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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Links – Friday 23 September, 2016 Feature – The ragtrade’s phoney world of ballet: Valerie Lawson, Dancelines Reviews – John Jasperse, Remains, NY: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Brian Seibert, NY Times Interview – Choreographer Sophie Laplane on Sibilo for Scottish Ballet: Kelly Apter, The List Preview – Cairo Opera Ballet Company, Spartacus (Yelizariev), Cairo: Staff, AhramOnline Review – L-E-V, OCD Love, London: Anna Winter, Exeunt Preview – Joffrey Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Pastor), Chicago: Staff, BWW Review – Scapino Ballet, TING, Rotterdam: Lambrecht Wessels, Bachtrack 5Q & A – Tau Ye, AD of TAO Dance Theater: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs For your Diary: - A Jam-packed New York Fall season: Robert Gottlieb, NY Observer - New York Listings, 23-29 September: NY Times - Boston Next Week: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe - Houston Next Week: Houston Chronicle Preview – Lucy Guerin, The Dark Chorus, Melbourne: Annabel Ross, The Age Review – Plastic Orchard Factory, Digital Folk, Vancouver: Brittany Duggan, Straight.com
  2. Links – Thursday 22 September, 2016 Reviews – New York City Ballet Gala, For Clara, ten in seven, Unframed, The Dreamers, NY: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Marina Harss, DanceTabs - The Red Carpet – Google Feature – Even Balanchine’s Arithmetic Contains Drama: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – American Ballet Theatre, Sleeping Beauty (Ratmansky), Paris: Patricia Boccadoro, Culturekiosque Feature – Jacques D’Amboise & the National Dance Institute’s 40th Anniversary: Guelda Voien, NY Observer News – Suzanne Farrell Ballet to close in December 2017: Sarah L Kaufman, Washington Post (and elsewhere) Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Two Programmes, London: Gerald Dowler, Classical Source Review – The Holy Body Tattoo, monumental, NY: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs News – Announcing the 2016 Dance Magazine Awards: Jennifer Stahl, Dance Magazine Preview – Jo Kreiter/Flyaway Productions, Grace and Delia Are Gone, SF: Leba Hertz, SF Chronicle And a Christmas present for Misty Copeland fans: Huff Post
  3. Links – Wednesday 21 September, 2016 Reviews – L-E-V, OCD Love, London: Louise Levene, Financial Times Donald Hutera, The Times *** Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Neil Norman, The Stage Josephine Leask, Londondance Preview – Pilobolus Dance Theater, Shadowland, Calgary: Salena Kitteringham, Calgary Herald Feature – Jeffrey Cirio, American Ballet Theatre: Saleah Blancaflor, NBC News Videos – More on costumes for New York City Ballet: Leah Melby Clinton, Elle Feature – Julie Kent, the new AD at Washington Ballet: Guest Writer, DC Theatre Scene News – Alvin Ailey expanding its Manhattan home: Michael Cooper, NY Times Review – Northern Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Maillot), Sheffield: Rosamaria Kostic Cisneros, Backtrack Feature – Vaslav Nijinsky/Australian Ballet/Neumeier: Alan Brissenden, Adelaide Review - Rehearsal Gallery – Australian Ballet, Nijinsky: Vogue Australia Preview – John Jasperse, Remains, NY: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Review – San Pedro Festival of Arts – Dance: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance Preview – Cerqua Rivera Dance Theatre, Inside/Out Quad Bill, Chicago: Laura Molzahn, Chicago Tribune Review – Terra Firma Dance Theatre, Mockingbird, Chamber, Stagioni, DC: George Jackson, Danceviewtimes Preview – Ross McCormack/Muscle Mouth, Triumphs and Other Alternatives, Napier: NZ Herald Review – A Corona Works, Thorns of the Crown, NY: Joel Benjamin, TheaterScene ***Note: This link should be available to those who have registered for the limited, free Times access recently announced.
  4. Links – Tuesday 20 September, 2016 Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Programme C, London: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Review – 2016 Lyon Dance Biennial: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Feature – Marc Happel, NYCB’s Costume Director: Robin Pogrebin, NY Times Review – An Evening of Dance With McArthur Fellows, Chicago: Laura Molzahn, Chicago Tribune Review – Rosie Kay Dance Company, Double Points:K, Motel, Birmingham: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Review – Takao Kawaguchi, About Kazuo Ohno-Reliving the Butoh Diva’s Masterpieces, NY: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Gallery – National Ballet of China, La Bayadère, Beijing: Xinhuanet Preview – Smuin Ballet, Stabat Mater & others, Walnut Creek: Leba Hertz, SF Chronicle News – Queensland Ballet unveils 2017 season: Valerie Lawson, Dancelines - Audio clip - AD Li Cunxin: Spencer Howson, ABC Brisbane Preview – Raissa Simpson/PUSH Dance Company, PUSHFest – 2 programs, SF: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner News – Northern Ballet announces 3 premieres for 2017: Staff, Yorks Evening Post Review – Versa-Style Dance Company, Box of Hope & others, LA: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance News – Dance Magazine announces new ownership: Jennifer Stahl, Dance Magazine
  5. Perhaps it was always just a matter of time before something like this came along: http://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/news/arts-council-impose-quantitative-measures-arts-quality Anyone with experience of 'Quality Metrics' or other matters mentioned? It looks like the makings of a new industry to me.
  6. On ballet.co and in our first year or so here, 'Doing Dance" had regular contributions from a former dancer living in San Diego - and, as I recall, she was very hot on girls NOT going on pointe too early. Type 'anjuli bai' into the Search box for this area of the Forum, scroll back a bit, and you'll find all the advice on this that's needed. A quick look gave this for example: http://www.balletcoforum.com/index.php?/topic/6149-beginning-pointe-tips/?p=81370 ... and there's certainly more out there.
  7. With Northern nominated for putting on both 1984 and Jane Eyre, they must be in a strong position to take the Achievement in Dance award.
  8. Ballettaxi: Somewhat off-thread, but may I just say how delighted I am to see that Scottish schools still have a '6th Year.' The 'Year 8 etc' terminology down south still defeats me.
  9. Links – Sunday 11 September, 2016 Reviews – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, London: - Prog B: Open Door, Piazolla Caldera, Revelations: - Prog A: Exodus, Four Corners, After the Rain pdd, Revelations: Luke Jennings, Observer Jeffery Taylor, Sunday Express Preview – Mark Morris Dance Group & Silk Road Ensemble, Layla and Majnun, SF: Jeff Kaliss, SF Classical Voice Review – Houston Ballet, American Ingenuity Triple Bill, Houston: Theodore Bale, Culturemap Feature – Royal Ballet Soloist, Helen Crawford: Wayne Savage, EADT Review – Chunky Move, Mermermer, Re-make, Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, Sydney Morning Herald Review – West Australian Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Vamos), Perth: Megan Green, Australian Stage
  10. The group pictures were taken in one of the ROH studios, by the looks of things, but beyond that I wonder at the degree of editorial control, if any, that the RB/ROH would have had on the article and space allocated to it in the paper.
  11. I must say it was a powerful performance, and all concerned did so well - had my score out for a bit of singalong and recollection of past performances!
  12. Links – Saturday 10 September, 2016 Review – American Ballet Theatre, Sleeping Beauty (Ratmansky), Paris: Jann Parry, DanceTabs Reviews – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, London: - Prog B: Open Door, Piazolla Caldera, Revelations: Graham Watts, Bachtrack Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard - Prog A: Exodus, Four Corners, After the Rain pdd, Revelations: Rachel Elderkin, Fjord Review Anna Winter, Exeunt Feature – Crystal Pite: In charge of the room: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Review – Australian Ballet, Nijinsky (Ratmansky), Melbourne: Deborah Jones, FollowSpot Review – Houston Ballet, American Ingenuity Triple Bill, Houston: Molly Glentzer, Houston Chronicle Interview – BRB’s David Bintley on creating The Tempest : Graham Watts, DanceTabs Feature – The Royal Ballet’s new Principals ... and the Internet: Hannah Furness, Telegraph Feature – How Rambert’s dance crosses borders: Malgorzata Dzierzon, Guardian Feature – A Chinese reflection on London seeing Chinese dance: Wang Fan, ECNS.cn Previews – SFB/Wheeldon Cinderella and others, Washington DC: Sarah L Kaufman, Washington Post Reviews – Northern Ballet, Wuthering Heights (Nixon), Leeds: Charles Hutchinson, The Press Susan Darlington, Morning Star Reviews – L.A. Dance Project/Bodytraffic/Ate9, L.A. Dances, Hollywood: Lewis Segal, LA Times Jeff Slayton, SeeDance Feature – Lauren Lovette, Dancer turned Choreographer: Gia Kourlas, NY TImes Diaries: - Three of the UK best this week: Judith Mackrell, Guardian - Dance & Opera in NY: Wall St Journal - Fall 2016 around Chicago: Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times Feature – Local dancers with Ailey II: Brittany Britto, Baltimore Sun News – Australian Ballet to screen across the UK: Staff, BWW News – Sasha Waltz & Johannes Ohman will be joint ADs in Berlin: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times News – Texas Ballet Theater makes a deal with striking musicians: Mark Lowry, Star-Telegram Feature – The colour of dance shoes: Katherine Brooks, Huff Post Preview – Unlimited 2016, Glasgow: Mary Brennan, Herald And so to: How do ballet dancers become goat cheese experts? Shelley Boettcher, Calgary Herald and then to: NYCB Dancers at New York Fashion Week: Macaela Mackenzie, Allure
  13. Links – Friday 9 September, 2016 Reviews – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, London: - Prog B: Open Door, Piazolla Caldera, Revelations: Clement Crisp, Financial Times - Prog A: Exodus, Four Corners, After the Rain pdd, Revelations: Christopher Curtis, Bachtrack - Gallery – Four Corners & Open Door, Dave Morgan: DanceTabs Reviews – Australian Ballet, Nijinsky (Neumeier), Melbourne: Valerie Lawson, DanceTabs Eamonn Kelly, The Australian, via Google link here - Interview – Kevin Jackson: Maxim Boon, Daily Review Preview – Boston Ballet, Le Corsaire (Liška), Boston: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe Review – Dane Hurst and Company, Exodus, London: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs News – Kenneth Tharp is to leave The Place: Carmel Smith, Londondance Film Preview – Paris Opera Ballet, La Grande Sortie: Isabel Wilkinson, NY Times Review – Claire Cunningham & Jess Curtis, The Way You Look (at me) Tonight, London: Josephine Leask, Londondance Review – Candoco Dance Company, You and I Know, London: Christopher Curtis, Bachtrack Review – BalletX, Show Me, Gran Partita, Big Ones, NY: Erica Getto, Fjord Review Feature – Can dancing make you a better person?: Sarah Kaufman, Washington Post Feature – London’s most influential people – Dance: Evening Standard Diaries: - New York Listings, 9-15 September: Staff, NY Times - South Florida, Autumn & Winter: Jordan Levin, Miami Herald - Boston Area, September: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe
  14. Mr Crisp is almost rhapsodic about Programme B: https://www.ft.com/content/fff190e8-75aa-11e6-bf48-b372cdb1043a
  15. FT, sometimes difficult but today OK for me and no inane questions, and hopefully ditto for others: https://www.ft.com/content/0e06fd58-7358-11e6-bf48-b372cdb1043a Floss: You, of course, have unrestricted space here and no dutiful sub-editor to ensure that your contributions fit into a given number of column inches. Edit to say: Mea maxima culpa! I've just realised that Janet had that FT review in Tuesday's Links.
  16. No reviews in English yet, though Laura Cappelle may provide one for the FT. However, if your French is up to it, you may want to look into links on this Google page. If all else fails, there are pictures! https://news.google.com/news/rtc?ncl=dzP2uXAu2X7A2JM&authuser=0&hl=fr&siidp=293ba9bf848bc12596d2a15d597960eb8994
  17. Links – Thursday 8 September, 2016 Reviews – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Exodus, Four Corners, After the Rain pdd, Revelations, London: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Graham Watts, Londondance Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Rachel Elderkin, The Stage Gallery – Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs (Awakening in Prog C next week) Reviews – Australian Ballet, Nijinsky (Neumeier), Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, The Age Simon Parris, Man in Chair Feature – Joffrey Ballet – Chris Wheeldon reimagines Nutcracker: Janet Davies, ABC News Feature – Royal New Zealand Ballet/Ethan Stiefel, Giselle: Carly Thomas, Stuff.co Review – Hong Kong Ballet, Swan Lake (Meehan), HK: Kevin Ng, Time Out HK - Interview – Jurgita Dronina: Josiah Ng, Time Out HK Feature – Sergei Polunin, the ‘face’ of a fashion campaign: Staff, The Week Interview – BRB’s Brandon Lawrence: Shadia Oseni, Gay Times News – Brian Eno refuses to allow Batsheva to use his music: Peter Beaumont, Guardian News – Nacho Duato to leave Staatsballett Berlin in 2019: Jennifer Stahl, Dance Magazine Preview – Lucky Plush Productions, SuperStrip, Chicago: Laura Molzahn, Chicago Tribune Preview – Box Blur: 10 Dance Events + Gallery Viewing, SF: Sam Whiting, SF Chronicle Slide show – The City? It’s a Dance Floor, Kerri MacDonald, NY Times Feature – An Inventory of Falling: Suzy Willson, Dance Umbrella
  18. Links – Wednesday 7 September, 2016 Book Review – “Wrights and Wrongs – my life in dance,” Sir Peter Wright: Jann Parry, DanceTabs ** Review – Mark Morris Dance Group, Mozart Dances, NY: Carol Pardo, Danceviewtimes Review – Ballet Preljocaj, Snow White, Brisbane: Deborah Jones, FollowSpot Review – The Dance Deck Trois, Mixed Bill, Vancouver: Rachel Silver, Dance Current Feature – Bollywood Workshop, Sydney: Matt Wade, Sydney Morning Herald Feature – Karen Anderson/Indepen-dance: Mary Brennan, Herald Q&A – Dane Hurst, Choreographer on Exodus at Dulwich Picture Gallery: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Review – Short + Sweet Dance 2016, Gala Final: Auckland: Sue Cheeseman, Theatreview Feature – Raewyn Hill/Co3, The Cry, Perth: Annelies Gartner, West Australian Feature – Rediscovering the “Ballerina Girl” from 1968: Andy Richards, Birmingham Mail ** Footnote: Get a copy whilst you can, where you can, as the Publisher’s website says that ‘unfortunately’ the product ‘has been discontinued.’
  19. A bit of Googling indicates that other booksellers, like Amazon, still have stocks of the book - but, whatever has happened, this news of the book being 'discontinued' makes one wonder how long that will remain the case.
  20. Natalia Osipova completists may wish to nip out and get a copy of today's Sunday Times - there's one of the 'Day in the life'- type pieces on her at the back of the Magazine, though I doubt that it reveals much that is new.
  21. For anyone who wonders what this was all about, I'd point you at this DanceTabs interview with Desmond Kelly, AD of BRB back in 2006. Scroll down and you'll find a useful bit of background to what was a risky project: http://dancetabs.com/2012/07/desmond-kelly-artistic-director-elmhurst-and-governor-of-the-royal-ballet-companies/ A YouTube item here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X5gK4bYlNA And there's some indication of what tomorrow's show may about here: http://www.leapsandbounds.org.uk/home
  22. A pity this hasn't been more widely publicised - no sign of it at all during recent daily Links trawls. And, worryingly, the Hippodrome website says that "Mama Mia" is on there tomorrow night, and I can't see this show mentioned at all. So, is the theatre just acting as a front for the event elsewhere? Or I'm just missing something? But is it really 10 years since that series ran? I can still remember the Lady Capulet, played by a young woman who, if I recall rightly, had seen her mother murdered - if you wanted emotion in a performance, it was truly there as she mourned her slain Tybalt.
  23. Further to my remarks, above, Hanna Weibye has turned up on the Spectator with a review of Scottish Ballet's Festival double bill - see today's Links.
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