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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Links – Friday 3 February, 2017 Feature – New Faces and Bodies at New York City Ballet: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – New York City Ballet, Allegro Brillante, Swan Lake, Four Temperaments, NY: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Review – New York City Ballet, Fearful Symmetries, Shimmering Asphalt, Times Are Racing, NY: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Reviews – German Cornejo, Tango Fire, London: Clement Crisp, Financial Times Mark Monahan, Telegraph Neil Norman, The Stage Neil Norman, Express Gallery – Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Feature – Natalia Osipova & Sergei Polunin, Dance Me To The End of Love: Sarah Crompton, Economist Opinion – Dance not for you? No wonder with titles like these: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Feature – Little Dancer came back to life for one night: Staff, Playbill Feature – Yolande Duvernay, French ballerina wealthier than Queen Victoria: Elinor Evans, BBC History Extra Review – Spilling Ink Productions, Alekhya, Washington DC: George Jackson, Danceviewtimes Review - Film Series – The OA: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Diary – Next Week in New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Review – Sydney Dance Festival 2017, Four Companies: Deborah Jones, FollowSpot Review - Resolution 2017, London, A different Triple Bill each night: - 1 February, Siobhan Murphy & Fergus McIntosh, The Place
  2. Dansomanie were saying so on Twitter some hours ago, with this link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BQA7yALBhWs/ So it looks like the real word, from the lady herself.
  3. Links – Thursday 2 February, 2017 Reviews – Mariinsky Ballet, The Little Humpbacked Horse, DC: Sarah L. Kaufman, Washington Post Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – New York City Ballet, Early Season Programs, New York; Robert Greskovic, Wall St Journal Review – San Francisco Ballet, Programs 1 and 2, SF: Paul Parish, Bay Area Reporter Review – San Francisco Ballet, Prog 2 - Haffner Symphony, Fragile Vessels, In the Countenance of Kings, SF: Pamela Feinsilber, Huffington Post Review – Sarasota Ballet, Valses Nobles et Sentimentales, Before Night Falls, Changing Light, Sarasota: Anna Dearing, YourObserver.com News – Mariinsky Ballet to visit Washington DC next season: Staff, Sputnik News Preview Feature – Dance Theatre of Harlem: Matthew Godbey, Charleston Scene Review – Company Wayne McGregor, Atomos, College Park, MD: George Jackson, Danceviewtimes News – The Loves of Mars and Venus returning to London after 300 years: Nicky Sweetland, London News Online Review – German Cornejo & Gisela Galeassi, Tango Fire, London: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Feature – Urbanity Dance – coaching a chorus to move: Michelle Thomas, Boston Herald News – Peter London Global Dance Company a highlight of Black History Month: Dorothy Jenkins Fields, Miami Herald News – 15th Chicago Flamenco Festival lineup: Doug George, Chicago Tribune Reports – Four Events in New York in December and Early January: Brooklyn Rail Review - Resolution 2017, London, A different Triple Bill each night: - 31 January, Graham Watts and Ruby Embley: The Place Who knew? World Tutu Day? ABC News
  4. I went yesterday, thankfully somewhat prepared by the Insight event, so I was not totally mystified by what was going on. Nonetheless, I tend to agree with others who felt that the multiplication of dancing personalities began to wear a bit thin and, I would say, rather dissipated the effect of the ending. And given that the ROH had used that distinctive shot of Zenaida Yanowsky and Edward Watson for all its pre-publicity for the show, I would not mind betting that a fair number of people bought tickets under something of a misapprehension that it would be dance-heavy. Nonetheless, I'm pleased that I saw it, though I'm not at all sure that I'd want to see this particular production repeated - and yesterday's performance was very well received, I must say, a good deal more than folk just being polite. I trust I might be permitted to add that Ms Yanowsky does not look like someone contemplating retirement in 6 months or so - some gorgeous moments and, for the memory book, a picture of her perched on the edge of a bath during the Prologue cheekily and suggestively undressing a doll. Naughty Zen! And congratulations to one and all for coping with the repeated, seemingly random, going up and down steps and in and out of doors, windows, whatever - and remembering when beds or baths had to be pushed and to where. Zany! I wonder if any of them wore a Fitbit-type device one day, just to see what the step count was? Edited to add: Ms Ferri, whom I spotted during the Interval, had clearly decided to put a day off from Woolf Works to good use.
  5. Sarah, let me echo Janet's welcome and, with your background, I'd look forward to hearing from you elsewhere on the Forum - please don't confine yourself to the Doing Dance area!
  6. Aileen: I received an email from the ROH this morning, and I think there were also some pre-warning ones in recent weeks.
  7. Links – Sunday 22 January, 2017 Preview – Royal Ballet, Les Enfants Terribles, London: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Reviews – English National Ballet, Giselle (Skeaping), London: Luke Jennings, Observer Sarah Crompton, Sunday Times Review – New York City Ballet, La Sonnambula, Prodigal Son, Firebird, NY: Carol Pardo, Danceviewtimes Review – Miami City Ballet, Serenade, Carousel PDD, Calcium Light Night, Glass Pieces, Palm Beach: Susan Fulks, Palm Beach Daily News Review – DANCE!: Odyssey Theatre, The Last One, Los Angeles: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance Review – Joli Vyann/Jonathan Lunn, Imbalance, London: Ka Bradley, Exeunt Feature – Shura Baryshnikov & Danielle Davidson, the Doppelganger Dance Collective: Iris Fanger, Telegram Reviews - Resolution 2017, London, A different Triple Bill each night: - 17 January – Jeffery Taylor, Sunday Express - 20 January – Josephine Leask & Erin Whitcroft, The Place
  8. Links – Saturday 21 January, 2017 Obituary – Designer Peter Farmer: David Jays, Guardian Preview – Royal Ballet, Woolf Works, London: J.G., The Economist Review – New York City Ballet, La Sonnambula, New York: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Review – National Ballet of Canada, Onegin, Ottawa: Evelyn Cimesa, Ottawa Citizen Reviews– San Francisco Ballet, 2017 Gala Performance, SF: Allan Ulrich, SF Chronicle Leslie Katz, SF Examiner (Scroll down – the second half is really there.) + Leah Garchik, SF Chronicle Feature – Choreographer Pontus Lidberg at New York City Ballet: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Interview – Benjamin Millepied, mostly on Reset and his time in Paris: Stephanie Eckardt, W Magazine Review – Ballet Nacional de Cuba, Cascanueces/Nutcracker (Alonso), Havana: Gay Morris, Danceviewtimes Interview – Will Tuckett at Sarasota Ballet: Carrie Seidman, Sarasota Herald-Tribune News – Joffrey Ballet, Year of the Rabbit, Infra, Fool’s Paradise, Chicago: Staff, BWW News – Hubbard Street Dance announces Spring Program: Staff, BWW News – Royal Academy of Dance confirms plans for new HQ: RAD News – Amartey Golding, his Royal Ballet brother, and a London Art Fair showstopper: Louisa Buck, The Art Newspaper Review – Alonzo King LINES Ballet, Biophony, Sand, Atlanta: Lakshmi Raju, Technique Review – Spectrum Dance Theater, Shot, Seattle: Michael Upchurch, Seattle Times Review – Joli Vyann/Jonathan Lunn, Imbalance, London: Samantha Whitaker, Londondance Review – Lightning Series, Dance Performances, LA area: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance Feature – Hong Kong Ballet, Cinderella for youngsters + Japanese narrative: Josiah Ng, TimeOut HK Review – Dancenorth, Spectra, Sydney: Michelle Potter, ... on dancing Review - Resolution 2017, London, A different Triple Bill each night: 19 January – Graham Watts & Fiona Yates, The Place
  9. Links – Friday 20 January, 2017 Review – New York City Ballet, Balanchine - Allegro Brillante, Swan Lake, Four Temperaments, New York: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Feature – Alexei Ratmansky & The Fairy’s Kiss: Joan Acocella, New Yorker Tour Review – Scottish Ballet, Hansel and Gretel, Aberdeen: Rebecca Buchan, The Press & Journal Podcast – with Wayne McGregor talking from 23.30 to end: Financial Times Video – Justin Peck & Robbie Fairchild take over a subway station: Alexandria Symonds, NY Times Diaries; - Winter Season in Chicago: Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times - The Coming Week in New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Review – Joli Vyann/Jonathan Lunn, Imbalance, London: Donald Hutera, The Times Preview – Ludovic Ondiviela/Gandini Juggling, 4X4: Ephemeral Architectures, North Bethesda: Roger Catlin, Washington Post Feature – Julie Fiorenza of Jessica Lang Dance: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe Interview – Choreographer Hagit Yakira: Staff, Londondance Review – Moscow City Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Golovanov), Richmond, London: Rachel Elderkin, The Stage Review – Jan Martens, Sweat Baby Sweat, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Reviews – Martin del Amo/FORM Dance Projects, Champions, Sydney: Valerie Lawson, Dancelines Jill Sykes, Sydney Morning Herald Preview – Australian Ballet, Storytime Ballet: The Nutcracker, Canberra: Ron Cerabona, The Age Gallery – The 2017 San Francisco Ballet Gala Glitterati: SF Chronicle & SF Chronicle/2 Review - Resolution 2017, London, A different Triple Bill each night: 18 January: Siobhan Murphy & Maria Hardcastle, The Place
  10. And now it's Dancers taking over a New York subway station; https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/19/t-magazine/art/justin-peck-nyc-ballet-times-racing.html?_r=0
  11. Links – Thursday 19 January, 2017 Tribute – The Art of Martha Swope: Carol Rosegg, American Theatre Review – New York City Ballet, La Sonnambula, Prodigal Son Extract, Firebird, NY: Alastair Macaulay, NY TImes Review – English National Ballet, Giselle (Skeaping), London: Sara Veale, DanceTabs Preview – Sarasota Ballet, Valses Nobles Et Sentimentales & others, Sarasota: Nick Friedman, YourObserver.com News Clip – Sergei Polunin sits for sculpture in London: Reuters Preview – New York City Ballet, New Combinations, NY: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Feature – The Rockettes …. And The Inauguration: Katie Rogers & Gia Kourlas, NY Times Film Previews – Screendance Miami: Jordan Levin, Miami Herald Catherine Annie Hollingsworth, Miami New Times News – San Francisco dance school cleared to seek damages: Bob Egelko, SF Chronicle Preview – Pilobolus, Shadowland, Houston: Molly Glentzer, Houston Chronicle Reviews - Resolution 2017, London, A different Triple Bill each night: 14 January: Ka Bradley, Exeunt 17 January: Lyndsey Winship & Fergus McIntosh, The Place -- Gallery – Lidia Crisafulli, DanceTabs
  12. I'm uncertain when this detail appeared on the ROH website - and my apologies if it's old news - but I see that Zenaida's final London performance will be on Wednesday 7 June, with Roberto Bolle, in (as announced) Marguerite and Armand. And the performances that night are to be filmed!
  13. Links – Wednesday 18 January, 2017 Review – Zürich Ballet, Anna Karenina, Zürich: Sarah Batschelet, Bachtrack Review – Rome Opera Ballet, La Chauve-Souris, Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Previews – New York City Ballet, La Sonnambula, New York: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Gia Kourlas, NY Times News – Los Angeles Opera, Joffrey Ballet, John Neumeier Co-Production, Orphée et Eurydice: Deborah Vankin, LA Times Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times John von Rhein, Chicago Tribune Review – Boy Blue Entertainment, Blak Whyte Gray, London: Donald Hutera, The Times Review/Q&A – Alexandra Bachzetsis, Massacre: Variations on a Theme, MOMA, New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times News – London Mayor to assess Dance in capital: Christy Romer, Arts Professional Reviews – Resolution 2017, London – Catch-up on 12/13/14 January: The Place Reviews – Dorrance Dance, SOUNDspace, a Petite Suite + others, Boston: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe Marcia B. Siegel, Arts Fuse Preview – Meg Stuart, Solo performances, San Francisco: Leba Hertz, SF Chronicle Feature – How to survive a 16-hour Dance Marathon: Nicole Brodeur, Seattle Times Photo Feature – Kenya’s Slum Ballet School: Fredrik Lerneryd, Guardian
  14. 13 reviews of that First Night in today's Links, plus Dave Morgan's photo gallery - with just the FT still to come, that's possibly a record for the number we've listed for the same show on a single day. And the critics all liked it - a lot!
  15. I found the YouTube link unresponsive, very much like the still picture Duck mentions, but then had no problem by going via the ROH website link.
  16. Well, the Live Stream has just finished and I'd say that it's going to be a challenging but, I hope, fascinating experience!
  17. Dear, dear Sim: I'd quite forgotten that - it takes me back to being just an hour back up Interstate 80 from San Francisco, 1970-72!
  18. Simon: 1. Go to your Photobucket area. 2. Select a photo, and wait till it appears on its own. 3. You should see that photo with 4 alternative Sharing options listed to its right. 4. Click into the URL shown in the Direct box - it should go yellow and say "Copied." 5. Move to a new post box on here and, when the toolbar is revealed, click on the Link symbol - ie the chainlink with a + sign. 6. Paste the copied URL into the box that will appear and click "OK." 7. You should see a link appear as under: http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc463/Old141Nav/Loos%20Map.jpg
  19. Today's Sunday Times Culture supplement has a 2-page feature on Xander Parish. (One page is a photo.) And Ed Watson's financial doings are featured on the backpage of the Money section. The Culture supplement also includes a David Dougill review of Mad Hatter's Tea Party and a brief mention of a RB Sleeping Beauty performance.
  20. Links – Saturday 7 January, 2017 Feature – Merce Cunningham’s Multifaceted Mirror: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – Coil Festival, Hamilton & Macindoe, Meeting, New York: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Preview – Company Wayne McGregor, Atomos, Seattle: Alice Kaderlan, Seattle pi Feature – Malpaso, Cuban Contemporary Dance Company: Helena Alonso Paisley, Miami New Times Interview – Ohad Naharin (Batsheva Dance) on developing Gaga: Martha Schabas, Globe and Mail UK Diaries: - Next Week: Judith Mackrell, Guardian - This Spring: Jessie Thompson, Evening Standard Feature – Marge Hendrick, Scottish Ballet’s Evil Witch: Scott Begbie, Aberdeen Evening Express Review – China National Opera & Dance Drama Theatre, Confucius, New York: Joel Benjamin, TheaterScene Feature – A viral photo paving the way for Ballet in 2017: Priscilla Frank, Huffington Post Final Nut Review of the Season? – Pennsylvania Ballet, Philadelphia: Carole Mallory, Huffington Post And ….. Cocktail Mixing and Ballet Class: Rebecca Strassberg, Thrillist
  21. Links – Friday 6 January, 2017 Review – Semperoper Ballett Dresden, Impressing the Czar, Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Reviews – Zoo Nation, The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, London: Debra Craine, The Times Louise Levene, Financial Times Neil Norman, The Stage Mark Monahan, Telegraph Zoë Anderson, Independent Howard Loxton, BTG News – Next Week in New York: Staff, NY Times
  22. It was, of course, in Wednesday's Links ..... because it didn't reach the Evening Standard online till shortly after I'd finished on Tuesday morning and we have a rule that, once we've finished the trawl and posted, that's it till next day!
  23. Links – Thursday 5 January, 2017 Tribute – Peter Farmer, Designer: Valerie Lawson, Dancelines Review – Hong Kong Ballet, The Nutcracker (Kohler), HK: Kevin Ng, TimeOut HK Review – Zoo Nation, The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, London: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Review – Shobana Jeyasingh/Noora Kela, Rodin and Dance: The Essence of Movement, London: Erin Whitcroft, Independent Preview – Sharon Eyal/L-E-V & Bobbi Jene Smith, OCD Love & A Study in Effort, New York: Brian Schaefer, NY Times Review – Northern Ballet, Beauty and The Beast, Leeds: Michelle Rawlins, The Mirror Preview – Malpaso, Various Programmes, Miami & Palm Beach: Jordan Levin, Miami Herald News – San Francisco Ballet Adult Ballet Workshop: Janos Gereben, SF Classical Voice (Scroll down) Review – Schpando, This Desiring Pony, Toronto: Victoria McKenzie, Dance Current
  24. Links – Wednesday 4 January, 2017 Review – Royal Ballet, Sleeping Beauty (Takada, Hay), London: Jann Parry, DanceTabs Interview – Edward Watson, Royal Ballet Principal: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Feature – San Francisco Ballet’s Orchestra & Spring Season: Janos Gereben, SF Classical Voice News – David Hallberg returns to American Ballet Theater: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times News – Pennsylvania Ballet fires Sara Michelle Murawski: Ellen Dunkel, Philly.com Preview – London International Mime Festival 2017: Jessie Thompson, Evening Standard Review – Ballet Nacional Sodre, Coppélia (Martinez), Barcelona: Graham Watts, Bachtrack Exhibition – David Gordon: Archiveography- Under Construction, New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Feature – Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP), New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times News – Rockettes Company unhappy over Inauguration coverage: Katie Rogers, NY Times Film Review – Ballerina: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian
  25. Links – Tuesday 3 January, 2017 Review – Pasodos Dance Company, El Principito, Palma: Graham Watts, DanceTabs Feature – Memorable Performances 2016 – London: Lynette Halewood, DanceTabs Review – Scot:Lands - Various Edinburgh New Year Performances: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Film Features – La La Land: The power of dance to tell a story: Sarah L Kaufman, Washington Post Sandy Cohen, Boston Globe Books – Best Dance Books of 2016, and others: Wendy Perron, Blog Feature – The Contradictions of Ballerinas: Erin Blakemore, JStor Daily Feature – Joffrey Ballet School’s Dublin Auditions: Christie Seaver: Irish Times
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