance: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – Australian Ballet, Swan Lake (Baynes), Melbourne: Melinda Oliver, Daily Review Feature – Homer Bryant, Hiplet, and racism in ballet: Andrea Marks, Chicago Mag Review – Vanessa Anspaugh, The End of Men: An Ode to Ocean, NY: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Preview – Seattle International Dance Festival: Melody Datz Hansen, Seattle Times Preview – Nederlands Dans Theater, Safe as Houses, Stop-Motion, Woke up blind, The Statement, Auckland: John Daly-Peoples,National Business Review Review – Yvonne Rainer, The Concept of Dust ….., NY: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Review – F K Alexander, No Where/Now Here, Glasgow: Mary Brennan, Herald Dance Diaries: - New York, 10-16 June: Staff, NY Times - Boston Next Week: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe
  21. Links – Thursday, 9 June, 2016 Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, The Golden Cockerel (Ratmansky), NY: Sondra Forsyth, BWW Andrew Blackmore-Dobbyn, Bachtrack - Costumes Feature: Laird Borrelli-Persson, Vogue Tour Preview – Royal Swedish Ballet, Juliet and Romeo (Ek), LA: Christina Campodonico, LA Times Review – School of American Ballet, Danses Concertantes, Les Gentilhommes, Four Temperaments, NY: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Feature – Boston Ballet moves forward with a sure step: Sharon Basco, WBUR/The Artery Feature – Benjamin Millepied, and why he left Paris Opera Ballet: Kaleem Aftab, iNews Tour Review – Northern Ballet, Jane Eyre, Richmond: Rachel Elderkin, Fjord Review Reviews – No Body, radiant choreography of light and sound, London: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Josephine Leask, Londondance Mark Monahan, Telegraph Review – Ballet BC, Solo/Echo, Bill, Greed/Resolve, Ottawa, Natasha Gauthier, Ottawa Citizen Review – Louise Lecavalier, Mille Batailles, Montreal: Mark Mann, Dance Currrent News – Chicago Dancing Festival 2016 announced: Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times Review – Festival TransAmeriques, Montreal: Robert Everett-Green, Globe and Mail Feature – Beyoncé and her dancers: Brian Seibert, NY Times
  22. Links – Wednesday, 8 June, 2016 Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, The Golden Cockerel (Ratmansky), NY: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Marina Harss, DanceTabs Wendy Perron, Dance Magazine Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Reviews – Australian Ballet, Swan Lake (Baynes), Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, The Age Stephanie Glickman, Herald Sun Review – School of American Ballet, Danses Concertantes, Les Gentilhommes, Four Temperaments, NY: Marina Harss, DanceTabs Feature/Interviews – Dance Funding in Australia: Valerie Lawson, Dancelines News – Caroline Miller, ex-Dance UK, to head Orlando Ballet: Matthew J Palm, Orlando Sentinel News – No Body – Sadler’s Wells in Light and Sound: Staff, Londondance Review – Paula Josa-Jones, Of This Body, Cambridge, MA: Marcia B. Siegel, Arts Fuse Preview – Hope Mohr Dance, Manifesting, SF: Mary Ellen Hunt, SF Chronicle Documentary Preview – Havana Habibi: Catherine Anne Hollingsworth, Miami Herald
  23. But Dave, you, like me, have to do the printing, from your store of A4, and the ROH prints nothing. Ditto Banks etc etc
  24. Links – Tuesday, 7 June, 2016 Feature – Bill T. Jones, Four Decades In: Wyatt Mason, NY Times Reviews – English National Ballet, Swan Lake in the round, London: Graham Watts, Londondance Margaret Willis, Bachtrack Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard Gerard Davis, Dancing Review Anna Winter, Exeunt Review – Los Angeles Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Ashton), LA: Jane Rosenberg, Seen and Heard Reviews – National Ballet of Canada, Le Petit Prince, Toronto: Martha Schabas, Globe and Mail Penelope Ford, Fjord Review - Feature: Mary Wiens, CBC News Preview – Houston Ballet, Giselle (Welch), Houston: Margaret Downing, Houston Press Review – Pacific Northwest Ballet, American Stories, Seattle: Moira Macdonald, Seattle Times News – Bolshoi Ballet, 2016-17 Live Screening Programme: Staff, RBTH Review – Yvonne Rainer, The Concept of Dust ….., NY: Martha Sherman, Danceviewtimes Review – City Contemporary Dance Company, Fragile Beauty, HK: Natasha Rogai, SCMP News – Julie Cunningham to be Rambert’s first Choreography Fellow: Carmel Smith, Londondance Preview – Ignition Dance Festival, 2016, London: Philippa Lewis, Londondance Review – Walking Distance Dance Festival, SF: Allan Ulrich, SF Chronicle Review – San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival: Allan Ulrich, SF Chronicle Preview – Royal Ballet of Flanders, Exhibition, Mother Goose, Bolero, Touring: Lisa Bradshaw, Flanders Today News – Denman Theatre & Dance Co launched, NY: Jennifer Thompson, Examiner.com And: In Bucharest, the story goes on: Johann Kobborg via Norman Lebrecht
  25. Indeed there is - at a first glance, it looks like a general piece, with some focus on Olga Smirnova and Denis Rodkin, and with some unusual photos.
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