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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Links – Monday 24 October, 2016 Reviews– ‘Celebrate Forsythe’ with San Francisco, Pacific Northwest & Houston Ballets, Pas/Parts 2016, Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude,Artifact Suite, LA: Claudia Bauer, DanceTabs Laura Bleiberg, LA Times Jane Rosenberg, Seen and Heard Reviews – American Ballet Theater, 2 Dates - Brahms-Haydn Variations, Her Notes, Daphnis and Chloe, Serenade after Plato’s Symposium, NY: Marina Harss, DanceTabs Alastair Macaulay, NY Times (Her Notes only) Joan Acocella, New Yorker (Plato’s Symposium only) Review – Miami City Ballet, Giselle, Miami: Jordan Levin, Miami Herald Review – Cullberg Ballet, Figure a Sea, Berkeley: Allan Ulrich, SF Chronicle Review – Suzanne Farrell Ballet, Danses Concertantes, Gounod Symphony, Stars and Stripes, DC: George Jackson, Danceviewtimes Review – Zurich Ballet/Junior Ballet, Petrushka (Goecke), Rite of Spring (Clug), Zurich: John Rhodes, Seen and Heard Preview – Boston Ballet, Le Corsaire (Liska), Boston: Michael Levin, Huffington Post Review – Sonia Sabri Company, Salaam, London: Lynette Halewood, DanceTabs Review – Aditi Mangaldas Dance Company, Inter_rupted, London: Sanjoy Roy, Guardian Review – Ballet Flamenco/Sara Baras, Voces, Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, The Age Review – Hege Haagenrud, Use my body while it’s still young, London: Lynette Halewood, DanceTabs And back at ABT’s Fall Gala, mainly frocks and costumes: Pia Catton, Wall St Journal
  2. Links – Sunday 23 October, 2016 Review – American Ballet Theatre Fall Gala, Rondo Capriccioso, Symphonic Variations, Daphnis and Chloe (Millepied), NY: Mary Cargill,Danceviewtimes Feature – The Royal Ballet’s Eric Underwood: Priya Elan, Guardian Feature – Mark Baldwin/Rambert: David Jays, Sunday Times Review – Jérôme Bel, Gala, London: Luke Jennings, Observer Review – Burn the Floor, Fire in the Ballroom, London: Jeffery Taylor, Sunday Express Preview – Christopher Wheeldon, An American in Paris, Boston: Christopher Wallenberg, Boston Globe Review – Suzanne Farrell Ballet, Gounod Symphony, Danses Concertantes, Stars and Stripes, DC: Sarah L. Kaufman, Washington Post Review – Sydney Dance Company, Wildebeest, Anima, Sydney: Michelle Potter, DanceTabs Gallery – Aditi Mangaldas Dance Company, Inter_rupted, London: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Review – Candoco Dance Company, Beheld, Set and Reset/Reset, London: Vera Liber, BTG Review – BalletX, The Last Glass, It’s not a cry, Gran Partita, Slump, Boston: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe Preview – Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Giselle (Orr), Pittsburgh: Sara Bauknecht, Post-Gazette Review – Zephyr Dance, Valise 13, Chicago: Laura Molzahn, Chicago Tribune Review – Noam Gagnon, This Crazy Show, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com
  3. Links – Saturday 22 October, 2016 Obituary – Yvette Chauviré: The Times Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, New York: - Serenade after Plato’s Symposium, Symphonic Variations, Brahms-Haydn Variations - Fall Gala: Rondo Capriccioso, Symphonic Variations, Daphnis and Chloe (Millepied) Marina Harss, DanceTabs Alastair Macaulay, NY Times (The Gala frocks, some on dancers – Vogue ) Feature – Mark Morris‘s Love Letter to India, in Music & Dance: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Reviews – Burn the Floor, Fire in the Ballroom, London: Clement Crisp, Financial Times Graham Watts, Londondance Review – Sydney Dance Company, Wildebeest, Anima, Sydney: Valerie Lawson, Dancelines Interview – Sebastien Ramirez & Honji Wang: Sara Veale, DanceTabs News – Will Tuckett’s Nutcracker moves venue, London: Daisy Bowie-Sell, What's On Stage News – No more Chicago Dancing Festivals: Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times Morgan Greene, Chicago Tribune Reviews – Aditi Mangaldas, Inter_rupted, London: Louise Levene, Financial Times Graham Watts, DanceTabs Review – Rosas and Ictus, Vortex Temporum, NY: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Book – Bolshoi Confidential, by Simon Morrison: Debra Craine, The Times Peter Shawn Taylor, Maclean's Review – Hege Hagenrud & Others, Use My Body While It’s Still Young, London: Siobhan Murphy, Londondance Next Week – London & Ipswich: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Review – zoe|juniper, Clear & Sweet, Seattle: Brendan Kiley, Seattle Times Review – Nora Chipaumire, Portrait of Myself as My Father, Chicago: Laura Molzahn, Chicago Tribune
  4. Links – Friday 21 October, 2016 Obituaries – Yvette Chauviré: Kim Willsher, Guardian Judith Cruickshank, Guardian Feature – Wayne McGregor – Testing the limits: Debra Craine, The Times Feature – Alban Lendorf’s debut with ABT: Marina Harss, NY Times Reviews – China National Peking Opera Company, Legend of the White Snake, The General & The Prime Minister, London: Graham Watts, DanceTabs Siobhan Murphy, Londondance Review – Jérôme Bel, Gala, London: Graham Watts, DanceTabs Tour Review – English National Ballet, Giselle (Khan), Bristol: Sarah-Jane Howard, 365Bristol Reviews – Sydney Dance Company, Wildebeest, Anima, Sydney: Jill Sykes, Sydney Morning Herald Martin Portus, Daily Review Review – Melbourne Festival/Sara Baras, Voces, Melbourne: Stephanie Bunbury, The Age Review – Ballet Nice Mediteranée, Grand Pas Classique, Gnawa, L’Arlésienne, Nice: Christina Gallea Roy, DanceTabs Book – The Art of Movement, Browar & Ory: Sarah L. Kaufman, Washington Post Reviews – Footnote Dance, Lifeworld (in five parts), Wellington: Ann Hunt, Dominion Post Sam Trubridge, Theatreview Video – London, “City of Dance”: Rashid Razaq, Evening Standard Carmel Smith, Londondance Review – Quarantine, Wallflower, London: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Reviews – Burn the Floor, Fire in the Ballroom, London: Neil Norman, The Stage Howard Loxton, BTG Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard Preview – Company Chordelia, Lady Macbeth: unsex me here, Aberdeen: Mary Brennan, Herald Diaries: - New York next week: NY Times - Boston area: Boston Globe Mini Feature – Harrison James, NBC’s newest Principal: Brad Wheeler, Globe and Mail Teen Feature – ABT’s Isabella Boylston: Lily Puckett, Teen Vogue
  5. Links – Thursday 20 October, 2016 Obituary – Yvette Chauviré: Anna Kisselgoff, NY Times Feature – Frederick Ashton’s Symphonic Variations: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – Royal Ballet, Le Pony Mal Gardé, London: Clement Crisp, Financial Times Tour Reviews – English National Ballet, Giselle (Khan), Bristol: Rosemary Waugh, Exeunt Polly Hember, On The Beat Aaron Sims, Gazette Nicola Yeeles, Bristol 24/7 Sheridan Robins, N Somerset Times Tour Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Exodus, Four Corners, After The Rain, Revelations, Edinburgh: Mary Brennan, Herald News – Expanded Jacob’s Pillow Season, 2016-17: Staff, Boston Globe Review – Company Wayne McGregor, Entity, London: Sara Veale, Fjord Review Preview – Lauren Fadeley/Miami City Ballet, Giselle, Miami: Guillermo Perez, Miami New Times Review – Ochre Dance, Kaya (Hello), Perth: Varnya Bromilow, West Australian News – Addressing gender imbalance across the Arts: Carmel Smith, Londondance Preview – Joffrey Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Pastor), Chicago: Eloise Valadez, 219.NWI.com News – L.A. Dance Project, Acts for the Blind, After the Rain, Homecoming, On the Other Side, LA: Kate Wertheimer, Time Out LA Exhibition – Rodin and Dance, Courtauld Gallery, London: Rachel Campbell-Johnston, The Times Review – Company XIV, Paris; Helen Simoneau Danse, Land Bridge, NY: Leigh Witchel, Danceviewtimes Reviews – Danish Dance Theatre, Black Diamond, DC: Rebecca Ritzel, Washington Post George Jackson, Danceviewtimes News – San Francisco Dance Film Festival: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner Reviews – Deborah Hay, Choreographer, LA: - Jeanine Durning & Ros Warby, As Holy Sites Go/duet, LA: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance - Dancers from Cullberg Ballet, Figure a Sea: Jane Rosenberg, Seen and Heard
  6. Taking up the issue of the apparent difficulty of creating a satisfactory ballet from The Tempest and the suggestions that there might be a reasonable one-act piece somewhere in there, I'm taken back at least 10 years to when Cathy Marston was choreographer in-residence for what was, I think, then called ROH2. When Tom Adès Tempest opera was premiered upstairs on the main stage, she was asked to create something in parallel for The Linbury and came up with Before the tempest ..... after the storm. As the title suggests, this was in two distinct parts that bracket Shakespeare's original. As I recall it now, Before dealt with the birth of Caliban - dark, pretty grotesque and hard going. After took Ariel's story on and was a good deal airier and more enjoyable than the first part, set as I recall mainly on Jenny Tattersall. http://www.cathymarston.com/beforethetempest.html
  7. ..... other views are available.
  8. For clarity, I've modified the titles of your two posts .... having been just on the verge of deleting one as a duplicate!
  9. It'll soon be time for our quadrennial reminder on how the US Electoral College works, given that voters are actually choosing 'electors' on a state by state basis, and that they in turn elect the President and Vice-President: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-college/about.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15764542 If it's a close call, this process can prove highly significant for the final outcome.
  10. Links – Sunday 9 October, 2016 Reviews – Carlos Acosta, The Classical Farewell, London: Luke Jennings, Observer David Jays, Sunday Times Reviews – Michael Clark Company, to a simple, rock n’ roll….song, London: Luke Jennings, Observer Mark Monahan, Telegraph Review – Birmingham Royal Ballet, The Tempest, Birmingham: David Jays, Sunday Times Review – Washington Ballet, 40th Anniversary Celebration, DC: Oksana Khadarina, DanceTabs Review – Ballet Black, Cristaux, To Begin, Begin, Storyville, London: Howard Loxton, BTG Review – Fall for Dance, Program 5 (East/West Mix), NY: Tom Phillips, Danceviewtimes Gallery – CCN Ballet de Lorraine, Unknown Pleasures, London: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Film – Dance Theatre of San Francisco, Unspoken: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner Review – Pennsylvania Ballet II, Mixed Bill, Philadelphia: Debra Danese, Dance Journal
  11. Links – Saturday 8 October, 2016 Review – Royal Ballet, La Fille Mal Gardée (Hayward, Sambé), London: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Review – Mark Morris Dance Group/Silk Road Ensemble, Layla and Majnun, Seattle: Michael Upchurch, Seattle Times Review – Scottish Ballet, Drawn to Drone, Sibilo, Emergence, Glasgow: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Tour Preview – Scottish Ballet, Drawn to Drone, Sibilo, Inverness: Susan Welsh, Press & Journal Tour Preview – Birmingham Royal Ballet, The Tempest, Sunderland: Viv Hardwick, Northern Echo Interviews - Cassa Pancho, AD at Ballet Black: Will Longman, What's On Stage + a piece on BBC Woman's Hour Review – TAO Dance Theatre, 6, 8, London: Ka Bradley, Exeunt Gallery – Cairo Opera Ballet, Spartacus: Bassam Al Zoghby, Ahram Online Review – Shen Wei, Neither, NY: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Preview – Platform 2016: Lost and Found remembers those killed by AIDS: Brian Seibert, NY Times News – Paul Taylor American Modern Dance, 3 Premieres next March, NY: Joshua Barone, NY Times Review – Cullberg Ballet/Deborah Hay, Figure a Sea, Montclair, NJ: Siobhan Burke, NY TImes Review – NY Quadrille, Triple Choreographer Bill, NY: Brian Seibert, NY Times Interview – NYCB’s Ashley Bouder: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Review – Lux Aeterna Dance Company, Punctum Saliens; Compagnie Par Terre, Autarcie, LA: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance News Plus: Have you seen the World’s Largest Tutu? Guinness World Records
  12. Sim: Thank you, all now clear - and naughty Telegraph running that review again with today's date. It looked all wrong and so won't now be in tomorrow's Links.
  13. As the ROH "What's On" pages only look forwards, can someone tell me - were there two Hayward/Sambé performances yesterday, a Schools Matinee and another in the evening?
  14. Links – Friday 7 October, 2016 Feature – Balanchine’s Serenade: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – New York City Ballet, The season thus far, NY: Robert Gottlieb, NY Observer Interview – Virginia Johnson, AD at Dance Theater of Harlem: Roger Catlin, Washington Post Reviews – Carlos Acosta, The Classical Farewell, London: Sarah Crompton, What'sOnStage Rachel Elderkin, Fjord Review Emily May, A Younger Theatre Emily Baxter-Derrington, The Panoptic Reviews – Birmingham Royal Ballet, The Tempest, Birmingham: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Geoff Read, Seen and Heard Phil Preece, Lichfield Live Paul Kemp, Tamworth Herald Review – Scottish Ballet, Drawn to Drone, Sibilo, Glasgow: Lorna Irvine, Fjord Review Review – English National Ballet, Giselle (Khan), Manchester: Kelly Apter, The List Reviews – TAO Dance Theater, 6, 8, London: Debra Craine, The Times Siobhan Murphy, Londondance Gallery - Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Stream Preview – Bolshoi Ballet, The Golden Age: Priscilla Frank, Huffington Post Stream Review – Australian Ballet, The Sleeping Beauty: Hanna Weibye, Arts Desk Video Preview – Ballet Black, Triple Bill, London: Amy Ashenden, Jessica King, Evening Standard Review – NY Quadrille/Tere O’Connor Dance, Undersweet, Transcendental Daughter, NY: Marina Harss, DanceTabs Review – Dorrancedance, The Blues Project, DC: George Jackson, Danceviewtimes Feature – Christine and the Queens: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Book Review – Misty Copeland, Gregg Delman: Joel Benjamin, TheaterScene Review – Tempo Dance Festival, FRESH, Auckland: Dione Joseph, NZ Herald Review – 35th Annual Alberta Dance Festival: Marie France Forcier, Dance Current Review – WIFE, Enter The Cave, LA: Victoria Looseleaf, Fjord Review Diaries: - UK Next Week: Judith Mackrell, Guardian - New York Next Week: NY Times - Boston Area: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe
  15. Links – Thursday 6 October, 2016 Feature – Why South Africa is producing remarkable dancers: Carlos Amato, Economist 1843 News – Alexei Ratmansky/American Ballet Theatre, Whipped Cream: Michael Cooper, NY Times Pia Catton, WSJ Reviews – Carlos Acosta, The Classical Farewell, London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Margaret Willis, Bachtrack Donald Hutera, The Times Anna Winter, Exeunt Feature – Kobborg, Cojocaru and the Bucharest business: Marina Harss, NY Times Review – English National Ballet, Giselle (Khan), Manchester: Donald Hutera, Spectator Reviews – Birmingham Royal Ballet, The Tempest, Birmingham: Neil Norman, The Stage Laura Jayne Bateman, Reviews Hub Emma Cann, BWW Review – New York City Ballet, Balanchine Bill x5, NY: Carol Pardo, Danceviewtimes Review – Mark Morris Dance Group/Silk Road Ensemble, Layla and Majnun, Berkeley: Paul Parish, Bay Area Reporter Review – Mark Morris Dance Group, Mozart Dances, NY: Susan Yung, Brooklyn Rail Review – Smuin Ballet, Dance Series 01 Bill, SF: Rachel Howard, Fjord Review Gallery – Rambert, The Future 2016, London: Stephen Wright, DanceTabs Interview – Jamila Johnson-Small: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Reviews – Michael Parmenter, Insolent River, Auckland: Raewyn Whyte, NZ Herald Sarah Knox, Theatreview Feature – The Nicholas Brothers, Fred Astaire’s Heroes: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Preview – Danish Dance Theater, Black Diamond, NY: Jack Anderson, NY Times News – National Ballet of China to raise the Red Lantern in Manila: AP, The Republic News – USC opens on-campus International Dance Center: Deborah Vankin, LA Times Feature – Joffrey Ballet & Marriott Hotels: Carmine Gallo, Forbes Interview – Steven Melendez of NYTB: Gillian Jakab, Brooklyn Rail Report – Jill Sigman/thinkdance, Weed Heart, NY: Erica Getto, Brooklyn Rail Review – Nora Chipaumire, Portrait of myself as my father, NY: Ivan Talijancic, Brooklyn Rail And …… Dancing Hillary into the White House? Emma-Lee Moss, Guardian
  16. Links – Wednesday 5 October, 2016 Reviews – Carlos Acosta, The Classical Farewell, London: Hanna Weibye, Arts Desk Louise Levene, Financial Times Mark Monahan, Telegraph Zoë Anderson, Independent Graham Watts, Londondance Vera Liber, BTG Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard - Gallery: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs - Gallery: Roy Tan, BWW Review – Paris Opera Ballet, The Seasons’ Canon (Pite), Paris: Jade Larine, Fjord Review Review – New York City Ballet, New Works Bill, NY: Andrew Blackmore-Dobbyn, Bachtrack Review – Yorke Dance Project, Sea of Troubles, (MacMIllan) & others, London: Clement Crisp, Financial Times - Gallery: Dave Morgan, DanceTabs Review – Smuin Ballet, Indigo, Stabat Mater, Madness, Rack and Honey, SF: Terez Rose, Bachtrack Review – Nichole Canuso Dance Company, Pandaemonium, NY: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs Review – Avant Garde Dance/Tony Adigun, Fagin’s Twist, London: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Review – NY Quadrille & Pan Tanowitz Dance, X, Sequenzas in Quadrilles, NY: Robert Greskovic, WSJ Review – Gary Clarke, COAL, Glasgow: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – Anne Nguyen, Graphic Cyphers, Autarcie, NY: Brian Seibert, NY Times Preview – Mark Morris Dance Group, Layla and Majnun, Seattle: Thomas May, Seattle Times Review – Fall for Dance Festival, Program 1, NY: Marianne Adams, Danceviewtimes News – Sydney Dance Company 2017 Programme: Elissa Blake, Sydney Morning Herald News – West Australian Ballet in 2017: Valerie Lawson, Dancelines And from the potpourri that was World Ballet Day (if you had a steady connection): 1. “Ballerinas Are The New Rock Stars”: Elle UK 2. Did you know any of these things? Official London Theatre 3. The similarities between Wine and Ballet: Wine Spectator 4. Gallery – 12 of the greatest ballerinas of all time: Telegraph
  17. Just tried the SFB page - after less than 15 seconds with Canada, I was back with the Bolshoi. But it's chorus rehearsal tonight for a concert on Saturday so I'm about to stop worrying about World Ballet Day.
  18. Each time I come back in on my desktop, I get these interview returns. By contrast, down the other end of the house, my wife has had it on constantly on her iPad for some time without trouble!
  19. If your Times access permits, and you wish to read about Carlo Acosta's pursuit of the girl who is now his wife, and her angle on it all, this Magazine feature from today's ST may be for you: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/magazine/the-sunday-times-magazine/relative-values-the-cuban-ballet-superstar-carlos-acosta-and-his-english-wife-charlotte-holland-nn98vql93 Failing that, go out and buy a copy!
  20. ENB has released a number of fairly striking images from the production, including some that look to me as if the photographer was onstage: http://giselle.ballet.org.uk/photography/production-images Regrettably, I can't see one of Begoña Cao's "strikingly beautiful and gorgeously costumed" Bathilde - I quote Graham Watts, in today's Links for Bachtrack. And the Wilis do look scarier than in 'accustomed' productions.
  21. Not often that we see a New York Times review for ENB - see today's Links - and for a premiere away from London? Roslyn Sulcas makes similar points on the narrative flow being made elsewhere, but is highly enthusiastic. Tamara Rojo is clearly doing something right.
  22. Judith Mackrell's 4* review for tomorrow's Guardian is enthusiastic, whilst making points on the narrative that she feels require to be fixed: https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2016/sep/28/giselle-review-akram-khan-english-national-ballet And I note that Terpsichore made parallel points in her Blog review - see #28, above.
  23. Lynette: Yes, I clearly missed that Economist article for Links Last week - the magazine is not one we normally cover and it doesn't provide very frequent Dance coverage, but I'll add it to my 'occasional' list. Many thanks!
  24. Links – Saturday 24 September, 2016 Feature – Akram Khan, creating a Giselle for English National Ballet: Debra Craine, The Times *** Feature – Crystal Pite, Dance as a Mother Tongue: Sarah Crompton, OP Magazine NY Feature – The Joyce Theater Confronts Its Own Staleness: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Reviews – Houston Ballet, Madame Butterfly (Welch), Son of Chamber Symphony, Houston: Olivia Flores Alvarez, Houston Press Theodore Bale, Houston Chronicle Diaries: - 3 of the UK best next week: Judith Mackrell, Guardian - Shanghai, October – December: Xu Wei, Shanghai Daily Review – Jamaal Burkmar, New Adventures Choreographer Winner, Storm, The Calm, 16 Bars, London: Katie Columbus, Londondance Review – West Wave Dance Festival, Mixed Programs, SF: Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes Review – Melbourne Fringe Festival, Two Programmes, Newport: Gracia Haby, Fjord Review Review – Pilobolus, Shadowland, Calgary: Stephan Bonfield, Calgary Herald Review – Marc Brew Company, MayBe, Glasgow: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – Jo Kreiter/Flyaway Productions, Grace and Delia Are Gone, SF: Mary Ellen Hunt, SF Chronicle Review – Minnesota Ballet, Mixed Bill, Duluth: Lawrence Bernabo, Duluth News Tribune *** This feature should be available to those who have registered for the limited Times access recently announced.
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